Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 216 3-94. Daily (3)

This chapter recommended BGM "YAWINGLION"


Early the next morning, no one is called, take a Thunder to the ground at the main exit of Hanwu's essence.

Sitting on the plane, there are many people who leave from here for a variety of reasons.

The dramatic scene also happened, a young loveman just broke up, they sat on both sides of the same flight, ready to leave here, and one of them is one of the first batch of arrow girls.

When she saw Cheng Jie, she would be saluted.

Seeing that many people should be noted, Cheng Jie hurriedly swayed.

"You have retired, you have a good life."

"Amount ...", the girl is low, some are awkward.

"what's happenin?"

"In fact, I just broke up ..."

Cheng Jie nodded, "Do you mind tell me?"

Teenage girl looked at Cheng Jie.

"Well, if you mind, you don't have to."

The girl shook his head, "Ah, there is nothing, it is ... Let it be natural, it is divided."

"Do you think he doesn't like you?"

The girl's conscious look at a man who has just been from the bathroom.

Cheng Jie also looks together.

In the sight of the two, the man's eyes dodge, then tried to see it.

"Then, do you still like him?" Cheng Jie continued to ask.

Girl blinked, Cheng Jie saw that when he asked this question, her eyes were red.

"Age ... I am more than him is almost ten years ..."

"This year you?"

"twenty five……"

Cheng Jiewei, "Lang is affection,

Hanwuti Ma understood what Cheng Jie was asking, and suddenly took Cheng Jie, then quietly said in his ear.

[Amount ... The newly regulated age of the federal decreased to fifteen years old, so I can't see the people in the past.

Cheng Jie nodded and screamed the cold Wusong.

Subsequently, pull up a girl, go back to the back.

The boy who came to see this side from time to time and quickly discovered the move of Cheng Jie.

He stands tense.

"I feel, how do I feel ... I seem to be a wedding, put my daughter to the story of the son-in-law." After taking, he also pulled the girl to the boy.

"Well, can you still have!"

Cheng Jie played the person in front of this eye, spit out this sentence.

The boy smiled slightly, then looked at the teenage behind the joy.

Cheng Jie is sent to the hands of the girl to the hands of the boy.

"She used to be my soldier, now I will give you to you, this is a trust, she left her military life, trying to integrate your world ..."

"In the future, when you encounter trouble and difficult, I hope you remember that she gave up her life ..."

"Just like this, I wish you happiness."

I don't know what is today. Cheng Jie suddenly had a lot of words. I have said so many boys who are obviously understanding. I don't know if he doesn't understand it, but at least it seems to have been released, not so Heavy.


The Antarctic City time starts from the Antarctic base at five o'clock in the morning. After seven hours of twists and turns, it has finally landed at about 10 o'clock in Asia.

Until this, Cheng Jie made Hanwu inform the earth federal aspect.

I didn't let them organize what guards and fleets, he is to see.

Despite this, the federal is also helping to empty the area of ​​the Asian base safety zone, leaving only the rebuilt Cheng Jie's house and the resettable grave.

As before, the two called a car and went to the Asian base.

Entering the city gate, this scale of Asian city above the Asian base does not lose the Antonctic city, and I have bought some snacks along the way, let the cold Warm one.

After ten minutes, the driver stopped before the entrance to the ground.

"Mr., this ... our civilians don't seem to go."

The voice is just falling, the metal door in front is open, exposed inside the passage of the eight cars and rushing.

Several Banglian soldiers ran out and checked the license plate number and then released it.

"Let's go."

Under the surprise of the driver, the Guanka is released, and Cheng Jie successfully entered the door of the deep safety zone in the underground base.

Cheng Jie and Hanwu opened the door, and a team of federal soldiers came over. They put two people in the middle, and another diplomat of a suit revolution ran to pay for the driver.

... Entering the security zone, Cheng Jie let other people stop, only with the cold military.

"This space ... is not big."

Cold Wu nodded, obviously did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

"In fact, the golden nest is not as good as his dog's nest ..." He pushed the door that looked in a long time.

The memory flooded into the mind, and the room seems to be full of people who played the sound.

Through the living room, he walked toward the courtyard, looked at the two graves from the short, and remembered some of the previous things.

Let the cold martial arts, then let her go to the room to turn to yourself.

When I heard the closed door, Cheng Jie took out the snacks bought in the bag, and there were two copies, Cheng Jie put them in front of the two people.

"Today's protagonist is not you, wait a while, I will come again ...", he smiled and said for the tombstone of Ying, then walked back to Li Bing's tombstone.

Sitting in the ground, Cheng Jie disassembles a box of cake.

"Although, what is worship, according to the previous standard, it is necessary to prepare paper money, white candles, but ... now this culture has long been, no one has produced these things, I am not ready, give you on the road. Buy some food. "

Cheng Jie reached out and gently stroked the cold stone.


"I am very satisfied, I am very satisfied, starting from the beginning, I know your name ... I will remember your voice, I will hold your hand, I never regret it. ...... "

"I used to be too young to get rid of today's situation. You always say that I am a person who is not talking. It is, after all, what happened, how can I still laugh again?" Cheng Jie smiled come out.

"Time ... There is always no one in one of the people ..."

"If you can, I only hope that the next life becomes a side animal, so I can know what I am doing, and I can use your life to accompany you ..."

Cheng Jie wiped his eyes, deep sucking, then got up, said to Li Bing's grave tomb, "Ok, almost, I am still very busy ..."

Cheng Jie said, go out of a few steps, retreat to the living room, and turn around ready to close.

He finally looked at the short grave, "Go."

I heard the whole process from the second floor, I was upstairs, and I stood in front of Cheng Jie.

"Let's go."


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