Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 214 3-92. Daily (1)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Sonatano.14inc-Sharpminor, op.27no.2" Moonlight ": I.Adagiostenuto (Monthly Sonata: First Music)"


Fugiel's falling marks everything.

And its death, with a variant tissue that has been hidden in Antarctic City.

A vigorous carpet search begins.

In the city, with more armored army to advance, anyone who attempts to escape the exam will be killed.

The search for the underground shelter lasted for two days, and a total of one thousand people were arrested.

In the following ten days, the city on the surface was turned over the same day, although the casualties were more casualties, but the effect was significant.

The Empire's soldiers will open the door to the house, and they will take a variety of variants without the way.

They were concentrated in a camp near the Northern Dadian.

Around the high wall corner of a circle reinforced concrete, a wire wool, a large number of anti-pressing mines.

There are more than a dozen variants trying to escape here, but they are all crushed by the anti-step miles.

When they unfortunately stepped on the landmines, this person has been sentenced to death, not just his companion can't save him, even the imperial soldiers who are responsible for the guard can also be powerful, because this mine doesn't care if you move your body, as long as time It will explode.

After the explosion, the rest is only a piece of arm or what is, but it is not concerned, but the province went to the empire soldiers to clean the remains, after all, there is nothing to see.

... After the end of the arrest operation, a large number of people located in the underground shelter were approved to go home, but they also implemented a curfew at night. They must not go out after ten o'clock, and those who violated the curfand ordered, the imperial soldiers have power to kill on the spot.

For more than ten days, Cheng Jie has always been in the ground, after all, the main entrance to the surface base is being repaired.

Now Cheng Jie wants to go out to go out, and must first take a bus in the underground passage and take more than 30 kilometers in the direction of the North Open, then there to be to the ground there.


"Anya, how long does it take to repair the main entrance?"

I have been boring in my house, Cheng Jie's most diligent thing is to ask the main entrance and export.

"It has been completed 98%, which is expected to be completed tonight, and will be used normally tomorrow."

Cheng Jie slammed his head. He hit his neck to the right, and the cervical vertebrass sounded a slap.

"Well ... Waiting until the repair is complete, the first thing is to put the one ...?"


"Ah, right, Fifnil, dissected it, see if there is anything available?"

"... Amount, in fact, this project has already begun."

Cheng Jie pinched his eyes, and he thought of this is as if you have arranged it before.

An Anya said and put it out of the project site.

Seeing the scenes that are surrounded by a steel plate and various instruments are in a little bit of anatomy and then remove the scene.

"These samples will be sent to our science park later, and the four nano-computer hosts have been studied."

Cheng Jie nodded.

"Also, make the defense force to make the defense force, and then expand double the armed guards."


"What else, I have forgotten?"

"... Do you not look at the restoration progress of the dome and urban reconstruction?"

Cheng Jie shakes his head, "It is calculated today, you look at it ..."

He looks around, then open the mouth, "Han Wu?"

"Not clear, should you still be in the piano room?"

Cheng Jie got up, waved, and then pushed the door and went out.

It is a straight corridor. The landing window of the right side reflects the outside world. Of course, here is the underground, the world is naturally a holographic screen projection spring and summer autumn and winter, daytime night.

Another section of the corridor, that is the longest place to have the longest time in the cold.

I don't know why, she has suddenly been fascinated with piano recently, except for the necessary implementation of some instructions, almost twenty hours more than twenty-four hours a day.

This also makes her piano technology have been significantly improved. From fluency, they have been able to play smoothly.

And the little love Cheng Jie is naturally supported.

The soundproof clause in the wall, the sound insulation ceiling of the head, the sound of the door, even the glass of the room is double soundproofed, and a thick electric curtain is also installed.

Although Cheng Jie feels that the curtains are useless in the underground space.

With the design of Anyia, this pair of piano can say that while the interference of external murmurs is completely avoided, there is no significant impede of the reflection of the piano.

Later, I found that Cambrian did not have a day and night, Cheng Jie expanded space for this piano room, placed a soft double bed, also installed air conditioning and wireless network ... can be said to be more than Chengjie's own bedroom To be luxurious.

It is a bit surprised when I receive a resource point to deduct the message, and the transformation of such a room actually spent more than 10,000 resources.

There is also a follow-up to make a piano, not only hire craftsmen from the federal high price, but also a variety of woods that are scarce in the world.

Among the wood used in a piano, many are nearly extinct varieties in the last battle, and after the production reply, at that time, Ania is still the current Earth Federation, I have never thought of myself. Use what they do, nature, I haven't payable these wood species.

It is calculated that the piano used in the previous preparatory work, the piano used by Huiwu, spent nearly two months, even when Fawil was destroyed, the manufacturing has never stopped, finally gave it to the cold last night. Wu.

Han Wu ... is it to learn to enjoy it?

His mind is so thinking.

Standing in front of the piano house, the ear is posted on the door, which heard the vocabulary of the faint.

It seems still in the piano.

He hesitated, and finally touched the door.

However, he forgot this can sound, so this soft "stroke" is not able to pass anything.

Hanwu is also a reminder of Anya, I found out that I didn't know how to push the door.

[Please enter]

Hearing the answer of the cold, Cheng Jie was pushing the door.

On the scene, let his sink, the moonlight passes through the floor, and the piano and the player slowly rotating the rounded high platform.

"Han Wu?" He called softly.

Han Wu looked up and looked at Cheng Jie and then lowered.

The melodious syllable slowly flowed down in her pointed, under the shine of the moonlight, Hui Wu played a century piano song "Moonlight", tranquil, calm, like the lake in the Swiss Lake Swiss Lake Moonlight Slim boat.

Looking at the paintings in front of you, Cheng Jie can't bear to destroy, he slowly walked over the cold martial arts, sitting in bed behind her, listening quietly.


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