Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 222 3-100. Daily (Nine)


The door opened, Liu Wei appeared in front of Cheng Jie, Cheng Jie saw the familiar figure in the door.

This is not wrong.

Raise a foot, open the door, and we also kicked out from this sudden attack.

Some people in the bathroom were taking a shower, Cheng Jie didn't go to the tube. He walked to the bed and turned over the girl.

"Han Wu, Hui Wu."

"You special", Liu Yu recovered the first thing to recover from the circle is an angry.

The person taking a shower in the bathroom heard the abnormal noise outside the door, but also wrapped up the bath towel, and the blonde of the microchement also took a rain drip, as Liu Wei's personal bodyguard, in addition to guard, Liu Wei also let her part-time mistress work.

Cheng Jie was inspected, and found that the cold clothes were obviously being moved.

He turned his head, his eyes were sneak, and he asked, "Her clothes, who you solve?"

Liu Wei picks up the eyebrows, and probably knows what this person is, it is estimated that the boyfriend of the little Nizi in the bed, he is interested, provocative, "I solve, what happened? Sleep your wife still have to follow you exchange……"


The female bodyguard also noticed the movement of Cheng Jie, and naturally blocked before Liu Yu.

Three sounds, this bodyguard has blocked two of them, but it is so sent, maybe Liu Yu is not good, and maybe it is too evil, this bullet is just penetrating his lungs.

The female bodyguards also guarded the situation of Liu Wei, hurried forward, and prepared to put Cheng Jie first.

However, Cheng Jie didn't hesitate, directly rolled into the gun, and hit the abdomen of the female bodyguard, chest and neck, completely took her last breath.

Cheng Jie walked forward, looked at Liu Wei, who was trying to breathe on the shore, and he lifted the gun, and a shot of his lower body.

The heartbreaking pain makes Liu Yu forgot the pain from the chest, and the scream of the blow box is sounded.

Cheng Jie turned around to see the situation of Hanwu, I took a step, but I turned back, I took two shots for Liu Yu, I haven't fully swallowed, and I broke the magazine, and then changed a magazine. Attention to the insurance, I got the gun.

Look at the blood in the room, Cheng Jie doesn't want to stay, he hurts the cold, from 403, and the feet also take the door.

No room card, you can't go downstairs, Cheng Jie has only listened to the room, listening to there is anyone in it, but the nearby room heard the gun, naturally, there is no movement, Cheng Jie has to listen to all the way. Until the other side of the four floors, he found a room that came from a sound.

The legs are accumulated, and one foot is on.

The door lock of the door is not opened, but the piece of the wooden board was taken out of his cavity.

The legs have to force, and a foot is in the door, eventually breaking a wound, reach out and open the lock of the door.

The two pairs of men and women are wearing clothes.

"Four is interested, but you have to ask you to leave."

It is pointed out with a gun, and four people don't dare to say anything. They only worn their clothes and then hurry.

Pick a bed that hasn't moved, Cheng Jie took his suitcase jacket under the pad, then put the cold Wu on it.

"What happened to Anya, Han Wu?"

"Amount ... In fact, it should be more drink."

Cheng Jie fog.

"How will she drink more?"

"I am not very clear, I don't understand what the new body of Hanwu is the mechanism."

Cheng Jie nodded.

Until at this time, Cheng Jie, a slight relaxed, asked a little taste.

He wanted to think carefully, and even remembered the two pairs of men and women, shake his head, hugged the cold, put it on the body, then take off the shirt on the bed.

Take the cold in the cold, then use the coat as a quilt to cover her.

I all this last night, Cheng Jie got up to open the window to let the wind, after all, the taste of Hormon is not good.

Also in this process, Cheng Jie noticed a TT that was lost on the floor window set, and the bottom of the heart was in the heart.

The cold military in the drunken state finally recovered a consciousness of a silk, and she opened her eyes, and saw Cheng Jie, who was in the windows.

The body of the body of the nano mechanical insects, strong muscle lines.

In the cold, there were some strange ideas, and the face was more red.

Cheng Jie seems to be aware of what, he looked to the cold.

Hanwu discovery Cheng Jie is so gentle, suddenly does not want to get it, she closes his eyes, pretending to wake up, but he is smashed.

"Hey, if you wake up, hurry to return to normal."

