Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 490: idea

Latest URL: Fan Nuoen looked at the two people in front of him, thought for a moment and said to her, "I'll think about it~"

"Bring them back," Van Nuorn said to his younger brother.

Immediately afterwards, someone pointed a gun at the two of Shadi, and then the other person stepped forward to disarm them.

After disarming, someone took the rope and tied the two of them together.

Then Fan Nuoen led them towards the two of them towards their lair.

Outside the stone rock formation, Klein looked at the two captives in front of him, then signaled to Corden, and then pulled the two of them away.

Then dull screams continued to come from around the corner.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Klein looked indifferently at the tortured and howling guard, and said to another intact person, "Now tell me what happened inside. If there is anything wrong, You will be ten times worse than him."

After Klein finished speaking, he grabbed the other party's collar to draw the relationship between the two closer and said, "Understood?"

The guard looked at the wailing man over there and nodded in horror.

Klein nodded, "Very good~"

Then he signaled Corden, who was in motion, to stop.

Corden picked up the kettle and put it on the stone to let it run out to wash his **** hands, and then put the torture dagger in his waist.

Klein listened to the guard explain everything in detail.

"We just carried out Hawkins' order, brought people to the Howling Wolf River, and then handed them over to Van Noon, and we didn't care about the rest. When we came out, two people were already caught, Van Noon I don’t know what to do, I swear that Hawkins ordered all of this, it has nothing to do with me, I’m just a guard! I want a wife and children! Please!” The guard told all the details Then he prayed to the two of them.

Klein lit a cigarette, then looked at the two entrances to the rock formation.

Then he said to Corden without hesitation, "Clean it up."

Corden bit his cigarette and then drew the dagger again.

"No~!" the guard wailed.

When Corden finished handling and came to the corner, Klein had already loaded his weapon and motioned for Corden to follow.

"Over there?" Corden asked on his horse.

"Klein took a puff of cigarette and threw away the cigarette **** and said, "Find Marston and the others first, and then go rescue the captain."

As they spoke, the two quickly drove their horses towards Marston's position.

And Marston and others also came to another marked gathering point outside the rock formation.

However, they saw no one, only a bunch of remnants of other people's lives.

"Looking at the situation, this is an abandoned camp for a long time, and I don't know what's going on there." Marston went up to check and said a little disappointed.

"Let's go there first and tell them what's going on here."

The others naturally didn't hesitate too much, so the five of them headed towards Shadi's original direction.

Their speed was not fast, and in order to prevent someone from sneaking up on Marston, he reminded them to slow down and walk to the side of the road where there were shelters to prevent those robbers from sneaking up.

The three guards also cooperated with Marston's command very well.

In so many years of desperate life, it has dealt with too many bounty hunters and knows how the bandits will probably behave.

However, just as the five of them were advancing cautiously, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes behind them.

Marston quickly let everyone hide behind the bunker on the side of the road, and then stood alone in the middle of the road with a gun.

The sound of hooves getting closer.

Marston narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then Klein and Corden appeared in front of him.

"Klein?" Marston said a little surprised

"Yes, just yourself?" Klein said so and saw four people on the side of the road.

"Dolan, is Joe and the captain together?" Klein glanced at the three guards and didn't say much.

And Corden didn't even look at them.

"Yes, is something wrong?" Marston asked.

"It's okay." Klein smiled and shook his head.

Then he and Corden got off their horses and walked towards the five of them.

Klein walked about half a meter in front of Marston, then smiled and opened his arms, and stepped forward to hug Marston, "Long time no see."

Then Marston let go.

Dolan watched this scene without speaking, while Corden stood silently behind them.

The three guards watched this scene of brotherly love indifferently, and then smoked in boredom.

"Okay, let's go to find the captain, I hope she is not so fast, she is always in a hurry." Klein hurt Sha Di aloud.

"Yes, let's go." Marston nodded and walked towards the horses.

Then the three men deliberately slowed down, and each approached a guard as they walked.

By the time the three of them realized something was wrong, the three of Marston had already strangled them.

"What the **** are you doing?" one of the guards said to Marston and the others, feeling the cold on his neck.

Marston looked up at Klein.

Klein and Corden wiped their necks very neatly.

