Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 149 3-25. Angel Ji Na


Angel Ji Na, a daughter of the sacred angel.

The angel's adult is divided into two kinds. One is the maturity of refersity, that is, the age of birth, usually after the angels are 18 years old, it is become an adult body.

Another is to calculate with mind, which generally refers to the angels after five hundred years of abstaining, calling it.

And the mother of Ji Na is the kind of birth year, but freely martial arts and angels who have shown ultore understanding and application capabilities are broken into the army, and they will have a horses for the expansion of the angels. Therefore, they will give the title again. The name of the sacred angel is therefore.

However, the sacred angel is still giving such a high-honor, so that many old family is very dissatisfied, but it is not good for her outstanding war and the next few times in the event, there is no one. People dare to say, and therefore, they are gifted by the angels who are willing to retreat, and she is married to the next Angel.

But the sacred angel of advocating love has already had a favorite person, and naturally did not agree, even in the court, he publicly expressed his own point of view.

Her did not fall from this time, however, the next king pair she sent her love (after all, the two played together from a child, and it is also a blueme bamboo horse), and it is therefore, there is still no one dare to make the sacred angel. What actions are made.

Until 30 years ago, in a battle with the Shennian, the sacred angel was filled, leaving only the angel Ji Na.

In life, the sadness of the money didn't care, after death, it can be said that there is no property for Hi Na, only gives Ji Ni, who has just been in addition to anyone who can't be opened.

Ji Na, who has just been adults, has no ability to maintain this lost pillar.

The family collapsed and lost the umbrella was crowded by others. She took the only one that had not left yet - Angel's mighty night, soon she fell to the realm of the lower angel, until this time, the appearance, there is no Hi Na, who is concerned, remembered again, so he was lost.

But things are not so simple.

After the sacred angel, the current alternative king - the angel is pulled, with a very fast speed, maybe it seems that there is nothing, the future of the future is to launch a secret investigation.

Although there is no result, everyone has a guess, after all, even have recently remembered that the people of Ji Na is also a mulberry.

...... Get a paper of the weddler, who finally returned to the long-lost Wang Palace, and saw the king that is about to be detached.

After that, she was taken to the palace specialized to prepare for the ceremony with Cheng Jie.

Perhaps this is the reason for this little girl, or the look of her livestock on her face, let people feel that she has no threat to relax and vigilance.

But in fact, Ji Na, which is abrasived in the lower layer, is not like her surface.

In the past few years, a small group weaving of the Ministry of Migrant workers began to participate in local political activities, relatively open athens and contradictions in the system, so that this small group weave continuously, the party is a male angel, but actual control The entire organization is actually Ji Na himself.

She knows that if their own move is discovered by those who are still not tried over, she will be in the way, so she controls the way of this organization is also very simple.

She brought into the set of shares and mastered the 51% of the actual power stocks and 15% of the asset stocks, and all the structures in the entire party were set by her, and there was no one after that. Become a new member of the upper layer.

The method is very simple, but the system is also very fragile, so she actively uses hatred emotions (the superior person has a story) gives them brainwashing, every time you need public speaking, although she can't stand up, but the person standing up, from the clothes The action criteria in the process of apparel into the speech, and then the speech and every detail are trained by Hi Na.

Of course, the light is not enough, she induces member's crime, then privately collected the black material of all of them, and it is enough for each of them being crossed for decades (the angel family, even the lower level, involved The judgment of problems such as prosperity and transactions is also very strict).

For example, she used to secretly hire the fifteen female angels to play, and then gave the top of the high-level personnel who had a banquet on the same day, and the result is that after these people wake up, Hi Na has retaeded a lot of evidence.

I have been waiting for this for a few months, and people will release the wind, but I can't remind them. In you, someone masters your black material.

The effect is ... There are countless party high-level high-rise to seek her help, and she only needs to leave a "I will find out that person", I can do everything.

Of course, there is no such good control, but they all closer, and the cause is very simple - accident.

Under the development of a few years, the true leadership of this organization hidden in the dark, this rumors did not walk, but most people were generous and passionately passionately passioned with him in the speaker. The most dissatisfied words of the empire are confused by the kind of seeing everything.

Such a person, which will determine the power, the target is clear, how can it be a puppet - many people think so.

But in fact, it is just an excellent actor with a performance talent.

As for those who don't believe it or do to find truth ... they all disappeared in the corner of no one night.

With such a means, Ji Na made a achievement, but she understood that the lies she constructed were sacrificed sooner or later, and the moment of destroying was the moment that he did nothing.

Therefore, she never deceived, whether it is in the day, when she is fighting for work, she still eats the eyes of food, or the emotional emotions, and she is performing.

At night, she carefully looked at the dark streets, and ran home, replaced with another clothes, and another performance began.

In the evening theater, she is the actual leader of the Ministry of Migrant Workers. She is unable to exist. Her way will not be ignored, using high pressure, fear and anger, she successfully maintains this lie, successfully maintains their survival and her own Revenge.

But everything plans to be chaos with the arrival of Cheng Jie.

When she received the paper weddings, her brain broke out, but on her face, she fell out of exciting tears, and it seems to be happy with himself to return to the palace.


Since receiving the weddings, Ji Na will invade, thinking of future plans in the mind, but thinking, no matter how it can't avoid it.

In the end, after being received by the Royal Palace, she ordered her only servant from the angel. I met the night with Cheng Jie. It judge whether Cheng Jie can be used, or at least not constitute an obstacle, if constitutes an obstacle, So long time, I have to remove him, which is the reason why Cheng Jie saw the might in his own star ship.

But because Cheng Jie will temporarily have a solar system, until the arrival of Ji Na arrive, there is no news in the might.

Just when she was prepared to go directly to the command, the news of the might came, and her judgment of Cheng Jie was such that Cheng Jie suffered a more serious blow, and did not care about himself, even The bride will not be intended to run in the evening of the new marriage, and Cheng Jie does not have any belongings to the empire, both sides are purely useful.

After receiving this news, Hi Na was very peaceful.

And the fact is true, after the ceremony of the two, should be her and Cheng Jie according to the normal process ... Use the earth to talk into the hole, and talk to the flower willow with the angel.

However, after the unnamed time of Tong Cheng Jieng, Ji Na was cold, and after the cold martial arts, she arranged her after the might of the might.

Ji Na hit time, although I have to prepare for it, but if she may, she still wants to keep myself innocent.

Wait until 24 hours, she no longer queried about Cheng Jie's go.

After a few days, the unnamed time has returned to the imperial territor of the angel's fleet, and then the angel family will reward the planet where Hi Na is located.

It is not named until there is no name, and Ji Na will not see the trace.


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