Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 74 2-65. Saved Data


[The first period of youth military officers have now put into armed guards, the command framework of the armed guards is really generated]

[The following is the list of military officers in the first phase ...]

Looking at this copy of personal information, Cheng Jie once again, these clones did not have in the past, but they still had future, they have independent personality, although it is a technology, it is said that they are machine, it is better to say They are career soldiers who are brainwashing in the depth.

They will think that there will be trend to avoid disappointing without commands.

In battle, they will be afraid and fear, but they just have chosen faithful execution orders, or say, with the help of chips.

Look at this file in front of you, everyone is a distinctive person, in the settings, they have hometown, have a relatives, have food that likes to eat, has a complete life.

But at the end of each file, you will note the prototypes and adaptation points of false memory, these reminders, they are not real.

They are the machine's machine, which is a human utensil, although in addition to the brain, they are not different from people.

Everyone has a video that everyone trained in the officer training group is accompanied by each person's file.

Touching and climbing, laughing, and there is almost no difference in military soldiers.

"They ... will find that they are not real people?" Cheng Jie asked.

Han Wu seems to be very convinced of this problem, she pauses for half a minute, and then gives an answer.

[What are they not real? ]

"What do you mean?"

[We don't even define the words of the person without clear standards, and how to define people? The shape is consistent? DNA consistent? Can thinking about it? Is there a separate personality? According to the idea of ​​the integration "Yuanhang Plan", the crew will lose the ability to live in zero-gravity, and there will be more than one year in other envision of the planet environment.

[Unlike the appearance, do you want to divide orthodox human and next? ]

Cheng Jie also listened to where there is no right, and it seems that he has said something similar before.

"Hanwu, these views are you what you have?"

[... Yes, there are these records in my personal data stream]

This sentence has attracted the high attention of Cheng Jie.

"Data flow? Hanwu, give me a look at your composition module."

[Confirmation, Open Permissions]

[My database consists of personal databases and integrated databases]

[The integrated database, the main data platform, which continues before the main storage of the integrated database, stores including maps, terrain, military facilities, civil facilities, civil air defense engineering, etc.

[Personal database mainly includes core layers recorded by core data]

[Equipped with thinking modules, behavioral modules, observation modules, etc. Thinking data]

[Responsible for processing the self-run module of basic data without judgment)

[And memory module about all information generated by individuals]

"Check the abnormality, any data or ... feel different from the difference."

[Confirmation, self-test ...]

[Integrated database is not abnormal ...]

[Core layer ... no abnormal ...]

[Thinking data is no abnormal ...]

[There is no abnormality from running modules ...]

[Memory module has repeated recording phenomena ...]

"It's this ...", Cheng Jie took a table.

"Turn this part to the reasons for the re-record of memory module."


[Is the content of the repeated recording part, is it displayed? ]

"Yes", with the Cheng Jie's voice, the light in the command room is dark.

[Start playing content ...]


"You are the product of two worlds ..."

"So how is the disabled?"

[Note: The core data is being invaded]

[Enable killing procedure ... has been paused]

[Note: The core data is being invaded]

[Killing program has been paused]

[Note: ...... The core data is crashing, thinking logic modules, memory modules are damaged.

[Formatting process begins ...]

[Emergency Directive: Protection Memory Module]


...... Cheng Jie's thoughts returned to the world, showing the one day of its iceberg.

It is also a black tired, slender body, and silver-white tight space suit highlights the genres' genids.

But it is flat to say a last day of human.

[Is it cleanup error? ]

Hanwu's question, let Cheng Jie don't know how to answer, he is very clear that it is the memory of the last cold, that is more human.

"Forget it, it is placed in a fixed range in the case of constant threats."


"Right, cold, if one day you determine that I am crazy or not can guide us as a head, please stop me ..."

[Confirmation, recorded]

Silent for a few seconds, Cheng Jie rushed from this strange atmosphere. He returned to the right track and started to ask the military officer.

"I am clear, um ... After a while, I will come over at 8:00, I will give them a meeting."

[Confirmation, notification has been conveyed]

"There is also what I want to see the working state of our research team, give me a set of engineering clothes, then I have to test their security, tell them, my testing will be ready, ready."

[Ok, notice has been reached]


Ten minutes later, Cheng Jie as a runner, slow into the core of the computer.

Seeing almost a layer of building in the computer core building of the technology park, Cheng Jie whispers said to Han Wu, "Hanwu, all computer core internal design and pattern is a model?"

[Yes, you can also choose personalized design, need it? ]

"A amount, forget it."

He continued to go forward, waiting for the face to identify the face before standing, a class of peacekeeping infantry carefully examined every person in the past.

After a few seconds, the shutter has not been opened, which causes Cheng Jie to attract a few peacekeeping infantry.

At the moment of the face of Cheng Jie, one of the peacekeeping infantry seems to feel that this person is somewhat familiar, his face revealed the wonderful look, the eyebrow wrinkled, but also looked at it, but still thinking about what, only Take the green light on the gate, the gentle female voice also sounds.

"Welcome to the core of the computer, Dr. Qiudian ..."

[... I am sorry, I just use this name on the spot]

"Nothing ...", Cheng Jie low down, indicating that peacekeeping infantry.

Just stepped out a step and infantry recovered his footsteps, nodded, and then no longer pay more attention to Cheng Jie.

Cheng Jie successfully entered the elevator, took advantage of it, there were still a few people, there were still few people around, Cheng Jie low asked Hanwu, "The team responsible for human frozen technology is on a few floors?"

[5th ​​floor, gentleman]

"Thank you."

Start with the rest of the six people into the elevator, Cheng Jie presses the five-story button.

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