Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 153 3-29. Emiile (4)

This chapter recommended soundtrack, RA3 original sound "japancombat"


Through the cover of the jungle, more than a dozen male angels hold a sniper weapon, staring at the Thunder transport vehicle on the road, waiting for the people inside the lack, leaking the moment.

The two sides took a few minutes, carefully listened, did not hear any sound of any sound outside.

... Mild guns sound, blue beam flies out, rolled up the waves blowing this male angel whiter.

The observation window of the passenger cabin was once again broken. When I saw that Hi Na had a moving action, the driver's consciousness looked over and pushed Hi Na.

The beam penetrates the viewing window, hits his spine and trachea, and the driver is killed on the spot.

Hi Na climbs the past check if the driver survives.

After a while ... After confirming that the driver has no first aid, Hi Na will climb to the ground again, and try to make himself not expose to the opponent's perspective.

She began collecting the ballistic data of the two-way beam, and finally identified two regions in both sides.

Ji Na climbed to climbed and collected the weapons that can be used, but it was clear that only one pistol was only in the two people of the driver.

She picked up a pistol and climbed back to her own place to think safely. She closed her eyes and listened carefully to the outside.

In the meantime, there seems to be a very harsh sound from the sky.


"Social Enemy is complete, confirm twelve goals"

"A row is parked directly in Thunder, protect the goal"

"Two rows to clean the left enemy, three rows clean up the right enemy"

"Roger that……"

"Roger that……"

Seventy-five blue lights are divided into three shares in the air, killing twelve male angels with whistling to ambush.

The rocket nest of their back, dozens of rockets flew out, dragging the tail flames like angel's wings, Zhang opened, hugging to their enemies.

Male angels who have not been reactive directly disappear in the blue light of the explosion, only a few two male angels reactively open a very fast, fly to the sky before the explosion, confronted with the rocket angel.

The rocket angels who have just taken a round are still filling, see the enemy flies to themselves, and immediately need to pull the distance.

Two male angels litted white light, and the long sword was gradually formed.

"Cut the knife ..."

The two people have a ritual to pull a sword.

Then, the rocket angel filling, he said without polishing a round of rockets.

In the face of a large number, the rockets that blocked all their directions were blocked, and the two male angels stunned.

"You dare not deal with ..."



After a while, the blue light ball produced by the rocket explosion exemplified, except for the kind of hanger from the Rocket Angel, there is a footsteps gradually close to the hatch of Thunder.

Ji Na reached out to drag the driver's body and put it in front of him as a branch, raised his pistol to target the direction of the hatch.

Looking at this weapon carefully, and roughly understand the working principle and open insurance.

As the door opened, a shadow appeared in the sight of Hi Na, she did not hesitate to cut the trigger, a gun, and bullets out.

The first time that Cheng Jie came in and saw Ki Na, I was aiming at my own gun, I wanted to stop, but I haven't come to say anything, a bullet flew.

The remaining six warheads in the magazine.

Although it can be seen from the trajectory of the warhead, the body of Cheng Jie does not know how to avoid it, can only be hit by the bullets.

The blood left in the wound is reddish, but in the wound, the nano-machinery insect is repairing each blood vessel, each muscle fiber, the skin heales in the naked eye, although there is no threat, but it is painful Jie was really feeling, he lied with a wound, and he took a few mouthfuls.

On the other hand, perhaps it is a maniflower, Ji Na, who is shining, is still not stopped, she pulls out the short knife of the waist, the wings are slightly, and the heart of Cheng Jie is.

The knife tip is incong, the nano machinery insects have discovered the situation here, and they start to swallow the short knives, and their speed is even more fast than the short knife.

Cheng Jie raises his hand to grab the cutting handle to lose, "is very dangerous."

Ji Na heard this slightly familiar voice, finally raised his head and started to identify Cheng Jie's face.

"It's you."

"Well", Cheng Jie said, sitting in the most inside, licking the position of the stab, waiting for pain to disappear.

... Two rocket angels landed outside the cabin, close the flight system, step by step into the cockpit.

The hatch is closed, Thunder once again launched, and the ambush of male angels in both sides have been flying as the entire jungle, which also cleaned a road for Thunder's pass.

Thunder transport vehicle slightly wrapped a circle, escaped in the road that could not pass on the road.

...... Ji Na sits in the position of Ji Chengjie.

In her mind, I came back to the scene over and over again. She remembered the short knife that only left the handle, I remembered that there was no painful Cheng Jie.

The restlessness in my heart is gradually enlarged.

She got up and changed his position and sat in Cheng Jie.

"That, thank you"

Cheng Jie stopped and continued to play the end of the terminal, he looked up, staring at the eyes of Gherna slowly, "Don't thank."

... "So, where are you going?"

Cheng Jie looks at her.

"So, can you please hand over the pistol who has no bullet behind?"

"Amount, huh, ...", Ji Na smiled, reached out and handed a pistol.

Cheng Jie passed the pistol, unload the magazine, deducted a trigger in the direction of the unmanned direction, confirming that there was no bullet in hand, slightly hard, put the pistol and throwing the ground.

"Right, do you want your own home?" Cheng Jie asked.

"Hey?" Ji Na also did not respond, after all, when Jiejie crushed the pistol, Ji Na is full of minds.

"Amount, right, yes."

"That is right, I have no place to live, borrowed a while."

"Amount ...", Hijan's forehead half a day, the mind is constantly thinking about there is any reason for rejection.

In the end, when she saw Cheng Jie became unfriendly eyes, there was a word of thousands of words, "Okay."

Almost no matter until the Thunder transport vehicle entered a city.

"Yes, you are not very curious, what do I do? Tell you about you ... Party, as an exchange, I tell you what I want to do", Cheng Jie suddenly said.


At the residence of Thunder to Hi Na, Hi Na has a probably understood method of this planet.

The main body is a military government, Cheng Jie masters military power, and other aspects will be responsible, but everything will be transferred with Cheng Jie's will. Ji Na's identity is like an employee, working in the process.

After listening to his plan, although there was no change in Hi Na's face, the restlessness in my heart has reached the extreme.

Because if you really follow the procedure of Cheng Jie, then Ji Na's own efforts are finally a wedding dress for others.

If it is placed, she will not hesitate to start planning to stop the Runjie, but after today, Ji Na has produced instinct, all signs have shown that one, one, one, powder, I am afraid it can only It is yourself.

She silently walked into the house, personally breed the cup of tea to Cheng Jie, and then told the might for the night to come out of the room.

"Sorry, my body is something uncomfortable, I will take a break."

Cheng Jie nodded.

... During the night, only one of the two walls can not fall asleep.

Cheng Jie is because it is energetic or even need to sleep. Of course, this is also temporary. After all, the brain that cannot be transformed is still needed.

And the other side of Ji Na is born because there is no good countermeasure, she turned out, and finally helplessly stood on the window, watching the two rounds of the sky.

"Mother, what should I do?"


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