"Oh~ Shet~ What's the matter?" Marston asked after watching the two kill them without saying a word.

"Hawkins was with them, they robbed the fur, Captain Shadi was arrested." Klein said to Marston after wiping his dagger.

"What?!" Marston strangled the guard after hearing it. "Do you have any last words?"

"Oh~Shet! Listen, I'm just in charge of carrying out orders. I don't know what they're going to do to you, I swear!" The remaining guards hurriedly begged Marston for mercy.

"I've heard too many words like this." Marston responded calmly, and then with a sudden force of his arms, he raised the entire neck of the guard instantly.

With the sound of "Kacha", the guard's whole body instantly went limp.

"Do you have a location for those robbers?" Marston turned to Klein and asked after releasing the lifeless corpse.

"I know the approximate location, it's in the southeast." Klein picked up the guard's gun and begged for it to Corden, which was regarded as a trophy.

And Corden slung his guns to their horses.

Then several people rode their horses and headed towards the southeast.

Shady and the two were taken to Van Noon's camp. This is the middle section of a rock formation, four or five meters above the ground.

Above is a cave, which looks very spacious.

The two were led all the way, and then walked into the cave. There were seven or eight people in the camp, but a few of them were lying on the blanket with bandages.

This place is quite cool compared to the high temperature outside, and a pile of charcoal fire was raised by the power.

And candle lighting.

"You're in a good environment." Sandy teased him after he was brought in.

Van Nuorn glanced at her, and then said, "This is the only place a robber can be."

Then he said to his men, "Lock them up first."

"Hey~ Since you're interested, you don't need to lock us up~" Shadi said to Fan Nuoen.

"Be quiet ma'am, I'm still hesitating whether to kill you." Immediately afterwards, he waved someone to take her down.

When taking them down, Fan Nuoen specifically asked, "Get them some food and water."

Sadie fell silent after hearing this.

Then Van Nuorn looked at the Gobi rock formation in front of him and fell into deep thought.

He is not very old, he is only forty-six years old. He has been a thief and robber since he was a child. When he was older, he began to recruit gunmen to kill people and steal goods. He was a standard robber.

Over the years, he has handled things very cleanly. They rob and kill only when necessary, and they will not provoke those powerful forces, because he knows that even robbers

Killing too many people is not good for him, and a high reward will make his situation more and more dangerous.

So he always told his subordinates not to kill people as much as possible. His words were very restrictive, and of course~ those who were disobedient would have been killed by him long ago.

Over the years, he has offered rewards in many places, but none of them are particularly high. So he is still relatively safe now, because his bounty will not let those very powerful characters come to his door, and most of the people who come to try their luck are small characters.

So many years of free life made him a little tired. When he was young, he thought he would live like this for the rest of his life, but after forty years old, he felt powerless.

So he intends to find a place to settle down and find a suitable person to be his regular seller.

After a series of screenings, he found Hawkins, who was a bit timid and greedy. He thought this situation would last until his retirement. But he recently found that after Hawkins gained a firm foothold, he became more and more fascinated by his attitude.

By the time he realized something was wrong, Hawkins already had a dozen of his men, and he was still in town.

He has a lot of men, more than twenty three days ago, but he is not stupid enough to think that he can capture a small town.

Just like three days ago, he believed what Hawkins said, and after eating the three carts of furs, he regretted it a little, because even if there were only a few people on the other side, their resistance and organizational ability were far superior to ordinary guards.

Six people on his side died in the battle three days and three were injured, so he knew he was in trouble, maybe it was trouble.

Shadi's suggestion made him hesitate for a while. He turned his head to look at the dozen or so people in this camp, and then opened a bottle of beer himself, thinking about his own thoughts.

He has been a bandit leader for so many years, and he has raised more than a dozen subordinates. It must not be easy to ensure that these people eat and drink without causing too much disturbance. Got bored.

After drinking a bottle of wine, he has a decision.

Then he waved to his subordinates,

"You send Clark and James and Marco to the changing of the guard, so they pay attention."

"Okay." After hearing the order, the subordinates went down to arrange a change of guard.

Then Fan Nuoen turned around and walked towards his fairly luxurious room. He wanted to take a rest and recharge his energy before the expected friend arrived.

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