Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 91 2-82. How to , online, etc., quite anxious

When I found Luogen, he found that the European root seems to have no difference with the past, playing games in the first floor.

I saw Cheng Jie came over, and I felt that I didn't have an excuse to leave.

Sitting around the European roots, looking at the European that is playing a smile, Cheng Jie starts to feel a bit panicked.

"That, European, I turned over the monitoring of last night ..."

Ou roots have lazy waist, hit a ham, turn the game organ.

"What's wrong? Captain?" Ou Ren asked.

"I saw the monitoring last night, and there is nothing."

"OK, all right."

The answer of the European roots allowed the handle to handle, he thought that the other party would be angry or, but in fact ...

The calm of the European roots will make Cheng Jie lifted.

"You, not angry?" Cheng Jie asked.

"not angry."

Although there is no experience, Cheng Jie is clear, according to the previous situation, she is not emotional.

However, even the wedding, Cheng Jie still has a ten-word in the same way as a woman ... one is unless.

Seeing this situation, he actually came out of his expectation, "that is good."

Ou Root nodded and asked "If there is nothing wrong, I will go to rest first, just fix it, I am also very tired."

This reason does not seem to be wrong, Cheng Jie can only point up.


Heavy closing sound came upstairs.

The little girl came down from the upstairs, but it apparently controlled the wife of Cheng Jie.

"Li Bing?"

"Well, see you in trouble again."



Three steps to walk to Chengjie, I asked Li Bing, "You didn't do anything at last night?"

Cheng Jie nodded. "I have seen monitoring, I can testify, and I don't have any memories from personal feelings. I didn't have a spring dream last night in my memory."

Li Bing shakes his head, "True is stupid ... Although I have long, you will not speak with the girl, and I will not knew people, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid ..."

Li Bing stretched out his hand gently bombed Cheng Jie's brain.

Cheng Jie is doubtful to watch all the actions of Li Bing.

"what happened?"

"Although the misty is some different from us, they are actually quite right with us, so, try to take the data, monitor the saying", and Li Bing guided.


The noddion of Cheng Jiemune.

"Go ..."


"No, you shouldn't stop me?", Cheng Jie seems to have a sudden reaction.

Li Bing shook his head, "Hey ... stop can't stop, and you dare to say that you have no feelings about you, a little idea?"



--RoundII -

The door of the European root is ringing.


Cheng Jie pushes the door, walk into the room, the simulation background of the room is closed, the lights around it are also touched the lowest, and there is a bit dim, and the European is sitting in bed, facing huge projections, holding the handle to play the game.

Wait until Cheng Jieguan is on the door, and European suspended the game, leaving the handle, and lighted the light.

"Amount, I really drunk yesterday."

"Well, I know, so?"

Cheng Jie seems to be killed once again, and it feels that according to his own ideas, it should be over.

"So, are you angry now?"

"I am not angry with the captain."

"Oh ... Then you have a good rest."

Outside the door, Li Bing's face, the little lie "My God ... I don't look this goods? I feel like a long time?"


Looking at Cheng Jie, Li Bingzhen looked at his ears and took Cheng Jie to downstairs.

"Are you a pig? , , not apologize, you have no doing, what do you apologize? ! Think about what you do? Do you do anything? Move! I will help the handle You, don't need to do it for you ?! "

Although the ear is red, it is actually Li Bing's hardships, and it is not hurting. So Cheng Jie is so hidden, and she is still slight, so that she does not have to have a feet.

Paying attention to Cheng Jie, this small initiative, Li Bingwi, is pleased to the old mother.

"You see, why are you squatting now?"

Cheng Jie is two seconds, "Because you tap my ear."

"Yes, right! That's this, this is called concern, change the way to enter, take it to the root."

She silently left the hand of Cheng Jie's ear and gave him a firm look.

Cheng Jie nodded and shed himself.


Before dinner, considering the communication mode of the underground city and the newsletter of the Rising Empire is not compatible. Therefore, Cheng Jie sent a continuous troops responsible for laying the communications network facilities between the yourself and underground cities.

The industrial area located in the underground is enlarged into a new seating area, providing a better living environment for the troops.

The machine factory, including the Science and Technology Park, began to produce a large number of Thunder transport vehicles, and began to ask the survivors to pack their home and prepared for migration.

After all of this, Cheng Jie returned to the safety house, sitting in the table, often at this time he looked at the construction plant, but today, there is a big event today.

Looking at the European roots, I went back to the room on the floor, Cheng Jie also put down the tableware.


--Round II-

The door of the European root is once again sound.

"Please come."

Cheng Jie came in, he sat on the bed of the European root, said.

"I know, you are still making emotions, no need to say no ..."

I just had to open the mouth on the mouth.

"You are my first ship mother, I have been helping me. When I am siting, you are terlaint, but you will not stop in the sky, and finally found it."

Ou Ren turned off the projection, looking at Cheng Jie, staring at his eyes seriously.

"I am not around you, you protect the base and my things, when I am by your side, you protect me, these protection is norful, let me feel that these are normal, there is nothing wrong ..."

Intagen nodded.

"But this time, I found that you are invincible, will be injured, will be dead, but even if it is like this, you still choose to block in front of me, you know this shell from Tiancheng. Maybe your life ... "

"So?" Ou Root asked.

"So, I think about the problems between us, including this time, I found that, in fact, I like you very much, whether it is your appearance, occasionally a little woman's posture."

Looking up, look at the root of the European root, Cheng Jie found that the root body was trembling, this scene made him think that he did something wrong?

"So?" The hair of the European hide his eyes.

"So, can you stay with you for a long time?"

Cheng Jie touched a ring from his arms and put it on your hand.

After a while, I found Cheng Jie, who had no action, started to panic.

But in order to do this, you have to do good ideas, Cheng Jie moved to move the son, and said.

"Emmmm, if you don't want to accept it, you will count ..."

If he is going to recover his hand.

The European roots grabbed Cheng Jie's hand with Thunder, and picked up the ring from his palm.

"Wear ..."

"What?" Cheng Jie did not hear.

"Help me wear it."

"Oh, ok."

Cheng Jie gently supported the jade hand of the European root, the ring slowed down to her unknown.


Cheng Jie asked, "That, are you not angry?"

Survey, "Do you don't let me be angry?"

"Amount, no, from your heart."

"You lied to me."

"I do not have."

"con man."

"I'm not."


"Then you are not angry?" Cheng Jie asked again.

Ou Root nodded, "You have seen monitoring, there is nothing, I am still angry?"

Cheng Jie does not understand, why is it still angry, and he is also asking.

"That ... what are you angry?"

The door outside the door is a crisp on the face, listening to this sound, and the force is not small.

Cheng Jie probably guessed who ...

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