Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 34 2-25. Cornement (1)

[Welcome back]

[All units have been placed]

[The generator is working properly, the energy supply is sufficient]

You can now build a computer host core, the core of the terminal]

[The core breakthrough of the farm completed, the machine factory broke through]

Now you can make tsunami tanks, hits - VX, steel romance, ninja]

"Building a computer host, a generator."

[Confirm, it is construction]

The resource point is 3300 points, the current balance: 138,500 points]

[Note: Computer hosts do not complete all R & D work alone, please support research facilities to avoid occupying the construction plant works]

Cheng Jie is so frowning, and it seems that this setting is not exactly the same as the game. "What do you mean?"

[I will answer you, the computer host is just a storage tool, the Empire Technology Deciphering Center, like other force scientific drawings or anti-engineering imitation of other forces, computer hosts cannot be completed, need other facilities Cooperate, although the construction plant has this function, the construction plant has limited processing capacity, and the implementation of the construction task has taken a lot of operational power, and the science and technology such as a soldier have not been problematic, and the analysis of the paper involves the building, such as the building. The speed of building the core will fall]

"What is this principle? You are a traitor! You are !"

[Whether to build a scientific research area]

"... I am a host, you can't ignore me!"

[Whether to build a scientific research area]

"Well, you won, migrate the build factory to the original site of our house, in the rest of the regional construction scientific research zone and supporting facilities."

[Confirm, the resource point is 8900 points, the current balance: 129600]

[All construction is suspended, the construction plant has been put away, moving ...]

"Right, I now replenishment and maintenance, how many resources needed?"

[Current forces maintenance make up one thousand resource points for one need]

"It's too difficult ... I don't make it, so, build two ore refinery, then ensure that two mines per refinery, two are a group, just every elevator can put down four mines."

[Confirm, is being built, deducted the resource point 9200 points, the current balance: 107200]

"I have to pay daily maintenance, set up 50,000 points, and the resources are less than 50,000 points are automatically stopped, and the base is working properly."

[Has been set]

[MCV has been launched, the construction project continues]

[Research area infrastructure, supporting facilities construction, computer host core construction is completed, "is going to go]

One nano core opened the construction plant, walked into the wall of the scientific research area, walked along the highway to the center of scientific research zone.

[The computer host is starting, it is expected to be completed after three minutes]

[Generator core construction is completed, starting]

"The tsunami tank is a group, and the gampers are two groups, and the production of five groups, and then reproduce four steel waves."

[Confirmation, production, deduct the resource point 38000 points, the current balance: 88400]

[Note: Branch mission - to resist the corpse, has been opened, and there is an expected 3 hours from the corpse

Cheng Jie's eyelids, "Thank you for reminding, I have forgot this."

"Ratming alarm, all bases enter the war!"

The sound of the harsh alarm is honest, and the red warning light is constantly flashing.

Survivors on the ground have received notices, all entered the car, Cheng Jie did not allow them to enter the ground.

"Started to break through the road breakthrough and the machine factory breakthrough, and start to produce Wavenega to ensure that the underground entrance and exit, the underground space is fully covered, the wall shooting platform 45% Install the Wavene Tower."

[Confirmation, the command has been executed, at least 58,000 points, has exceeded the pre-proportion, is temporarily turned off]


[True fragrance]

[Confirm, the resource point is over 60000 points, the current balance: 28400]

"I hope that these zombies will give me a sufficient gain ..."

The top of the high fence, a seat defender is powered on, and the Wavelength Tower core is in a lower underground.

"The force of the force is divided into the first, second two brigade according to the settings of the brigade, and the first brigade has been stationed in the city wall, the second brigade is insightful."

Thousands of people just killed from the rest area began to enter the Thunder transport vehicle. With the decision, the transport vehicle is divided into two groups, and a set stops near exports, and another group enters the channel, to the surface, in another After the group disappeared at the end of the channel, the tail hatch of the transportation vehicle left here opened, the second brigade soldiers began to rely on the building in the base, the defensive tower and the carrier of the Thunder transport vehicle construction defense circle.

