Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 165 3-42. Esket (5)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "The eternal of Hindnia"


The holographic projection is launched by Cheng Jie, and Cheng Jie is in the bridge of a spaceship, but let him feel puzzled that this spacecraft's ship bridge has no one.

[Start emergency leave]

[Task Code: WOS111]

[Confirm to task encoding]


[The holder has been detached]

[Confirmation, is being left in Hong Kong]

[Note: The fourteenth zone outer armor is broken]

[Note: The 11th district outer armor is broken]

[Note: The inner layer armor is damaged, and the pressure reduction in the port]

[Warning: The third mooring port dropped]

[Has been separated from the port, enter acceleration procedures]

[Receive the instruction: full cover your sailout]

[Unattended ship is going to escort ... The current remaining quantity: 11]

On the right side of the porthole, three white warships were explored by the sky.

In the stars in the distance, the fire of the explosion lit up.

[Current remaining quantity: 2]

A shower beam was hit by a long and a near-directional bridge, but before the hit, a warship that was quickly rushed up was blocked, and the warship immediately disappeared, and even a silk residue was not left.

[Current number of remains: 0]

[All battleships have been departed]

[The final thing is being sent to the command center ...]

[ ]

The scene in the sight is slightly slightly, and the battleship quickly left the battlefield full of death after short acceleration.

[Detailed off the battle area]

[Beginning to expand light sails ...]

On both sides of the bridge, the bridge is symmetrical, which is surrounded by the ship. The light particles from the sun are irradiated on this film, providing a meager power for this battleship, but with the light sail The area of ​​open is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of the spacecraft is also accelerating.

[Goodby ... Mother]

A whisper like a sigh in the bridge.

Next second, a blue corrugated blue corrugated on a naked eye shocks on the light sails of the spaceship.

A white figure appeared in the bridge in the air, and she was eager to look forward.

Cheng Jie also looked together with her.

There, the surface of a planet began to red red, and everything in the ground was melted at a high temperature, as if it was ignited by something.

It is quickly throwing his quality and then collating into a white point.

In a few seconds after the white point appeared, the world is quiet, perhaps the perspective of this war or the view system, Cheng Jie can see the scene of the white point, just in the scene of the fire-fighting warship.

But everything is too late.

After the collapse, the white spots suddenly expanded, and then suddenly extinguished, and the blackness of the universe was one, even ...

The warships around are swallowed in the dark, even if it is this light sail, it is not allowed to retreat from the autonomy.

[Open the main engine]

[The power output is rising, the goal: 100%]

The spacecraft is sprayed out, but overall, the ship is still drained behind.

[Output has reached the limit, no detachment]

[Confirm that the use of the planetary weapon]

[Black holes have been produced ... The gravity is too large, unable to get out]

The metallic metal twisted sounds, with the bridge, and the ship is folded into three sections, and the supply of power is lost, and the spacecraft is ultimately dragged into the abyss.

But just in Cheng Jie feels that he seems to be in the abyss, the strange scene has appeared.

Everything in the ship suddenly stopped.

The floating paper, the quadrated instrument, the sashimi of the ship, the bridge lights up the glare white light, in the nearly white space, Cheng Jie walked around, he found everything around, not just this spaceship, It is still still in the same way as other siled objects, just like a video suddenly pressed the pause button.

Just as he is preparing to leave this spaceship to see other places, the strange static is over, the surrounding white light disappears.

Cheng Jie took the snow into the snow with the spacecraft that broke into three.

……mission failed

[Environment that is confirming the fall place]

[Remove the seed, petri dish is ready]

[...... Insufficient electricity, enter energy saving mode]

The picture is immediately interrupted.

[This is all video information]

[As for the document, I only found this]

"Face the end of the defeat, this ship will bring a large number of human fertilized eggs, single ship is separated from the battle, and then labore the fertilized egg and rebuild human civilization after suspected livable planets.

"Some data has been lost ..."


the above

Cheng Jie nodded.

"But I am still unclear, this human civilization, where is it?"


In the meantime, Cheng Jie sounded on the earth, the cold is left before leaving the content of the letter.

He recalls carefully that there is an idea to change in your mind.


[So, how do we report to the angel? ]

"Hanwu, do you make sure their DNA is the same as us?"

[Of course, it is impossible, even if it is a human group, there are no two people's DNA will be exactly the same.

[But I can determine that they are indeed human beings]

"Sliced ​​the outer casing of the spacecraft, bring it back."

What should I do? ]

"Check the number of atoms and the number of electronics."


"The angels, you come to do a detailed report, but pay attention to this space from humanity, this planet has this two things to cover up, let them be an accident."


"Thank you."



After a few hours, ended the communication with the angels, Cheng Jie also received the inspection report from Hanwu.

Open the paper file, and the smile is revealed on his face.

After sitting in a chair, he looked at this document and looked at it.

"Han Wu, delete all related records."


[Delete completion]

[I don't understand ...]

Hanwu has some hesitation.

"What is wrong?"

[How can the iron ion of this spaceship may bring twenty-six electronic? This is the foundation ... there will be no things.

"Yes, this is something that doesn't happen at all," Cheng Jie fell.

"At least, on our side.


It seems that there is still some doubts, Cheng Jie does not solve it.

After all, Hanwu's database is included in all the data of the earth civilization, how can I not understand what I said?

However, with what he thinks, Han Wu did include all the scientific data of the earth civilization, but there is no confirmation of the hypothesis that it is not included.

Hanwu Station is in place, starting with existing data.

[Operational Resource Posage: 50%]

[Computational Resource Posage: 70%]

[Computational Resource Posage: 85%]

Cheng Jie's top light started to flash.

I know that this is the case where the ship's body is insufficient, and Cheng Jie hurriedly got up to the side of Hanwu, ratio, and rewarded a cerebelow.

Han Wu is taught, staring at Cheng Jie with a forehead.

The flashing light of the head is immediately restored.

"Now I am just a guess, I will tell you when I need it later."

[Oh], Han Wu still has some small grievances.

Cheng Jie saw, I had to reach out and smashed the forehead.

"Ask the Tianqian, there is anything, I have to return it if it is fine."


[What is the human beings on Essate? ]

"...", this problem is difficult to take the Cheng Jie.

"What do you think?"

……I think? ]

"Yes, if you are me, what do you want?"

[... In fact, we can take all of them, send them to the Earth]

I heard the answer of the cold, Cheng Jie shook his head.

"No, if we are awkward to participate in their nature evolution, let me not say that they can adapt, even if they are sent to the Earth, people can accept them or unknown, will bring messy."

[If you can't take it away, my recommendation is to leave a base here, always pay attention to the human beings here]

[Waiting to the day they can accept, bring them back to the earth]

"Yes, after the base is completed, let's go, to the Angelian, say that we need fuel replenishment, supplemented here, waiting for us to add, start returning immediately."



This chapter recommends a soundtrack "The eternal of Hindnia"

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