Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 60 2-51. Episode

[Surplus time: 1 minute]

At the same time of Cambrunn Tips, a icy electronic synthetic sound can also sound on the platform.

[Note that the cargo transportation channel is also closed for a minute, please complete the loading and unloading of the goods as soon as possible]

[53 seconds from the cargo channel close]



"Open fire!" Cheng Jie shouted.

The imperial soldiers built the trigger, and a bullet flew out from the gun tube, and the corpse also seems to find the goal, and with the state of the wandering, start to clicten to Cheng Jie.


[39, 38, 37]

The empire soldiers who have just changed the magazine once again emitted the intensive barrage.

The main cannon on the tsunami tank attacked the zombie, which is not a large place in the area where the quarantine is quizs a layer of bodies.


[21, 20, 19, 18]

A zombie has successfully killed the Empire soldiers to change to Cheng Jie, and there is no need to respond to Cheng Jie, and the body is moving at any time.

The blade scored over the body of the zombie, and a head flew up, when it fell on the ground, its body rushed forward and finally fell.

The heads on the ground still seem to be a lot of Cheng Jie who is not far away, but it can't send it, and it can't go forward.

Cheng Jie looked at it, and the knife in Chicheng did not contaminate the slight blood, but she was a habit of pulling the blade, it seems to be a blood that did not exist above, and then she returned to Cheng Jie. .


[3, 2, 1]

[The platform of the platform invoked, the excuse is about to close]

Several zombies fell, but more zombies were still in front servants.


[Start close to the excuse]

The walls in front of Cheng Jie began to close, and several zombies were pushed. Just as the dominoes, the zombies fell into stumbling blocks, more and more zombies were thrown on the ground.

As this wall is closed, the disgusted slag is mixed with blood water from the gap, and the smell of disgust is that it will generally lead to the stomach.

For dozens of seconds, the platform to the ground.

"I can breathe fresh air feel ... really good"

Welcome back……

"Han Wu, I swear, I will find ways to uninstall you."

really sorry

"If you apologize, what should you do?"


"Forget it, it is not dead anyway."

After a break, Cheng Jie started to prepare for the second time.

After the control of the lifting platform, Cheng Jie began deploying in the lifting platform.

A set of groups of desert mines were placed on the platform.

"Okay, cold, fall."


... under the gaze of Cheng Jie, the platform full of traps falls.

Not much time, the underground shock.

When the platform is raised, there is a bunch of bodies on the body of the body.

Cheng Jie waved his hand, shouting on the empire soldiers on both sides, "Clean the body, lay the landmines!"


Come back this reciprocner, when all the mines that have been carried, Cheng Jie has to personally go.

[Expected to have about 400 zombies below, no variants were found yet]

Cold Wu active reminded Cheng Jie, it seems that it will make up.

"Nothing, I will go with the tsunami tank."

Cheng Jie drilled in a sea , sitting in the long position, he couldn't help but sigh, "The location is really good, it is quite comfortable ..."

The original captain of this car is sitting in the position of the gunner, and the automatic bullet is turned off and the automatic shooting mode is turned off, serving the role of the gunner.

Ten , the driver adjusts the tank backwards, and stops at the end of the platform.

"After seeing the goal, I will directly open the fire, don't worry about the medicine", Cheng Jie said in the communication channel.

"Yes, you!"


On the ground, Chi City walked back to the newly built tent, took out a table of tea from his own cassette, and was skilled to rinse the tea bowl and tea.

Pour the tea powder with teaspoon into the tea bowl, teaspoon gently collide with the edge of the tea bowl and shake the residual tea powder.

The hot water was filled in the bowl, and then the right hand in Chi City began to send.

After a while, she put the tea bowl in her own ship to keep the insulation. The casual assembly of Chicheng seems to have some space for saving, allowing its temperature and taste to be in the beginning.

Wipe the teaspoon, Chi City is sitting on the ground waiting to return to Cheng Jie.

The silently is silently accompanied by the owner, waiting to be waiting with his own owner.

After about three minutes, Cheng Jie walked into the tent. It was originally intended to rest in the sleeping bag, but it was a bit hestructed in the heart of the heart of Chicheng.

In her side, she also walked to Chicheng in front of Chicheng, she was sitting down with her.

Although this posture is a bit uncomfortable, Cheng Jie still said that he is very quite.

It is awesome, and Chi City called the ship, took it out of the ink color tea bowl, and went to Cheng Jie.

"This ...", Cheng Jie did not pick it up.

"Please", Chicheng said.

"Good", Cheng Jie's nervous passed, and did not taste it for a long time, it was so late, and he looked at Chi City.

"Chi City, if there is anything, please talk, I am not the emperor's emperor, no such."

"Advocating asking for the product tea", Chicheng head minimally pressed.

"Oh, good", Cheng Jie looked at Chi City, and even ignored the original bitter taste.

Chi City is a bit surprised to look up.

"what happened?"

"This, don't you match and fruit?"

I don't know when, one looks like a sweet thing, there is something between the two, but Jie Jie did not pay attention, he had a symbolic ate, but there is no taste of the taste.

"Miss Chi City, please talk about what you have?" Unconsciously, Cheng Jie has begun to pay attention.

"Well, then I will talk ..."


"Adjury, you can ask you to do my ... How can I ask you to do my husband?"

Cheng Jie seems to have not reacted, and the brain said, "Of course, there is no problem ... Well?"

Originally, I was going to say this thing in Chicheng tonight. No matter what I will promise, Cheng Jie, who will promise, issued a doubtable voice after the reaction came over.

"Many thanks."

Chicheng leaned down and looked at the very backache in a very backache.

"Amount, not, this ...", Cheng Jie gave Chi City opportunity.

Achie is revealed in the eyes of Chicheng.

"That start today, you are my husband."

She picked up the tea bowl put into the ship and received the ship.

Until this, Cheng Jie was completely understood, and he was busy to explain. "No, I just had a brain ..."

But smart city, how can Chicheng not seize opportunities, I saw Chicheng took out a short knife, holding hands, and from Cheng Jie.

"If you want to repent, please end my life."

... Silenced a while.

"I feel I feel that I have been pitted ..."

[Cut, man, reading is pit, writing to earn, his blood is earned]

[By the way, you will mention you, just in the European root, so congratulations, you have about ten seconds before she turned off the picture.]


Don't worry, every week is six chapters, now I haven't worried yet, so choose three first, then write one

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