Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 170 3-47. Rest (on)


Get up, give Ji Na pressure quilt, Cheng Jie wear clothes, be careful to close the door.

Just walked out of the door, I saw the sad night and the cold might who were sleeping on the sofa and standing outside the door.

"Han Wu, how long have you been here?"

Hanwu hurts an yawn and slowly opens.

[EMM, nine hours]

Cheng Jie hurriedly lifted the arm and pitted the terminal to check the time.

"Take 6 points ... you have been waiting for one night, don't you tired?"


"Find a place to take a break, 10 o'clock let us."

What do you do? ]

"Nothing to name, I will review the combat power of the Space Army for a while."

[Confirmation, Travel Record]

"Well, let's rest first."

After that, Cheng Jie went to the sofa and picked up the might.

"You wait for me for a while, I sent her to her room."


...... Put the might returning to her room, Cheng Jie is not in the second floor, and when I walked back to the living room, I found that Cambrunnated is curled up on the sofa.


Looking at the sleeping position of the cold, Cheng Jie got the gods sat on the side, put her head pillows on their own legs, so that the cold martial arts opened their body, and I could sleep comfortable.

- 10 am tenant -

The sleep mode of Hanwu's body is slightly different from humans. After all, it is a human beings.

For the body of Hanwu, sleep is just regular cleaning system garbage for her, however, it does not need to sleep for the long-term ability of Hanwu.

But because Cheng Jie said, she is a personal, so since then, the cold Wu is trying to imitate the work of normal human beings, and they will take tired of rest, and if there is an unexpected event, you can wake up.

Of course, there is only her body to rest.

When the time arrived, the cold Wu immediately woke up.

I saw Cheng Jie who gave himself as a pillow.

The Chengjie who is looking at Tianxian magazine naturally felt the movement of Hanwu, he put down the magazine and see the cold eyes.

Reach your face, "Get up."

Han Wu quickly got up.

"Let the transport plane will pick us up."


... After a few minutes, the transport plane fell again on the lawn.

The two men went up the transportation machine, and after a window on the second floor, Ji Na quietly looked at the transmissions that gradually made a small point.

... after three days.

- -

[The exercise is mainly divided into three parts, one is the landing war]

[The track airborne troops will land first in the A7 area, and we have already arranged virtual beacons to fully simulate hostile targets.

[Mainly inspection of the breakthrough capacity of the track airborne troops]

[For the land team, mainly defensive operations, the data under the record of the last track airborne force is saved, after processing, as a virtual offensive party, the land team is defending, the requirements are the least five hours of the base

"What about the fleet?"

[Fleet exercise is still in front of the queue, the air attack and ...]

"And what?"

[And synergy with the warship]

Cheng Jie nodded, "Is this not very good?"

[But, IMHO, with the current reform of Europe and Chi City]

[The size of their ships or even we are currently planning the model of destroyed ships]

"Well ... So what do you think, how should the ship play?"

[... I hope, include them into home ship defense units, responsible for home ship defense work]

[In addition, it can also produce a model of a model, which is responsible for mounting them to the ground.

[That is, the built track airborne troops]

Cheng Jie attackedly looked at this illegal cold.

"It's really ... it has changed a lot."

He is so consciously.

After listening to the content of Cheng Jie in the whisper, the cold stopped.

Cheng Jie saw that she stopped, and I knew that I interrupted the idea of ​​cold Wu, hurriedly said, "Nothing, you continue."

[Amount, good]

[I mean, this time, if it is feasible, our track airborne troops can change all the infantry units to the maiden]

Cheng Jie waved his hand and showed the cold to stop.

"This is unlikely, I think the quantity of the mother ... is limited."

He found the interface of the bride in his mind, open the map, and turn it to the bottom look, then continue to open.

"I have a mapbook here, all the warships, should only be 300, this is the limit."

"Although it is not determined now, the quantity will never exceed the number of illustrations?"

Hanwu wrinkled her eyebrows.

[Shot, I received information from Ania).

[Receive ...]

... "Beginning this morning, there is no way to produce a mistress in the maidian manufacturing plant, and 296 yards in the current earth."

"The current reason is not known, Anyia is mobilizing all resources to investigate

"I will inform you the first time I came out."

"the above"


[Your mouth ... true spirit]

Cheng Jie did not patted his mouth.

... "The news is issued before this news?"

[This information is edited in seven days before editing and issuing]

Cheng Jie took this information from Han Wu, checked the money, and satisfied with satisfaction.

"The communication speed of the Earth is getting faster and faster, it seems to be solved the problem of over-range communications."

When I said this, Cheng Jie suddenly remembered a problem, and his face was collapsed.

He asked Han Wu, "There is no way to contact the earth, so fast and convenient way?"

Coldshop shook his head said no.

Cheng Jie low, thinking about how to return to the earth.

Half, he asked, "How long does our current communication technology send a message back to the earth?"

Han Wu also gives an answer.

[Four months]

"Then if a spacecraft continues to get rid?"

[You said, let this spaceship to send the letter? ]

"Not only is sent, and there is also a new communication device from the Earth."

[In accordance with our current design and construction capabilities, wait until the first such communication boat put into work, take a month]

[Plus foldback, I expect such delivery to take the minimum four months]

[Is there any difference with us to send information with existing equipment]

[If you have to use this way for a long time, there are some values]

[But since you plan to let the communication boat come back, the new communication equipment is also transported, that is to change the communication method.

[Such a calculation, temporary design and production of a ship support that meets the requirements is completely unnecessary. When you let the Earth's technical data is not available? ]

Look at Emil, Cheng Jie thought about it, and eventually canceled the plan of the communication boat.


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