Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 193 3-71. South Deland Islands Competition (3)


A fighter is oblique to the trenches, and the 43 X111 fighters and 36 teenage dogs are killed.

The first round of missiles have no meaning of the two sides of the survival after shooting.

...... Cannon roar, from time to time, there are fighters crashed or lingering, and both fedeors did not choose skydiving escape.

Precisely guided weapons, changed the model of the air war, turned the original face-to-face killing air war, and today, this island group is over, once again, there is a close-range dog.

In the close-range fighting, there are two forms of Tiangu and X111 with ternary vector engine can be said to have.

The stereotypes of the stupid in the fonders are slightly worse than X111, which is easier to be rounded.

And experienced Tianshi driver is skilled in the handover mode in the air battle, instantaneously lags, then switch back the fighter mode after the advantage position, and attacks the enemy that the reaction is not flying to his front.

However, since several large-scale air-war defeat in the Asian base A skill will go to the battlefield, and the quality of the individual has been greatly better than before.

Of course, the individual quality of the revolutionary army is not high, otherwise this air war is over.

Therefore, this battle that should be achieved without pressure will eventually become a fight.

And the "veteran" "veterans" in the Tian Dog formation have excellent records in this cranes in this crane.

- Alpha team -

According to the basic air force in the base, the five teenage dogs are a team.

According to an incumbent, the letter A to Z represents the combat experience of the squad, and the combat experience is A, the least experience is Z.

Now inherited the five sky dogs of the Alpha team compared to their last Alpha, just the extent of the famous hall.

...... The situation, the last Alpha elections have experienced the enemy's siege.

Five Tianshi just fell down his own enemies and set it again in the air.

"Here is the Alpha team leader, the answer to", ", the channel is transmitted out of the long machine.

"Amount ... Alpha master, here is the Alpha No. 2, I asked, how to answer it?" A female voice appeared.

"Hey", a laughter sounded.

"Alpha Machine, here is the four machine, I want to ask, who is you with the second machine?"

A rough male voice occupied the channel.

"Alpha 4 machine, here is Alpha long machine, where are you talking about?"

"", the rough male voice fake exclaimed.

"Of course ...", the discourse of the Alpha mini machine was interrupted by the female voice of the second machine.

"Here is the Alpha No. 2 machine, answer questions, of course, I don't think the long machine is overweight?"

The Alpha team is full of laughter and ridiculous, and there is a stark contrast with the battlefield that is killing below.

"Long machine, here is the third machine, when are you married to the second machine? Is it married, you will be retired?" Slightly a tender male voice asked.

"Here is a long machine, answer 3 machine problems ... Roll, don't think that we have gone, you will be a long machine."

The channel has passed a whistle, "the guy, don't ponder what you are, you should ponder your yourself, small people! Hahaha."

"Hey, from time to time, our focus should not be here, he just said that don't think that they have gone, how about it, isn't that ..."

"Hey, yes, long machines, you have to explain it."

"Here is the first machine, notice everyone in the second machine, do things, and eat!"

"Oh !!"

A happiness sounded.

"Falling to eat! Flooons to eat! Floor and eat!"

The five-year plane arrived in the formation, wrapped around the No. 1, and two fighters, then fly back to their position again.

"Five machines, if you still make such a dangerous action, I will lose you to the washing machine drum during your seat ..."

"Received it ...", five machines said that the laughter is laughing, and when you are ready, the alert in the cockpit suddenly rang.

"There is an unknown source above the body."

He raised his head and showed the surround screen displayed the screen.

A huge black shadow appeared in his field of view.

"Above the body ..."

A group of fires lit up, five machines disappeared in the fire.

"No. 5! Hey! Welcome to the enemy! Welcome to the enemy!"

The remaining four teenagers switched to the robot mode in the fifth seconds of the five-plane explosion, four sky dogs down height.

After the difference is almost from the attack range, the four teenagers will turn back the fighter mode again, pull up the head, fly up.

In the clouds, when I worked again, four drivers saw the enemies that launched the attack.

"That is ... What is it?" "I asked the three motor driver.

"... No, unclear", long machine drivers are also unrecovered by the huge majority in front of them.

In the sky, on the clouds, a wing exhibition was visually measured more than two hundred meters, and the big factor was fans the wings.

"The whole team pays attention, spreading, emergency evading!"

The four floods that are flying together uniquely, spread to the four directions.

The a paw is empty, which is only waving with the giant beast of the myth, the West Dragon shape, and an acceleration showing the mobile phone that is completely unable to match the huge body, and suddenly go to the flying height of the four teamed dogs.

In the front of it, the four machines, the four drivers saw the things behind the radar, could not help but explode.

"I nm ..."

The behemoth explored the head, bite on the Tianguo machine, torn the next half of the body and lost it from the high altitude.

"Lost control! Lost control!"

Skydiving! Quadhang skydiving! "

The four driver passed the tie rod under the body, and the seat was taken out.

However, behind him is the huge behemoth that has not been touched.

"He ... he was eaten by the monster ... ate ..."

The three-machine driver in the fourth machine is clearly seen, and the scene of the huge beast is opened, swallowing the seat cabin that has just arrived into the belly.

However, when the third machine is still awkward, the beast waves the wings, and quickly rely on, the body turns, the hard wings hits the third machine, and the sky is filled.

"Hey! Hey! What is this special?"

The long machine roared in the channel left.

And that the beast seems to hear him, the head turned over, and his eyes stared at the first machine.

When I saw it, the driver of the long machine knew that he was stared, he saw the surroundings, and finally chose to the two sides who were fighting below, only there was a battle with this monster.

And the giant beast that has already been stared, also turned into the direction, chase it down, leaving only the second machine at this height.

She is anxiously said in the channel "long president, it is still behind you ... I will help you."

After that, the second machine also touched it, flew this monster, the sight is aligned with the monsters, and a string of electric guns will play out.

It seems to feel a hint of pain, this monster looks back.

In the next second, I saw that its biphed wings were deployed, and the trend of the slim stopped instantly.

Such agile conversions are the rear of the Tianguo also can't react.

In the first moment of the second machine driver just switched, the body hit the back of the behemoth, and the four fragments flying everywhere, and a explosion sounded.

I saw the lower line of the No. 2 machine in the Communication Channel, the driver of the long driver was red, reason and the fear of the behemoth gradually be overwhelmed by anger and sad.

He pulled up the fighter and put the gun aligned the beast, the finger was buckled, and the gun can pick up the monster chest.

He drove the Ten Dog.

"Ah !!"

In his roar, the behemoth stretched out the left paw and cracked near the Tiangu.

The final sky dog ​​of the Alpha squad was caught in the claw, and crushed, only the position of the cabin was bitten, the driver's body was sharp as the mouth of the bird, and its upper intensive stripping The structure is crushed in a slight pulling, a big mouth, spit the cockpit.

And its figure finally flew down the clouds and appeared in front of everyone.


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