Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 189 3-67. Drake Strait (4)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Battlefield Vlegacytheme"


After a short break, the 20 X111 once again put the battle, this time, they face 129 F4u pirates.

F4u, which is far more than the fierce wind, is in the face of the opponent of the difference, and the performance of the sky is not much different. The only difference is just a little gap between the war.

At the last 20 X111 crashed, 50 F4U had more than 50, and the loss ratio is almost 4 to 1.

The next thing is very simple, the armor of the revolutionary army wars is not BTD-1 basically do not wear, and if all the firepower is put on the aircraft carrier that has entered the dead state, she has not waved too waste, after four ships Mother's brief negotiation, all 94 BTD-1 direct hit aircraft carrier, and the other 94 TBFs were divided into 54 fires for another battleship.

After half an hour, the attack of the US clusters ended, and after paying 79 F4U pirates, 57 BTD-1 destroyers and 60 TBF Avengers, sinking the last aircraft carrier, hurting the revolutionary army An revolutionary army.

After the beauty of the beauty, the maiden recovered his carrier, they did not cry out, and the Japanese ships stood on the side of the day, "Nothing, at least, it is our time when we play. "

In fact, this is no wonder that after returning to the US chart, he fell in the respective aircraft carriers, and the mappings found that now, the four sisters, you can make a half-fighter and a little torpedo machine. And bomber.

And usually, the Japanese ships of the American Air Master Based, although it comforted on their mouth, but there were still few less uncontrolled music.

Usually, the group relies on fire-fighting advantage to solve all problems guys, and they have not been able to say what the Japanese ships are still caught, and finally put this breath.

The daily machine group once again, 120 fighters, 40 meteors and 50 comets have attracted three battles, and the first shot is the battle that has just been injured.

The naked eye is visible, more than 30 fish thunder hits the sides of the ship, causing a large area into the water.

Forty bombs have been in the upper floor of the ship, causing serious casualties.

The battleship that is being cared for naturally will soon sink into the sea.

When I saw this scene, I sailed the route in a timely manner, and I opened the battlefield to the warship.

After a round of air strikes, after the two rounds of air strikes, the revolutionary military fleet is already the end of the strong, and the battle of the battle, the war is sneaking from the two sides, gradually forming surrounded by the two sides when they organize the air defense.

The air strike has been carried out again, and after the third round of air attack, the five ships in the Japanese, and the mother-in-law can only be prepared by a maid. Because of the current situation, the maid has only begun to retreat.

On the way, they saw that the cruiser ship was capturing the submarine under the chaise of the ship's ship, with an explosion, some items floated in the water, and several destroyer ships were cheering together.

The maid is also pleased to laugh.

But the short-term joy was broken, and the marshen also received a warning from the sonar. Dozens of fish thunder came from deep sea. The goal is that this group is still looking to rest, so it is too lazy to collect the ship, the ship is crossed The sea is constantly manufacturing huge noise on the sea.

The continuous explosion sounded, and the fire illuminated the face of many wars.

Skating, Xianghe, Ruihe, Kaga, three standing intensive ships have been directly hit, the least the number of people in the middle of the three fish thunder, and finally, her two sisters will sink into the sea .

Essex, corporate and big phoenix three are seriously injured, the condition of the ship cannot be recovered, and it is also sinking in subsequent attacks.

Survive Lexington, Saratoga, Strong and German Shun Niang Qi Baillin Earl didn't want to think more, dragging the tired body, returning the ship, disappearing from the sound of nuclear shipment.

Looking at the six sisters who are sinking around, recalling that I have just fought together, four ships are flourishing, their nationality can no longer distinguish them, because they really realize a problem, both sides There is a common strong enemy, that is, human.

The news and the whole process of six aircraft carriers and the whole process quickly transferred to the battle of the revolutionary military fleet, and the patrol patriarch.

In the horror, they also have a look at the first floor. If the ship is meant to be discovered, it is sinking, then do you want to start the ship?

Especially the battleships, one but exposed, with their own speed, naturally, it is not running, and there is still five minutes of cooling time after the ship is launched. If it is broken in this time, it will not be returned. The body, there is only the destiny to be sinking.

Soon, the incisor is completed, according to the plan, it should be the ship of the lady, but no one is the first person to eat crabs.

Look at the color of the surrounding ships, Bismarck disdainfully snorted, and then launched the ship, Tikabitz saw that his sister's movements were also followed by the ship.

Blu-ray dispels, two huge battlesses appear on the sea.

I saw the action of my two German symbols, the battle ship Xingdeng, the battle cruiser Sedritz, the battle cruiser, the three people began to start the ship.

With the dissipation of the three blue light, the remaining battleships other than Zerlin and Z46 have appeared on the sea.

Seeing the priority of Deutsche, Soviet is not willing to show weakness, the ship of the Soviet Battleship has emerged, and the gun is rotated, and it seems that the opposite is the United States.

Fusan looked at the wars in both sides, gentle smile, then launched the ship and sat in the bridge.

After the support of the Fusan, the long-door and Luo saw each other, nodded, two more huge warships appeared next to the support San.

At this time, Alaska glared over the Soviet Union, and then launched the ship, and her sister Shipping island the battle cruise ship, as well as the Washington, the same as the United States, the North Caroluna battleship and South Dakota battleship.

But Missouri did not follow his warship to launch.

I always stared at the Soviet Union here, I noticed the Note on the Soviet Union, and the brows of Missouri wandered.

Alaska saw that Missour seems to think something, she can't stand it, I have been stared by the Soviet Union, and it is anxious. She didn't even pass the passage inside the ship, they directly opened a radiator. Asked, "Missouri, what happened? Why not start?"

Said that she also pulled the whistle.

Missouri was kicked out from his own thinking world. She looked up and looked at Alaska, and the moment of lanes in Missouri, and I was quiet in Alaska.

She looks at a destroyer of the nuclear submarine in the distance, whispering, "I hope ... My guess is fantasy ...".

In the words, Missouri launched the ship.


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