Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 5 EX1-1. Fan - Terminate All Wars

This chapter recommends the "ойконь" of the dubstant LUBE.


"Today is on February 8, 2100, is the Chinese New Year, but in today, the Banglian's military power will launch and fight for us. At present, the two sides are fighting in the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific."



The explosion sounded, and the fire illuminated the face of Yuhuai.

He suddenly opened his eyes. Through the window, he saw the fireball of the far away, just when he was still worried, the impact wave came, and there were several pieces also hanging on the window frame.

Yu Huai rushed down, a broken glass opened his skin, leaving a long walk on his face, starting from the right mandible to the right cheekbone wound.

"Ah, ah!"

The scrape rang.

The medical school sister who came to the medical school they shared by the next room was exclaimed.

After a while, Yu Hui took his face from the ground, and opened the door of the next door, the school girl was smashed into the room.

She saw the wound on Yu Huai, she kneeling around Yuhuai, opened medical boxes, removing alcohol and gauze, and started to treat wounds for Yuhuai.

Hold the pain, Yu Hua is exhausted to reduce the use of facials, whispered, "You are afraid not a fake student, the package is the same as the bag."

The school girl hammered on him, "I still abandon me? Then I will be dismantled, you come by yourself."

Yu Huai quickly waved his hand and stopped her extended hand, "Don't ... hurt."


Open the radio, this city that has not been a civilian shadow in the city.

Yuai Huai and school girl rely on, open the radio on time, listen to the content inside.

"Still staying in Shanghuangcheng District, please try to hide in your own home, the enemy's landing force has broken through the front line, our reinforcement is currently coming, it is expected to arrive after two hours, please Everyone must surprise, such as encountering the Benfang soldiers, please don't resist it, the integration governments have negotiated to the Banglian through joint organizations ... "

The content in the radio has become unchanged. Two weeks ago, the Banglian broke through the integrated coast line, and the civilians who have not been to evacuate were forced to stay here. Just yesterday, through a telescope, Yuai saw more than a dozen Banglian soldiers In the opposite community, there are still several buildings that are found, the old couple who have been born for a long time is shot on the spot.

Listening to the sound of the ear, Yuhuai smales read the next words.

"The integration government and the army will fight for the people to the last moment. No matter what the results, the world will remember that we strive to fight against the invaders, above ..."

Yuhuai reached out to the look of a gun next to his sunsup.


The radio came to a gun.

Yuai knows that the radio will come to the radio, and a female voice shouts - "Is there a medical group?", The like, the sound.

But this time, the radio suddenly didn't move.

Yuhuai stayed halfway, then climbed the past, finally, he got a conclusion that the battery last year did not replace the battery finally still lost.

The school girl is also slowly moved by Yuhuai. After the Huai Huai took the radio, took the shot, took out the battery and went back, I hope I can hear anything.

Looking at the actions of Yuhuai, the school girl caught his hand.

Yuhuo picks up his hand, and slammed on the radio.

"Don't try it, it's no electricity", the school girl reminded.

"Roll ...", the rabbit, the rabbit that Yuhuai, is very stunned, look back and stare at the school girl, and then continue to shoot his radio.

Learn, I nodded and got up and ready to leave.

In the distance, a sniper waited for this prey.

Finally, she revealed her body after she was masked, and her fingers slowly buckled.


Sisters said to Yuhuai, "I have to go out to eat at night ..."

A bullet flew into her skull, after half a second, the gunshot came, and the radio of the consciousness under Yuhu was down.

After half, Yu Huai lifted his body asked, "You are fine ... Let ..."

He saw a big hole in the head of the school girl and almost torn her neck.

Yu Huai is uncontrolled, then cover his mouth, telling yourself over and over again - can't call, can't shout, will be discovered.


It's dark, the sniper is over, they returned to the camp, enjoy your dinner, today's "record" has become the best talk.

After the Huai Huai, he carefully walked on a street. After half an hour, he finally went to his destination.

That is a disabled home, which has stored a lot of food and medicines.

After the Yaai, I didn't get a silk sound. He touched the kitchen in the dark, opened the refrigerator, took a can lunch, two bottles of water and some bandages, and then put it in a few hundred yuan banknotes.

He walked out of the house and deeply bowed to the direction of the house.

"sorry Sorry……"

At this time, he seems to heard some of the states of the state-coupled from the distance, Yu Huai's heart shocked, and quickly hid in the ruins that were not far away, and wiped it again in the dust.

He was frightened to watch the two soldiers and step by step to the door of the room he just came out.

The two communicate, then one of them opened the door with one foot.


Not much time, there is a woman's scream.

The disabled woman was pulled out by one of the hair and pressed on the ground, and the other started to tear the woman's clothes.

She is unable to resist the violation of the two soldiers, and the nail is buckled with the face of the soldier. It is a slanting slap.

Her head of the fan is taking here.

... The eyes of the two are in the air.

The sky is very dark, what is black, but the Yuhuai is clear, it is despair and hope.

Yu Huai lifted his mouth and slowly shook his head, and then went down, and he couldn't speak.

The woman suddenly calm, and she did not struggle. She understood what, smile, smile.

The active hugged the body of the soldier being violent, put on his lips, and slowly touched the pistol of his waist.

……boom! ……boom……

The bodies of the arms were pressed on the corpse of the woman's sludge.

In front of Yuhuai, the woman pulled out the pistol, and the neck of the soldiers who grabbed themselves were a shot, or the soldiers did not expect that in order to facilitate the spun, there was no insurance, and the habit of the insurance eventually had to live.

After the soldiers fell, the woman took the muzzle to the forehead and did not hesitate to fire.

A few drops of warm liquid falls on the face of Yaai.

Another major soldier fluttered, put your comrades on the ground, reach out to hold the neck that is bleeding, shouting his name.


For a long time, the soldiers put down the bodies of the comrades, wiped tears, raised guns to make a few shots on the corpse of women, and then left.


I don't know when, Yuhuo woke up, the sky was slightly lit, he climbed out of the ruins, squatted in the woman, took off his jacket, cover on her naked body.

He slowly covered her eyes, then walked down in the hut, found a bag, and took all the food and medicines.

... After half an hour, there are hundreds of meters away from your hiding place, but it is not enough. The sun has appeared. The first sun in the morning shines on his face, faintly, he seems to hear the gun bolts the sound of.

... he laughed, smile is very bright.

"Ha ha ha, there is these things, I can live, hahaha ... I will let the school girl look at these drugs ... haha ​​... haha ​​... ha ..."


... After five hours, the integrated armored group army has recovered this city in a gesture that does not have to be agreed.

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