Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 76 2-67. Trial Tasks: Balance (1)

[Hong Kong area planning has been completed, this is a built drawing, please go too

The Cheng Jie's eye is hurt from the pair of paper, from the huge gantry hanging structure map to the dock, including multiple projects such as the remunion, oil supply system reconstruction.

"Amount, how many people we need this time?"

Han Wu also gave an answer. [It is expected to be 158 engineers, 2150 labor force, 50000 points of spending point, if it is smooth, it is expected to build for 3 hours, if it is not smooth, I am afraid for three months]

"Working force? When will we cover things need labor?" Cheng Jie readily reviewed the scene when building an imperial building, and it seems to be useless.

[In order to control the cost, I delete the reduction in the original basis, try to reduce the cost, leading to the construction of some projects that cannot be completed, only labor force, of course, these parts only account for 5% of the total

[Is it approval? ]

Put these things on one side, Cheng Jie decided to approval.

Although the university is indeed the project cost, a plan, in fact, there are still many other majors to cooperate, he can understand the architectural drawings with budget orders, but given the construction technology of the empire, they In the project, there is no budget, and how many nanomaes are needed, and these are also unified in their system.

[Confirmation, is raising labor ...]

"Well, what else do I need to know or pay?"

[Based on estimate, your next ship will appear tonight, please prepare in advance]

"Next ... Amount, Har, line, know."

[And the first phase of the military official training group has all put into the armed guard army, the second batch of formation is about to begin, what do you need to pay attention to or improved? ]

Cheng Jie thought about the two peacekeeping infantry.

[Ok, list has been changed]

[The last question is from the resource security force. They found a ground underground ... City], and the cold is hesitated, and the word "city" is finally spit out.

"City? Someone?" Cheng Jie's curiosity was also hooked.

[People ... is there]

"Is there any situation?"

[In accordance with our definition, there is a group of zombies, but it is different from our concept that the zombies have retained intelligence, and can replace the human removal of the whole city, and the surviving ordinary human survivors will get along with peace.

After listening to the cold, Cheng Jie felt that this world really changed too fast. Not long ago, he only screamed and relied on the zombies that can act, not only learned a cluster in a short time, including special variants, now I also learned to use the tools and wisdom.

"... how many of them, how much?" Cheng Jie asked.

[So far, the scan of global surfaces, only this support, but we can't see the underground, and integrated in the ground construction of the network, which has become a zombie shelter, we are unknown]

"This world is really more and more don't understand ..."

[Not only that, according to monitoring, the reduction in nuclear radiation is obviously too fast. I suspect that the zombies can also be replenished with nuclear radiation, and radiation can be promoted to their update iteration.

"This is a special leaving you know? Can you replenish the nuclear radiation ... ?"

It seems to be by Cheng Jie, reminded that Hanwu said another message.

[Stay last day, the signals detected by our previous Russia Moscow have changed, and another signal source from the moon is being responding, but is limited to technical issues, we can't determine if it responds. What is the signal source?

Cheng Jie low-end thinking, "The source is still near Mars?"


"That means that this thing can be moved, and the speed is still not slow, is it a spaceship?"

[Unable to confirm that the integrated database is not recorded ...]


[New task]

[Trial task: balance]

[Task content: Time node is tampered with, the virus leaked in 2046, and in 2047, please protect two goals]

[Target 1: Ye Caunde, former Russians, 17 years old, female]

[Target 2: Cheng Mingzhe, formerly Chinese, 20 years old, male]

[Both sides are currently in the original Lijian, generally in New Jersey, Pollton University]

[This task can carry 25 units]

[Task Reward: Unlock the Mystery Tree, Mission Point 300]

[Failed punishment: Human frozen technology is reduced by 30%]

[Is it taken? ]

[Remaining time: 4 hours 05 minutes, automatic calculation after expiration, unable to apply]

Suddenly out of the taskbar scared the entrance, the dense text is covered with each corner in the sight.

After reading the task bar, I found that this time trial mission is somewhat different, and the first time I saw the task of failure punishment. It is also a time limit for the first time.

Looking at the failed punishment this column, this content is now unbearable. As the next step to develop to space, human freezing technology is indispensable, otherwise it is just enough to die.

"It looks, I don't seem to have too much choice, take it, but don't transfer it immediately."

[Confirm access, transfer immediately after 4 hours 05]

[Note that this trial mission may have an impact on your world, please be careful]

Seeing this sentence, Cheng Jie was nervous, he looked loudly, "What influence, it is clear!"

However, the system did not give any answered.

Waiting for a moment, or waited until the answer, Cheng Jie, started to prepare for the world outside the task.

"Han Wu, now start to authorize all the command and dispatching rights, send Tan Ya to the science and technology park to guard, there is necessary to build an airport, then let Natasha go to the construction of the Hong Kong area, start construction, as for the resource guarantee force Let them first don't worry about the city, give priority to the daily payment balance, and immediately restore the production sequence immediately if the situation changes, you can expand. "

[Confirmation, Directive has been reached]

"Setting the priority, if an unexpected situation, priority to ensure the safety of the main base, secondly protect the technology park, allowing the regeneration of six star rings as transport main force, and the construction of the port area will be delayed."

[Confirmation, priority setting]

"After the success of Apollo, it allowed to produce and use. If you judge according to the situation, the last point, let the European, Chi City completed the prepared war within two hours, three hours later in the construction plant, waiting for the new ship mother Join. "

[Confirmation, Directive has been reached, European, Chi City, is preparing for war]

[Note, please start picking the unit you want to carry ...]

One panel appears in front of Cheng Jie, the panel is the details and quantity of all the troops now, the lowermost is the number of remaining portable.

Click on European and Chicheng, the following portable quantity drops to 15.

Considering that most of his armor units are too conspicuous, Cheng Jie only selected two Thunder transport vehicles with optical camouflage.

Surplus portable unit: 11

"Temporarily first, I will choose before departure."

Cheng Jie finished, the panel should also be closed.

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