Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 208 3-86. Whether we are justice or evil, in the face of the enemy, we will never withdraw!

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "seewhati'vebecome"


- Cansaris nebula -

- Okasa Mengxing -

Twenty battleships, ten aircraft carriers, sixty missile cruisers, sixty destroyers and ninety missile frigate, a stars of stars, this is the final power here.

A few hours ago, they received the final pass of the anti-angel Empire League, ordered them to surrender immediately ... and the other two defense fleets at the same time.

The commander of the three battlefields immediately launched a video conference.


"I am a commander of the Acting Fleet of Oasison Battlefield. My name is Lavaver Eswim - Of Lip, the original fleet commander is unfortunately killed in the enemy's last attack, now the fleet here is responsible ", Female angels in a new face are introduced.

"That, I first met, I am the commander of the Lez Ning Yun Iram battlefield. My name is Hermut Carter, this is Esk Gheto, responsible for the dark star cloud old star battlefield, male angel I nodded, introduced the commander of the agent, and the male angel on the other screen slightly.

"Let's start our conference ... I believe that you have received the information of the anti-Angel Imperial Alliance before, right?"

Hermut asked.

Esk nodded, Lava was also confirmed.

"This is the case, I will see the results you get from the reconnaissance machine. At least I am afraid of the help of the stars base, it is definitely can't stand it, what about your side?"

He shifted his eyes to the only female fleet commander.

"... I will talk first, my reconnaissance results are similar, there is a battle force, but the opportunity of victory is very embarrassing", she finished, looking to the old man.

Seeing the eyes of the two people, Esk shook his head slightly.

A sigh rang.

"Do we have any retreat?" Lava was asked.

When I heard her, Hermut gave a negative answer, "Retreat? No possibility, due to the allies, under the control of the war alliance, we only have such a stars base in the border, here is unfair No matter how it is withdrawn, there is no relying on it, it is even more uncomfortable ... ", he paused, look to two, and then continue to speak.

"In this case, I think it is better to surrender, then launch an attack at the same time when the other party is relaxing."

"But the number of each other, even if it is a raid, you can't get victory ..."

"So you plan to surrender?"

"...", Lava was silent.

"I believe me, from the perspective, even if I surrendered, we are all the Grand Class A war criminals, a dead road; from the perspective of the fleet, we will cause the fight against the inside of the empire, split will not be avoidable We will no longer have any opportunity to move, you will wait for the opportunity of the timing; from the perspective of the empire, this means that the enemy's long drive is straight, we will no strength to resist; from me as an empire military perspective To say ... I have to my empire, my empire flag and angel king swear ... ", Hermut finished, he looked at the two, waiting for their answer.

... After a few minutes, the response is Esk, I saw him nod, finally said that the only sentence of the entire meeting, "The assault time tells me, I am going to prepare ...", then he will A video conference was launched.

I heard such an answer, Hermut smiled, then looked at Lava, still hesitated, and finally said, "You don't want to be good, I still will send us our assault time, then ... I will go to prepare first. "

Lavae nodded, he looked to Helmut.

"Well, then this way", "said, Hermut is preparing to turn off the video call.

The voice of Lava is suddenly coming, "Hermut ..."

He looked to Lavava, "What's wrong?"

"... Amount, pay attention to safety."

When I heard Lava, Hermut laughed, "Well, you are also."

... With the video call is hanged, Lava is sitting on the captain. She looked at the starry sky outside the bridge. The sight seems to have to cross countless light years, and they will pass their own heart to their lover.

She took out a photo, on it, it is myself and Helmut, and there is a photo of a new life.

This is the last photo taken before the fleet departure, which may also be the last life in this life.

In the end, she decided to determine, "the fleet listens to the enemy fleet to send a surrender agreement, prepare the battle, with the Friends of the Iram battlefield and the old star battlefield, and launch the enemy!"


- Rezen Cloud -

- Iram battlefield -

Hermut is sitting on the ship's position and sending a communication to the rear home.

...... Nothing, communication is turned on, and a lazy female voice came.

"My son is going today, how do you think of calling me?"

"Mom ...", Hermut's tone was slight, which was also sent out by the woman there.

The lazy moment is scattered, she asked nervously, "What's wrong? When are you coming back?"

"We, I and Lava ... It is estimated that I can't go back, can I listen to the voice of Huffel?"

The opposite is silent, then the sound, "Well, of course ...", then the baby just woken up is very dissatisfied.

"Hefrut-Of Lid, even after ... Mom, Mom, you must be strong, no matter what kind of world, you should be healthy and happy ..."

Hermut packed up the emotions, then like each of the angels to pray for their children.

"At this heartfelt bless you, my child, the empire is on, I've been loyal to the blood of my blood, please give us a happiness, Ankang, I hope the empire is always in, I hope that my family is safe ..."

After praying, Helmut hangs a newsletter. He has more things to do, even if he is only for his own child, he also has to complete the enemy outside the imperial territory.


"My soldiers! The sky warriors of glory! I have broad, but now, now I have the enemy in front of the empire and the front of the enemy."

"I know, many people are going to retreat, but today we withdraw, no longer block the enemy, the territory of our empire is large, but we have no way to retreat, because we are the last defense line ! In our way, our family with no preparation and anti-resistance! "

After a while, she took out the waist represents the rider of his life, the sword tip is obliquely.

"At this moment, we will witness our honor, we will, with the enemy's blood battle, we will never withdraw!"

"Whether we are just justice or evil, no matter how history is to evaluate us, it is the heroic division of Guoan State, or the sinful governance, there is no glory, but in the face of the enemy, we will never withdraw! "

He waved his arm, and the sword in his hand also danced.

"Just here, our time is coming! We are war, is hell, we stand here, for the peaceful and quiet hometown! At this moment, we want to trample on our hometown, our motherland!"

"Then, from our tomb of our steel battleship! Our bodies go up, we will never withdraw!"

"We will never be withdraw!" The vibration arm shouted, he looked at the soldiers below, and the morale for a long time finally had a rebound.

... The fleet in the three stars began to move, and they almost open the jump, and almost simultaneously jumping to the surrender agreement, and started to prepare the enemy wars of celebration.

In the face of sudden morale, there is no warrant who has been played off guard, and when they organize the defense, the enemy's horrible warfare is deeply shocked by everyone.

A ship that was killed by them, and the captain did not order abandoned ships. The warships that have lost combat capabilities continue to open the horse rushed over, then a shine from the ship's bore, the explosion It will be annihilated with several battlesides around it in high temperatures.

... "Zhujun! Brainstorming, Zhujun! Put them into hell, for the Empire! For honor! Go forward! Advance! ..." The beam disappears together.

His seat was then rushed into the enemy fleet, and the light ball lit and took four shields failure.

The same scene also appeared in the other two battlefields.

Three minutes after Helmut, the Aisk's servant was also hit, and the Esk was killed on the spot. His seats were also working on a missile and rushed into the enemy team.

At the same time, I just felt that Lava, who was broken with Helmut, and the pain of the heart of the lungs, her head is full of sweat, but she is not waiting for her. Think more, in her sight, a blue beam is gradually enlarged ...

"Heful Mut - Ophi Lid, my daughter, sorry ... Mom fails ..."

The beam runs through the bridge, and everything inside will evaporate.


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