“Good morning, Mr. Matthew.”

“Mr. Matthew…”

Walk the streets of Valentine’s small town.

The residents who came and went showed a little smile after seeing Chen Xu and politely offered their greetings.

Wait until Chen Xu responds to them with a smile.

Shadi, who was standing next to Chen Xu, couldn’t help but sigh softly.

“A scene that never expected.”

Hearing this, Marybeth, John, and Charles, who were also behind him, all nodded.

In the past, they were criminals and gang members who were feared by everyone.

But now, who would have thought that in the small town of Valentine, they would be respected?

Everyone understands that the reason for this situation is entirely due to the magic of money.

As the moonshine business expanded, they needed some visible industries to file taxes and make the money fair.

Laundries, feed production companies, including restaurants, these are all properties under Chen Xu’s name.

In the same industry, some employees need to be employed.

In this not too big town, Chen Xu alone has provided more than 15 positions.

At the same time, these 15 positions do not only represent 15 people.

Behind everyone is a family.

Take the example of a family of three, through such radiation.

Because of Chen Xu, there are 45 people in the town who are stable because of him.

And this is only because of Chen Xu’s benefit.

As we all know, one industry will always drive other industries.

Although the food store has such a special purpose, its revenue business is good or bad, which does not have much impact on Chen Xu.

But at least 25 can’t be too bleak, at least he has to have some business, so some employee welfare meal orders in his company are delivered to the food store.

And cooking naturally requires purchasing ingredients, so Chen Xu’s shop provides income for some Valentine people.

Plus the incident when Chen Xu let Donar roll into prison.

Let many people in Valentine Town know that Chen Xu is not easy to mess with.

Maybe even in the Smithfield Tavern, those suddenly extra cheap and delicious wines have something to do with Chen Xu.

But so what?

No one has evidence, and Chen Xu did not arbitrarily collect protection fees like Donar in the past, and even maliciously forced some merchants to borrow usury.

Instead, everyone enjoyed the benefits brought by Chen Xu.

For ordinary people, Valentine’s security is better.

For workers who love to drink, they can drink better quality wine for the same money as before.

For Valentine’s mayor and social services bureau, Chen Xu brought more jobs and higher taxes.

So what reason do they have, not to welcome it?

“It would be better, one day we will have a large company, or factory, in a certain city.”

“We’re going to have thousands, or more, and that’s going to be the same as dealing with an entire city.”

Chen Xu said to Shadi and John next to him.

Wait until that time, if someone wants to bankrupt them.

I want them to finish off.

The first thing to face is the people in power in the city.

“I really look forward to one day.” Rao is Shadi, and at this time there are also some hopes for the future that Chen Xu said.

In fact, just the current life has made Sadie dare not imagine.

After all, in the past, she was just a farmer.

Not yet the kind of farmer with fertile land.

“Sooner or later, there will be.” Chen Xu smiled.

Inside the laundry, Karen and David had arrived.

As for the laundry staff, Karen has informed them that they are off today.

“How’s the business doing now?” Chen Xu asked David and Uncle.

“Too far away, because of the lack of manpower, we have not yet explored the market, and the benefits are too low.” David spoke first.

Some small towns that are far away, on the one hand, can not eat too much share of moonshine, on the other hand, it takes a long time to go back and forth.

Also take into account the dangers encountered along the way, as well as wear and tear.

After all, the main method of transportation now still relies on horse-drawn carriages.

As for the train?

You know, these are all moonshines.

If you want to be honest, rely on trains to smuggle.

That’s too much to pay.

“Mike, one thing you have to pay attention to, several pubs we work with, I have inquired about their previous supply.”

“It’s all Lemourn goods.” The uncle reminded.

“In the canton of Lemorn, are there no native to New Hanover?” John had some curiosity.

“There is only one big gang in New Hanover.” David answered John’s question.

“Well, I asked a very stupid question.” John laughed awkwardly and shook his head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In New Hanover, the only big gang is basically only the O’Drisco gang.

But expect O’Drisco to help sell moonshine in partnership with taverns?

No kidding, I’m afraid that the brewed moonshine will be drunk before they can be sold.

