Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 186 3-64. Drake Straits (1)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Tirailleur"


South America is located between the south end of South America and 300 km long, 900 to 950 km wide.

Sea breeze whistling, sea surface set off a piece of giant waves, and the waves were hit on the ship and made a dull.

A warship is slowly driving on the sea, and the left water level line of the ship is below a big hole, and the water-nep-compartment is closed enough to stop the fate of this warship.

The bridge was bombed, and the steel fragments opened by the flying were tied to the deck.

The 140mm of the ship has been damaged, and the barrel is low.

As one of the large series of hay, it is the main force of the battlefield of the battlefield in front of the front battlefield, but after Abida is completely abolished, the Chinese ship is behind the enemy after Uniama. The days of the battlefield are also getting better and less, but although they still have not given up.

In the Asian base, they launched the first city that fell into the enemy; on the island of Japan, they launched a raid to the enemy's command center; in the final European base battlefield, they talked whole Li She stayed up a evacuation road and witnessed the last charge of Le Si Li.

After retreating to the Antarctic, only the emissions and Changchun, assume the patrol mission, and the ear is full of wind whistling and the sound of the waves.

A few hours ago, two people who were performing patrol mission were discovered that the lights of the southernmost light of South America, after near reconnaissance, Changchun was immediately returned immediately, and reported everything that two people saw, Yixian left Continue here.

When Changchun is about to drive out the farther communication distance, the waters behind the body lit up fire, and Yixian's voice came from.


"The attack on Antarctica has begun, and our plan is divided into four stages."

In the warship ship of a profile, the big deputy is reporting to the warfare documents issued to the headquarters.

"The first stage, the total number of naval forces all in the South Hemisphere, launched a general battle in the Drake Strait to the base, at all, and annihilated the Navy in the base."

The wind whistling, the huge waves, even the war ship that weighs 65,000 tons, is also rocked by one of the waves.

"The second stage, landing in the south, the Salang Islands, the construction of the outpost, transfer the main force to the outpost, establish a sea supply line, set the Lan Isle as a springboard, open up the landing point in Antarctica."

The steel giant beast under the sea is accompanied by the companion on the sea, and the submarine has entered the warranty. The boat returns to their own positions, and prepares for the time that may come.

... "The third stage, blocking controls the peripheral area of ​​the Antarctic Base, completely controlling the base in the Antarctic Base, and the blockade will continue to last for a month, consume the battle will of the base military."

Yi Xian continued to run, on the front of the sea, the faint approach seems to illuminate the light, the sea is far from the sea, and the seventy-five long gun mini submarines and fifty wings have just received a warning, the first ship and the mother, Departing Emperor's rescue, and even the imperial fleet has just left the port, the fifteen razor cruisers, the five general battle ships and the two super fortress have been prepared.

... "The fourth stage, assembles the regular airborne force and re-entry track airborne army, while the siege force launches attack, some armored troops and airborne, the ninth division, the railway airborne, from Breakthrough over the target, at the same time, in view of the unknown space fleet, the fourth division of the railway airborne, the fourth division of the track airborne, and seizes the space warship before the start of the attack, and settrate the threat of the base in the base. the above."

The report of the big deputy ended that the commander of this battleship and the general commander of the revolutionary army decisive fleet, watched the porthole, four aircraft carrier, ten same-level battleships, twelve missile cruisers, five strategic nuclear submarines, 20 Fleets of various missile frigate and 20 models of destroyers, floating on the sea, the formation of the formation, which is quite destroyed.

His eyes slightly fleet, look at the distance, where, his enemies are also set up a fleet, and there must be a side of the battle.

Outside a few hundred kilometers, the commander battleship, the Snowfast Bridge, the Base in the Base is also seen in front, although I didn't see anything on the radar, but he knew that hours later, he or Subject with the fleet into the bottom of the sea, or the enemy is full.

"Report, the submarine troops have rescued our units, the ship's fleet is assembling, and it is expected to leave the port after fifteen minutes. After 30 minutes, I can catch up with us and mix with our fleet."

The captain nodded, "I hope that the ship's fleet can be smooth with us ..."

"What is the preparation situation of the fleet?"

"The full fleet weapon system is good, the ammunition is on the top, the electronic equipment is normal, and no enemy fleet traces have been found, the sonar system is currently unable to enable, and the noise is too strong ..."

When the big deputy report, the navigator suddenly accessed the channel, "The captain, the submarine force has been commissioned!"


Being a hundred kilometers in front of the fleet, Yixian is sleeping on the deck, and the ship under the body is sinking.

After her, seventy-five long gun mini submarines launched more than one hundred and fifty fish thunder at the same time after the regulation of the enemy fleet.

Until at this time, the revolutionary military fleet detected the existence of submarines.

In the first time of the submarine formation, 20 destroyers and twenty frigate were discovered, and the anti-submarile missile flew out from the transmitter, the engine ignited, and the tail of the end of the tail, the body quickly flew away Go, cast the anti-submarine torpedo after approaching the target.

The long gun mini submarine is extremely rapid, and quickly selects the dive after the torpedo launch.

"Dollar depth, 500 meters ..."

The sound produced in the sea, the sound produced in the sea, the sound produced in the sea.

"Dollar depth, 520 meters ..."

"Note that the anti-submarine torpedo is approaching!"

...... When you don't have much, you wore a dull explosion in the water. After a few seconds, the water column was rushed up in the sea. The motion of the explosion was built quickly released, and a black oil gradually spread. Come……

... "Report! The submarine formation is not as follows, suffering from the heavy, the remaining fifteen long gun mini submarines are ready to launch self-explosion ......"

In the snowy bridge, he heard the news that the long gun mini submarine formation was almost annihilated, and the captain went down.

At the distance, a fire is on, and the torpedo launched by the long gun mini submarine has been in the anti-submarine thunder. After dozens of seconds, the revolutionary military fleet that is being evaded is hit, and there is also followed the self-explosion Fifteen long gun mini submarines.

The first short soldier of the two fleets received a paragraph.

Seventy-five long gun mini submarines and fifteen destroyers, five frigates, and a missile cruiser sink into the sea.


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