Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 168 3-45. Oath (on)


[With the development of Emler's economy, Emil Aboriginal people have changed your impression.

"Oh?" Cheng Jie came.

Hanwu Station is around Cheng Jie, is being completed. At the same time, the door of the living room was opened, first gave a might got in, then Ji Na, which was dressed in a pair of vocal, and how to see how it is illegal after her wings behind him ).

Han Wu immediately stopped what he had to say.

Cheng Jie is showing cold martial arts.

Missing the night to see the cold Wu, see Ji Na and look at Cheng Jie, decisively choose to go out with Han Wu.

Suddenly, there is only Cheng Jie and Hi Na.

The two were silent, and Ji Na was sitting opposite Cheng Jie.

After a while, Cheng Jie opened the silence. "In these two years, it is well developed here."

"Ah, yes, it is quite good", Ji Napi nodded.

Cheng Jie took the water cup and gently got a bit.

"So, do you control Emil?"

"Controlled", Ji Na stared at Cheng Jie.

I don't know if it is an illusion, Cheng Jie always feels opposite Ji Na seems to show himself ... similar to the main servant.

'Is it very scary when you have no expression? ? '

He thought about it, slowly adjust the expression, showing a smile.

"That's good."

The two then fell into a silent silence again.

As for two people outside the door, some worry, especially might.

The ghost knew that when she was around Ji Na, I found that how many times, I was thinking about my relationship between myself and Cheng Jie, and I didn't care if I was in the beginning.

But as the career of Ji Na is getting bigger and big, the might have found that the hearts of their own Hi Na seem to jump between the unknown and faint like.

Until today, I heard the news returned by Cheng Jie. At that moment, my might saw very clearly, and Ji Na's face was exposed.

But since playing here, the fear and hesitation of Ji Na face be more and more.

And the might did not know, the vowed about the blood of the bloodline, it will be more deepened over time, in the concept of the angel, since the vows, it is the person you want to love, since you want to love It is necessary to dedicate everything, of course, it also includes yourself.

And if there is an oath, but it is not possible to put "love". They will not be controlled to think about the other half. The last result is only two, or dedicated to, or dying due to vows due to vows. .

This is not too circulating inside the Angel Empire. Only those blood-pure angels know that their children are also biochemical.

However, because her mother will die early, Ji Na didn't know this matter. In the past two years, he always like this man.

Some people in the palace are also caught this opportunity, hoping to get angry.

But two years have passed, Ji Na is still giving, which makes some people think that Ji Na has fully dedicated himself, once gave up.

But this is actually just because Cheng Jie has been too strong, and hard-born will prevent the vows from fermentation in the heart of Hirna.

However, Cheng Jie turned around, the second week, the vows began to work until now.

Sitting on the sofa, Cheng Jie is opposite, Hi Na is constantly asking yourself in your heart, how to think about this person.

Cheng Jie naturally discovered, and began to think about where he was attracted to her.

Think about it, from airborne Emil, this is the threat to Ki Na, and later cleans all opposed sounds, although indirect helps her, but have selfishness, nothing, nothing, it is like this, Can you attract her?

Thinking, the two are actually a couple of husband and wife, or this is, I am afraid it is a stranger. There is no intersection at all.

This is also the main reason for the two people in silence. From rational, there is no contact between the two sides, and it is impossible to attract each other.

But in the sense of sensibility, Hi Na's peers is loved.

This doesn't have to say that Hi Na said that now Cheng Jie also feels out.

Next second, the two open at the same time, but the words were very different.

"I like you."

"I don't like you."

"...", Hi Na lowered.

"... Amount", Cheng Jie scratched his head.

"So, we are still a good partner?" He continued to ask.

If it is Ji Na, it will be polite, and you will be his ally, then leave.

She thinks so too.

But every step is completed, and her heart is stabbed.

When she arrived at her, she just wanted to reach out and her body is not controlled.

Cheng Jie hurriedly reached out and helped, heard the movement of the moving and nights also rushed in, and ran to Hi Na.

"Sorry, Miss will give it to me."

Han Wu went to the middle, quickly scanning Ki Na, and organized a movement of mourning night.

[ 's vital signs are rapid decline, the heartbeat has dropped to 45 times per minute]

[It is recommended to give us us, we will try our best]

The tricks, a transport plane drops from the sky, slowly stopping on the lawn of the house, and the medical group ran into the living room and started to check the state of Hi Na.

Soon, a female nurse went to Cheng Jie, first respecting a gift, then opening a mouth, "can be determined to be poisoned, but it does not match our database, not finding it."

Cheng Jie heard a few steps to Hi Na, and his finger was attached to her smooth neck.

"Wait a minute, the patient's heartbeat is recovering."

Cheng Jie looked at the person who came out, and his hand left Hi Na's neck.

The instrument starts alarm again.

The person of the medical group looked at the road, first, first salute, then asked, "What did you do just now?"

Cheng Jie is also very confused, "No, I tried to try her pulse."

"Amount, try again."

Cheng Jie once again passed the finger.

It's more than a few times, the man exclaimed, "woc?"

"What's wrong?" Cheng Jie asked.

"Don't, don't leave."

Cheng Jie listened to the hand finger back.

"This is the case, although I don't know what principle, now the actual situation is that you have physical contact with the patient, the patient's situation will improve, contact one but release, the patient's vital signs will begin to weaken ..."

"So?" Cheng Jie is a bit surprised.

"So, don't het, keep this, we have collected toxins, bring back, will take the solution as soon as possible."

After that, the personnel of the medical group ran back to the transport machine with a fast speed, followed by the transport plane, returned to the unknown times on the track.

Leave only the villa, Cheng Jie is speechless to keep the action of the Ramina neck.

"... ."


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