What’s more, for O’Drisco’s people, doing the moonshine business is completely free of robbery.

“Sadie, what about your side?” Chen Xu turned to Shadi and asked.

“Just like you said, the Pinkerton Detective Agency is in a lot of trouble, and even many agents choose to leave Pinkerton.”

“But to be honest, it’s hard for us to reach those agents.” Sadie shook her head slightly.

“But there is news that you must be interested in, the previous Agent Milton seems to have reached some agreement with the O’Drisco gang.”

“Some of the O’Drisco gang, who used to haunt Strawberry Town and nearby farms, seem to be inquiring about Ducky and their whereabouts.”

“And it’s rarely seen lately, O’Drisco’s gang robbing trains, barricading roads and things like that.” Shadi said towards Chen Xu.

O’Drisco helped to find out about Darch, which can be explained.

After all, Colm and Ducky are enemies who share the sky.

But the people of O’Drisco’s gang, don’t go to rob?

It would be better to believe that the old sow will go to the tree.

Combining these two messages, the only thing that can explain is what agreement they may have reached with Pinkerton.

Chen Xu’s fingers tapped lightly on the table, and only after half a ring did he say, “Maybe I should take the initiative to talk to that Mr. Milton.” ”

Not as fussy as before, after the events of that night, and some of the information gathered.

Fears about Pinkerton have long since disappeared.

Because they understood that just like Chen Xu said, Pinkerton was already an old time existence.

“By the way, there’s one more thing I think you should know.” At this time, Karen thought of something and said to Chen Xu.

“What’s going on?” Chen Xu asked.

“Those women in the inn.”

With Karen’s words, David and Charles, including the uncle, laughed.

Apparently they understood who they were talking about, and even they had visited.

“You know the women who do those things, they are well-informed, but they are also dangerous.”

“The woman who was sent to the gallows by Sheriff Malloy not long ago, in addition to her own reasons, is mainly because she received several violent guys in a row.” Karen said.

Hearing this, Chen Xu also remembered.

Valentine does have a woman who likes to kill clients in the game, and he specifically reminded David of them at that time.

But as the moonshine business got on track, as well as thinking about how to get rid of Ducky.

He didn’t pay much attention to this piece, but he didn’t expect that the woman had already been caught and hanged.

“Special business makes them rich, but some of them are alone, not to mention that they suffer losses when trading, and even some will be treated as fat sheep.”

“They know we’re very capable, so they want to ask us to cover them, and they’re willing to give us a cut.” Karen said towards Chen Xu.

Hearing this, everyone understood.

Those women who work in special industries actively want to pay them 723 protection fees.

Without agreeing, but not refusing, Chen Xu looked at everyone.

“Do you think you should say yes.” Chen Xu asked rhetorically.

“I don’t think it’s too involved, there is already a moonshine business, we can’t do too much of this gray industry.” John spoke first.

“It’s true that although this area is also very profitable, we don’t have to take unnecessary risks.” David agrees.

Including Marybeth and Tilly, although as women, they pity those people.

But they still have to think about themselves.

Listening to everyone’s words, Chen Xu smiled.

“That’s right, just like you said, too many gray industries, not much good for us, one moonshine business is enough for us to eat.” Chen Xu nodded, but then said.

“But that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything, Karen, go and tell them that as a member of Valentine, their right to life will be protected by federal law.”

“If something like this happens again, you can go to Sheriff Malloy and they will deal with it, and tell them to notify us if there is some news.”

Isn’t that what sheriffs should be doing to protect the townspeople?

As for the illegal conduct of engaging in some special business?

It doesn’t matter, they will actively correct it under the education of the sheriff.

Then some of the stolen money from illegal gains will be handed over.

Everyone makes mistakes, but as long as you have a good attitude of admitting mistakes, others will forgive.

Also for Chen Xu, compared to these women’s money, he valued the ability of intelligence more.

After all, when doing certain things, men’s vigilance is often not as strong as usual.

Even sometimes in order to brag about their abilities, occasionally they will expose some very important information.

And in order to repay, introduce them to Sheriff Chen Xu, this information is the price they need to pay.

But compared to the harvest, it is insignificant.

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