[Have you seen the normal person to wake up with a button? ]

[I went, how did I say my heart, should I be installed? ]

[Hey, how do I say it ...]

Cheng Jie walked over, touched the cold of the cold, "... Drink more wine, this will not be controlled out of the heart ..."

"If you can't wake up, you will continue to sleep, I am defected."

Cold Wu nodded, she wants to do something this opportunity, but my head is painful, and I will soon have been sleeping again.

This sleep is a few hours, during this period, Cheng Jie is not idle, in addition to the cold and spit, to help find things, do not let her spit himself.

He also eats a large bottle that has not been covered with a large bottle of the four people, eats a bowl, and I don't know why, I feel hungry.

I have eaten five bowls in a row, it is not so hungry, then stop.

Mainly, he felt that the cold woke up, and then rushed a bowl of bubble surface.

While it is still awkward, "Amount ... I can eat this, can you eat this?"

What did he recall carefully after drinking more? What did you eat?

However, that is basically Li Bing, do not say, it is basically no impression.

"It seems to be light, but don't, can it be too greasy?"

It seems to have asked the fragrance, and the cold is suddenly sat up, and then she will go back because of dizziness.

I'm hungry

"Amate, nonsense, you are so much, then I have a full spit, now there is no empty in the stomach, isn't it a taste?"

Han Wu lying in bed nodded.

Cheng Jie walked into, helping her, left legs in bed, giving her back to back.

The bowl of bubble faces arrived in front of the cold.

"Eat it, although it seems that drinking is light, but now there is nothing else, from the numerous taste to pick you the clearest ..."

I haven't worried, I have finished, and the cold is grabbing the bubble surface and eats.

Looking at her hungry tiger-like food, Cheng Jie scared, "Amount, you are really hungry ..."

Looking at the never offead in front of ... Well, it is this word, there is no way to take care of your own Cheng Jie, the cold wine is not scattered, she doesn't want to scatter.

"I will go to the bubble, there are two bowls left ...", I took it over the empty paper bowl, Cheng Jie put it on the bedside table.

Then I will prepare to go out and make a bowl.

After feeling the body, I rely on Cheng Jie, and I don't want him to leave.

Then I don't know what happened, under the surprise of Cheng Jie, the cold Wu Jiao, [, don't move ...]

"Amount ...", never heard of Cheng Jie, who has been in the tone of the cold, has a layer of chicken skin.

"How did you sprinkle with it? You don't have enough, I have to bubble a bowl."

[No, I don't eat ...]

"I don't go, just within your sight, is it good?"

Cambrian seems to have some grievances, finally nodded, [good ~]

... but the cold martial arts that encounters the bubble face is still eating with the trend of wind coil.

In the end, the eight bowl bubble noodles prepared by men and women were eliminated by two.

Cheng Jie looked at the empty bowl on the bedside table, and his eyes suddenly saw a bottle of medicine.

He reached out and wanted to pick up, and the cold martial arts suddenly saved his waist and did not move him.

Cheng Jie is so stiff, but he feels a bit wrong with it slowly.


He looked to the window opened, the window opened, but why did you feel a bit hot?

I don't wait for him, I have been hugging his cold, I am not honest, first is straight, I just put it softly on his face, and then don't touch it.

"Hello, cold," I said that although you are now half a patient, you can be a bit too much. "

It is more intense to be strong by the cold of the cold.

It seems that the touch of the cold is clearer.

A fire was rushed from Dantian. He turned his head as much as possible to see the slightly spit, and the cold.

He looks for something that you can distract your own attention, then locked the small bottle with a little grayish gray.

I can't see the words above, he reached out and took it over and hoped to alleviate your own fire.

"Origin, India, Production Date ..."

Cheng Jie reads this, it seems that it really presses a little fire.

However, he reads reading and discovering.

"This is ... It seems to be a spring medicine?"

"Precautions, easy to solve the water, pay attention not to use over ..."

"Hey, it's broken, the water used by the bubble ... Han Wu you get up."


Cheng Jie looked at the cold, it was obvious that this is unclear, Cheng Jie has to prepare for himself to return to normal.

However, pay attention to the Cheng Jie who has just turned back to the cold, and the fire suddenly rushed to the brain.

Just when he was ready to start cleaning the drug, Han Wu suddenly found the trick, unlocked his belt, and reached out and held it.

With the gentle movement of the cold, Chengjie's last will be invaded.


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