On the ground, the traffic vehicle just opened did not stop, and opened into the city wall. It took a car to the designated position through the lift and the track in the wall.


"Right, do they need me to hand in hand?" Cheng Jie worried, because it seems to be in the game, a pair of hands commanding dozens of units are a bit busy, and now, if you want to direct thousands of people, I am afraid that I don't want to be all-on. Rhythm.

[Reassuring, some of them are implanted into learning and tactical chips. If you arrive at the enemy, you have not allocated officers, these people will automatically ladder all rankings and command teams.

Cheng Jieng called on the mouth.

[Due to breakthrough, the machine factory breakthrough, you can now make Wavelength Tank, Ghost, Rocket Angel]

"Know, and, if I have not remembered the wrong, the Bolloba attack can attack a straight line target at the same time?"

[Yes, the energy level is attenuated with distance and penetration target defense]

"Specially dedicated to the equipment of the sea tactics ... There is still a problem ..."

[A lot of questions, I don't want to hear]

"Don't, the last one."


"Why don't you give me a task?"



[Roll, the task is what I want to send? Also, you think I don't know if you are thinking, isn't you want to reward? no way! ]

"I am a boss, are you boss?"

[I can get your head, do you want us to try it, practice is the only standard for inspection truth, what is the problem? ]

"No ... no."

[Prepare for fighting, don't distract, have any questions, etc. I will give you one by one.

"Fall out the dynamic map, and now monitor the movement of the corpse in real time."

"Let the Tiangog and the gourmeters lift the air, the steel converever is open to the ground with the tsunami tank, I personally dispatched."

[Confirm, in the map construction ... has been projected]

[Directive has reached]

The armored troops walked out of the ground, and the dogs and the blowers immediately deformed, and the twenty tsunami was quietly stopped at the vicinity of the exit, and the steel waves guarded the authentic exit.


Enter the command room, the equipment in the room began to run.

Digital state, wall loss, enemy distance, radar image, base status map, progressive map of each project, respectively, and a dynamic map of each project and a random scale of arbitratens.

Cheng Jie puts a dynamic map from the screen in the upper right corner on the home screen.

Sweeping a light-eyed radar screen, the bristles of the dense Ma Ma will continue to be filled with the top right corner of the entire screen.

On the dynamic map, with the blue triangle logo, the position of the ranks, the red is like the area of ​​the northeast direction, but causing him to pay attention to the direction in the red tide forward direction, there is a team with yellow markers. Pursued.

Cheng Jie enlarged in this area, the team of the Southwest Military Region reflected the eye blurtes. At this time, the proportion of the chariot in the team has been severely shrinking and basically listed in the post, the turret is behind, the running is shot, after a round of shooting, high-shelling In the corpse group, the blood is raining.

I haven't seen the situation of this team, he has been roughly clear that this is a team, and the perspective is adjusted to the back corpse.

This is a group of corpses that are more zombies, because it takes a long time to run, most of the zombies have the situation of leg malformations under persecution, but this increases their bounce, you can see a few zombies from time to time. The variation, jumped from the corpse group, and then be sieved by the front-of-the-counter machine gun.

Failure to adapt to this long-term hunting prey has long been fell off or become the same kind of food.

The zombies that can be sprayed in the back before the back is now behind, but the speed of run is long.

The type of bone shield now has a lot of bone shields, but it seems that speed is not so slow, at least with the corpse group, hang in the end of the corpse.

Nowadays, it is more special in the corpse, which is not different from ordinary zombies, but can still stay in the team.

Cheng Jie further enlarges the picture, wants to see these only things, but the zoomed picture is unclear, almost form a mosaic.

In this mosaic, Cheng Jie feels that these eyes are also watching themselves, this feeling makes him not cold and chestnut.

My readers are all monster levels!

Now the number before the calculator is calculated ... I am too difficult ... but it is good, so it can be more and more rigorous ...

There is also the original second chapter is applying for lifting, and it should be seen soon ...

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