Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 211 3-89. Antarctic Base Ampiatric (2)


Just spread to each of the cars that had returned to each family, they received a collection of orders.

With the exchange of a truck, the huge team appeared again on the street.

Cheng Jie and Hanwu earned to the guard car as a command vehicle, opened the car terminal, and the cold went began to receive information.

"Han Wu, know what happened?"

[Yes, a few minutes ago, the radar detected an unknown target in the base, which was quickly approaching. According to its drop speed, the other party has to contact us with our dome.

"I didn't respond with the enemy?"

[The other party does not answer]

"Is it sure it is an enemy? Isn't there something such as meteorite?"

[The falling speed of the target has four decelerations, and the two miles, the meteorite can not do such a motor]

The atmosphere is dignified. According to the presence of such an object, the inner fleet in the solar system has not given any warning until the other party is approaching this distance, it is discovered by the active radar of the base.

"Let the Air Force formation take off, notify the four air-force airports to enter the war, ready to take actions, let the Dongda Camp enter the urban area, with the armed guard army, maintain the order in the urban area."


... With the sound of the alarm, eight four-machine formation from the four airports, a total of thirty-two Apollo fighters raised to the sky, and began to prepare close-up tracking unknown targets.

The fourth armored army in Jandong was opened to the city.

The blowers scattered in the top floor of the building.

Tsunami tanks and a large number of armored armored units controlled most traffic intersections.

Steel and Ghost Kings are turned around the Earth Joint Building, which is mainly responsible for the safety of the building.

The Tianguo machine is boiled, hovering in batches in the city.

It is the fourth Rockets Angel Angel with Tian Dog.

... "The other party's track? Where is it going to land?"

[Shot, it is calculated ... completion]

[The other party's landing point ... is the Dome of the Antarctic Base]

"... Ok, inform the Earth Federation, let them deploy the three aircraft carrier fleet of the Nice Hope of the Africa and the three aircraft carrier fleet of the South America Drake, monitor us for so long, and we use them. "

[Confirmation, information has been sent]

[After receiving the response, they can take off and fall off the fighters, but according to the current speed of the target, I am afraid they have not taken the time.

"Tell them, don't worry with me, let them do a good job in launching missile interception."

[Confirmation, information has been sent]

[Note, our Air Force team arrived in the null domain near the target, starting to accompany and investigation]


Over the Antarctic Base, four Apollo rushed out of the clouds and flew to the black spots in the field.

Soon, the whole picture of the black spots showed that in front of them, it was a dragon in the western myth.

And on the ground, Cheng Jie also received a picture of Apollo.

... "My God, 410, is it wrong? How do I feel that I seem to see the dragon?"

After finishing, this pilot pulled the joystick to roll right, and wrap around the right side of everyone.

"Amount, 412, 413 behind it, follow me to go to the left", long machine 410 does not pay attention to 411, he controls the body, slowly flying to the left side of the organism.

... and in the command vehicle, Cheng Jie also puts forward the same problem. "What is this?"

[Take a little, the Earth Federation is trying to contact us]


[Confirmation, communication has been connected]

"The Pan Taiyang Fleet consortium should note that this goal is our marker unit, code French, during two years ago, the emergence of Funier has brought huge losses for all parties. So this action, I will also work all my best ... "

"Okay, thank you", Cheng Jie finished, and hangs up the newsletter.

"Han Wu?", Cheng Jie called.

[Confirmation, Anya's data has been received]

[Favinier, suspected variant species, dragon shape, wings exhibition more than 12 meters, scales can resist the attack of most weapons, excellent mobile, with flesh and blood, resulting in all offensive fleet of the revolutionary army Cozy

[Subsequently, in the attack of our eighth Rockets, the revolutionary army didn't care about the existence of our unit, and the shelling Faviel, causing a lot of casualties, and indirectly leading to the successful escape of Fatinie.

the above

When I saw this report from Anya, he looked to the cold, "the plan is constant, this time, be sure to take Fagnier, and call the unnamed time to prepare in the nearland, if the atmosphere Failure fails, you can use the ship's main gun. "

[Confirmation, there is no name "is leaving Hong Kong ...]


Just when the Apollo team was still observing Faviel, the missile group from the Earth's federal, whisped to the Funil, and the clouds came out of the blast.


A roaring sound.

"410 machine advertisement 41 formation machine, attack orders arrive, free fire ..."

The rapid drip sounds, and the active radar has been locked by Fagnier.

"On the left side of the first, launch!"

Missiles, quickly fly to Faviel.

Feeling the approach of the object behind, Faviel instantly extension the wings, the body is in the air, then the wings are dancing, the body is in the air, and the four missiles are flying, and a red light is bright from the back. Since then, you will gradually bring together.

...... The upper part of the ground that has not entered the underground refuge is still puzzled to the sky. When the sky is doubling, a red light, a few seconds, a red beam appears, and slowly disappears after the air is scanned.

And disappeared with this red beam, as well as four four Apollo and back of it weighted.

... "confirmed the battle, 440 Notice 44 formation, attack start."

"Confirm the battle, 450 Notice 45 formation, start."

A road attack order, the remaining twenty Apollo began to turn, contracted, like a big net, went to Faviel.

"Full bomb delivery!"

Dozens of missiles are almost simultaneously from the Apollo hanging, the tail propeller is ignited, the body is flying to Falvini under the boiler flame.

When I saw the missile group behind him, Firvnier did not pay attention to it, just a strong acceleration rushing to the cloud.

Following the lattice group, it is also in the back, then it is a bright and continuous dull explosion.

"All-standing lives, all machines are ready to return ... Wait ..."

44 The team leader just issued the return command, I saw that there was such a shadow in the cloud. It was constantly enlarged.

However, there is no more thinking, and the shadow rushed down, and the 441, 442 and 443 Apollo, which were never had to have never had time and dodge.

"Note, here is 440 machines, target health, pay attention, goals ..." Pull the cockpit from the body to swallow the belly.

The broken body flipped in the air once a week, then exploded.


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