Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 102: interview?

John went directly to the hotel to open a room to take a shower, and asked the hotel staff to buy him a suitable suit.

After cleaning himself, John took out the amethyst pocket watch and adjusted the time according to the inn's big clock.

Then he walked towards the door of the hotel. He was going to contact the chief's wives.

When I came to the director's manor, the contents were as usual. Many gardeners are not in a good mood.

John stopped one of the gardeners.

"You go and report, I want to see the owner of this manor." John said to the black boy in front of him.

He looked up at John a few times, and then walked in.

After a while, the gardener came out.

"Madam, please come in." Then she led the way.

Two days ago, John didn't take a good look at this place because it was a mission.

It covers a small area of ​​more than 20 acres, but the location is great. Basically, it is only less than ten minutes away from the prime location and the urban area.

Coming to the familiar living room, John saw the young lady who was crying bitterly at the funeral.

She has a beautiful face, she looks like she is in her thirties, and her skin is well maintained, but she may be older than John guessed. He was in great shape, his face was full of sadness, his eyes were red and slightly swollen.

When she saw John, she gave a not-so-good-looking smile.

"My name is John Wick, and I have been working under the chief. I regret that I failed to protect the chief in this operation." John introduced himself politely.

"It's alright, every time there is an action, he will tell me to prepare for his death the next day. I never understood why he was so pessimistic before, but I understand now." As she spoke, her eyes began to cry again.

"Sorry, Sergeant John, I can't quite control my emotions. Uu~~" She kept covering her mouth and nose with a towel, then turned and walked into a living room to sort out her emotions.

John also waited in the living room for a while.

After a while, the lady who wiped away her tears came out.

"Thank you, Sheriff John, you can call me Mrs Diana."

"Well. Mrs. Diana." John nodded.

Then John talked about his purpose for coming here.

"They know our whereabouts very well. Someone must betray us. This time, I want to find out if there are any special clues."

Afterwards, John and Diana chatted for a while.

But unfortunately, Leiter's whereabouts are not under her control at all, and when Leiter is discussing things, Diana usually avoids it by herself, and John doesn't get anything useful from it.

After Mrs. Diana couldn't get anything useful, John asked if he could ask the gardener of the manor. After agreeing, John asked the employees of the manor.

John got a lot of information from the employees. For example, Mrs. Diana has been with Chief Wright for almost ten years. In addition, there are two other ladies. Although Leiter did not give them any marriage commitments.

But Leiter bought a lot of things for them during their lifetime, at least they have no problem maintaining their current life.

This property was also purchased under Diana's name. I heard that it was sold to Leiter at a low price by a rich man in Blackwater Town.

Leiter's daily whereabouts are also very secretive, and the people in the manor don't know much at all.

John, who had found nothing, looked at the time after saying goodbye to Lady Diana and it was past six o'clock.

So he planned to go directly back to the manor, but John met Inspector Richie on the way.

Richie, as Chief Morrie's subordinate, has been in charge of handling cases and documents in the business district. This time, after Morrie is the chief of Blackwater Township, he should be officially promoted to Sheriff of Blackwater Township Business District soon. Although He has always had the powers of a business district sheriff.

It stands to reason that he should be very happy, but John didn't feel the emotion he should have on his face, instead he was slightly sad.

"Sheriff John, do you have time?" Rich asked lightly.

"Of course." John nodded in response.

Afterwards, the two went to the nearest bar.

Richie filled the two with wine.

"Congratulations, you have been promoted to one of the three chief sheriffs in Blackwater Town." John raised his glass to express his congratulations.

"Thank you." Richie raised his glass and smiled, but there was not much happiness on his face.

"But you don't look happy," John said after finishing the glass.

"Of course not. Actually, when I was a little police detective twenty years ago, the chief took care of me many times." Richie said with a sentimental expression.

"You also brought him up?" John had some guesses about this matter.

"Most of the powerful detectives in the police department were brought up by the chief, but I did not follow Chief Wright because of some things, but followed by the side of Bureau Mo." Ritchie's face was on his face when he said this. Some memories flashed.

"Do you mind talking about it?" John asked following his words.

"Forget it, some trivial matters, this time I'm not looking for you to talk about this." Richie shook his head after saying a word and talked about the main reason for coming to John this time.

"Then what is it this time?" Seeing that Richie was not interested in talking about John, he asked.

"Officer Mo, he wants you to meet him on the boat he is on to the dock when you are free, his boat." Rich said the purpose of this time.

"When?" John asked.

"After ten o'clock Rich smiled and filled John with wine again.

"Well, no problem, I'm going back tonight. That's all?" John felt that Rich must have other things.

Richie thought for a while after hearing this, then lowered the volume.

"John, you must really want to find out who betrayed you this time."

"Of course." John replied affirmatively, no matter what aspect he would definitely find out who did it.

"Do you have a clue?" John looked at Richie and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. When Grayle appeared in Elizabeth, we were not sure what his goal was, but now we understand that he was coming for Chief Leiter. Killing the chief of Blackwater Township is not Gray at all. What Er can do alone, he has at least one person similar to him to help him in Blackwater Town. If you want to investigate, don't limit it to the police station." Rich said in a low voice.

John was silent for a while after hearing this.

"I'll try." John nodded.

"One more thing." Richie said after being silent for a while.

"What's the matter?" John asked, looking at Richie.

"If you can, I hope you don't reject Chief Mori." Rich said seriously.

"I'll try my best." John nodded and answered uncertainly.

"Okay, I'll go first." Richie patted John on the shoulder and left.

John pondered for a while watching Richie leave.

Then he shook his head, and then John went straight back to the manor.

Everyone was very happy about John's return to the manor, but John went straight back to his room and told others to wake him up at nine o'clock.

He was going to take a break before going to see Morrie.

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