Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 105: last letter

On the third day, the results of the handling of the death of the former chief of the Heishui Town Police Department, Leiter, came out.

An executioner announced Mason's guilt in front of the chief.

"As a police detective, Detective Mason colluded with robbers, resulting in the death of many police officers and was sentenced to hanging."


"Hang him! Hang him! Hang him!" A group of people underground began to jeer.

Inspector Mason was taken to the execution platform. Looking at the angry crowd below, Inspector Mason felt very ironic.

Don't look at how excited the people below were, but they just wanted to see the moment when they were hanged.

Most of them didn't know what was going on, they just followed and yelled.

He couldn't see a familiar person underground, which meant that no one from the police station was present.

The few police officers around are still newcomers.

He has been a police detective for more than 20 years, and he has served the city for more than 20 years. Naturally a familiar member will not be seen after the remaining minutes of this life.

From what he understood, at least one or two people would come to see him off or something, but he was wrong, not one.

He knew why, the moment he admitted to betraying the police station, he was dead.

But that's not the main reason. The main reason is because Leiter died. Almost all the police detectives in the police station were brought up by Leiter alone, so I won't say how much care they took.

So Mason couldn't see a single familiar face before the noose was around his neck.

Before he died, he suddenly felt a little regretful. If only he had retired a few months earlier, maybe everything would have been different.

If Leiter was still alive he should have been secretly executed somewhere, not taken to the square to be publicly executed.

The wife should have left Blackwater Town to find her daughter. With her intelligence, she should leave the west in a short time, and then let others prepare a new identity.

Start a new life from scratch, but the original family of three lacked themselves.

But it doesn't matter, as long as my daughter is happy, even though I haven't had the chance to see it.

While thinking about these messy things, the police officer next to him had put a sack on him and his neck was tightened.

At the last moment of his life, he knew that his fate did not dissipate with his own death, and his name and experience should become a negative teaching material for the Blackwater Township Police Department.

Used to alert those newcomers who have just become police detectives.

Then his feet were instantly empty, and then the whole person suddenly fell down.

The suffocation engulfed his brain in an instant, and he instinctively started to struggle for dozens of seconds and then stopped wriggling.


Seeing that the man who stopped struggling was lifted up, everyone in the ground booed, and the people who witnessed the death and torture cheered happily.

The depression of the whole day was also swept away with the death of the man on stage.

Then they left the execution ground one after another and started to rush to their respective places. The prostitutes returned to the original alley, and the workers returned to their own rental houses and docks.

At the same time, John also received the result of his punishment, which was a letter of dismissal.

Regarding his dismissal, he had already anticipated it.

At the same time, Murray also announced that many police detectives were fired and voluntarily resigned from the police station.

Sergeant John was fired, Detective Zuo En voluntarily resigned, Derek voluntarily resigned, and nearly a dozen other detectives voluntarily resigned.

Yesterday, after guessing the answer to everything, John became in a very bad mood.

After receiving the letter, he didn't hesitate, just packed up his things and left the police station, although he didn't have anything to pack either.

Putting on his hat, John decided to visit Zuo En and tell him the result of his guess.

He has lost interest and motivation to continue the investigation, but it would be good for John if someone continues to investigate.

When they came to Zuo En's little villa, John knocked on the door.

But no one inside responded.

John, who could not find anyone, gave up.

He originally wanted to find Baylor, but Baylor must have been very busy with this situation recently.

John, who was doing nothing, remembered the hut that Kolov had said about him.

So John rode to the address.

Mo about an hour or so, John came to the place where Klov said he lived.

There is indeed a cabin here. The Montana River is not far ahead, and the air is good here. The cabin is not very big, about fifty square meters.

The top is locked and the windows are closed.

John touched the dust on the lock. Most likely, no one has been here for a long time.

John took out his spear and smashed the lock with the butt, then pushed the door open.

The furnishings are simple, a bed, a table, a cupboard, a wardrobe, and a fireplace.

John looked through the contents, no matter how he looked at it, it was indeed the residence of a single old man.

John looked for a while, and then found a small box under the bed.

John smashed it open directly, and there were a bunch of photos and a letter inside.

There are landscape photos, hunting photos, and some tribal photos of Indians. In short, most of them are landscape photos.

And there are many landscape photos of different places.

After viewing the photo, John picked up the letter.


I hope it's you, because this is my last letter.

I'm sorry, I didn't have time to say goodbye to you, I'm dying. The doctor said that it would be better for me to stay in a place with warm air and fresh air all year round, so that I might live a few more months.

But I don't agree, because I have a very important thing to do.

Remember what I told you last time, my wife and child were killed, and I caught him a long time later.

But in the end, I still didn't torture At that time I wanted him to apologize, but he didn't give it to me.

I'm sad because he never thought he was wrong.

Eventually he died, and after seeing me we talked for a while, though it wasn't pleasant.

Finally he committed suicide.

This is what I promised to tell you, and I told you.

Actually, I'm not from here, I believe you guessed it when you got this letter.

I'm also very sorry. I can't apologize to you in person. For the fact that I deceived you, please forgive me.

Like I said at the beginning, I'm dying.

In the few dozen days I have left, I want to go back to my hometown. I don't know if I can go back, and I don't know if I can reach my hometown. It's a small place.

Maybe it has changed its name, maybe not. I don't know, I haven't been back in years.

I have done a lot of bad things in my life, killed a lot of people, and helped a lot of people.

But I don't regret it, many things are just a thought.

John, you are a good man, there is no denying that.

So I want to tell you to stop looking for that person, he has already left the country, and he does not plan to return to the Federation in his life.

Your time should not be wasted on people who have disappeared.

Those photos were taken when I traveled all over the West. I think they are very good, and I hope you like them.


Putting away the letter, John also put away the photos.

Then he rode away from here.

It's after three o'clock now, and John is wearing a cowboy hat and a windbreaker. He has a long rifle on the side of his horse and two pistols around his waist. The afternoon sun shines on him, making the shadow on the ground very long.

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