Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 475: required preparation


Beecher's wish, Marston looked angrily at the uncle who was slacking off on a daily basis.

"You **** ran away? After Rhodes!" Dissatisfaction and anger were visible on Marston's face.

"Hey~ Marston, calm down. I escorted Jenny and Mary Beth to Blackwater Town. I didn't escape." The uncle explained in a panic.

"You **** call it betrayal!" Marston stepped forward and was about to strike.

"Hey~ Marston, calm down, uncle is a normal person and has his own choices." Abigail persuaded him, holding his hand.

Marston looked at Abigail and then at the flustered uncle, and then said to him viciously, "Get out, I don't want to see you!"

The uncle looked at the ferocious Marston, then turned around and whispered, "Didn't you take them away too?"

Hearing these words, Marston was about to break free from Abigail's pull, and the uncle who was frightened by this action immediately accelerated his pace of escaping from Beecher's Wish.

"Don't allow this guy to come here in the future, I hate him." Marston said to Abigail, watching the uncle leave.

"By the way, do we have money? It needs a lot of money." Marston looked at the surrounding workers and the big villas under construction.

"Yes, we owe Mrs. Adler three thousand dollars, thirteen hundred of which she borrowed from the bank, and we have to pay interest every month. And five hundred dollars to Jenny, Marston you I need to work hard to pay back the money.” Abigail talked about her family’s arrears, but she was confident that this was a pretty good ranch, and as long as she worked hard, she believed they could pay it back.

"Owing so much?" For Marston, it is indeed a lot, and the money may have to be paid back over many years.

"Is it because the workers are too expensive?" He looked at the nearly twenty workers around him and said.

"The workers are free. Mrs. Adler went to John's manor to talk to his partner, who was also Mr. Kane. Then the next day, Mr. Kane transferred these people from other places. The structure of the house can be completed in a week, but the materials are more expensive. Also, I bought a batch of sheep and cattle, and a batch of chickens and ducks, so I owe so much." Abigail said Let's look at the origin of these people.

"My God, that's really good. I should buy John a drink." Marston said excitedly.

"Uh~Actually, you should invite Adler~ Well, Ms. Sady has a drink, because Sady seems to have a say in front of Mr. Kane, that's~ maybe you should understand." Abigail said a little secretly. .

"Of course, I will. What do I need to do now? My wife." Marston made a rare joke.

"Go learn from them how to herd sheep, raise and milk cows, deliver calves, and repair fences. You need to learn to do these in the future. You need to learn all the skills that a ranch needs." Abigail was not polite .

"Okay, I'm going to learn now. I'm good at learning. Dach and Hosea have praised me so much." Marston nodded, and then ran to the side to learn how to raise cattle Sheep's Kieran side exchange up.

As for where Little Jack went~ He was dragged to Heishui Town by Jenny to play again.

And Abigail learned how to cook with the chefs who came over. These days, she and Jack have eaten some different delicacies. Although many of them are not suitable for their tastes, they are much more delicious than Pearson's kind of braised stew. She feels that she can improve a little after she learns it, and she will become a qualified housewife.

Beecher's Wish is thriving.

As for St. Denis, John and Ofina read the information all afternoon and picked out 16 vicious murders related to three gangs.

Two-thirds of these sixteen cases have been closed, but it doesn't matter, he can overturn and retrial.

"Let's go, let's go home and eat." John greeted Ofina to leave the police station with the documents of sixteen eucalyptus cases.

"En~" Ofina stood up, stretched herself, and then followed behind John.

Halfway through, John went back to the dilapidated police station and took all the police badges from that police station, about twenty or so, and all the police uniforms there, and took the time to write a few arrest warrants.

The two returned to the villa.

Just in time, I met Nick and Zheng Guotian who had returned from errands.

This morning, John asked Zheng Guotian to take Nick to Xu Wenbin from the hometown association to make acquaintance, so that it would be easier to communicate with each other in the future. Nick's men, on the other hand, were paying attention to the movements of the three gang leaders under Henry's men.

"John." Nick greeted enthusiastically.

"How was the communication?" John asked.

"It's not bad. Brother Xu said that anyone who is helpful can go to him." Zheng Guotian said

"Okay, come and help me move these clothes in, I'll use them tomorrow." John said, pointing to the boxes of police uniforms.

The two did not refuse, one person and one box moved into the villa.

After dinner, John said to Zheng Guotian, "You will call all the five teams to the vicinity of the villa later. Let her let them rest nearby.

Give them all those police uniforms, let them put them on and assemble here tomorrow, and then you go tomorrow with half the force and arrest this guy. In the name of murder. "

"Nick, let your subordinates pay attention to the location of these three guys, and tell Zheng Guotian the location of these three guys. The remaining two, you and the rest of your hands are also arrested, also in the name of murder." John took Tell the three of them about the information of the three gang leaders.

Nick looked at the information in his hand, nodded, and didn't say much.

"This is the arrest warrant." John took out the arrest warrant he had just written at the police station, with the seal of his sheriff on it.

"This is a police You are one and half, let your subordinates wear it, lest they think you are not a policeman." John took out the more than 20 police badges and handed them to Nick and Zheng Guotian .

After the two took it, John asked again, "Do you have any questions to ask?"

Nick shook his head habitually. Zheng Guotian originally wanted to ask, but he also shook his head when he saw Nick's actions.

"Very well, let's get ready." John got up and took Ofina up to the second floor. His energy was many times stronger than that of ordinary people, and now he wanted to take a bath with Ofina.

Zheng Guotian asked Nick after confirming that John had gone up to the second floor and entered the housing price, "What if they don't cooperate with us?"

Nick was looking at the information in his hand, and after hearing Zheng Guotian's question, he said naturally, "Then kill the ones who don't cooperate, and these three guys can live."

Zheng Guotian was taken aback when he heard this, and Nick asked again when he saw this, "Are there any questions?"

"No~ it's gone." Zheng Guotian shook his head.

After speaking, the two left the manor to prepare for the arrest tomorrow.

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