Sergeant Constance led a group of soldiers and stood outside the Wapiti Indian tribe.

He looked at the heavily armed former Pinkerton agents with some confusion.

He knew each other, a group of security company employees called Umbrella.

Although they didn’t have much intersection, he had heard about it.

This is a company made up of a group of former Pinkerton agents.

And it is very important that these people may have a lot of discipline and the military.

But in terms of personal combat experience, especially for some bandits in the west, they are all top players.

More importantly, the equipment of these people is actually not inferior to them at all.

After all, they are not elite federal army units.

But why did these people come to the territory of the Indians?

He had originally come here on the orders of Colonel Favors to see if he could find some excuse to provoke the Indians.

But now he at least had to understand what these people came to the Indian land for.

Without waiting long, he saw Ross, Charles, and David walking out of the 730.

At first, when he saw Charles’s complexion, his brow furrowed.

Mixed black with Indian.

As long as it is recognized at a glance, the recognition can be said to be very high.

But in the next second, after his eyes focused on the clothes on the other party’s body, his expression changed a little.

Just last week, he saw that style of clothes in a department store in downtown Ambarino.

The price is a whopping $120.

“Gentlemen, may I ask you what happened in the Indian tribe?” There were some uncertainties, Constan asked tentatively.

“We came to Wapiti on behalf of Mr. Matthew of the Free Tobacco Factory in St. Denis to talk to the Indians about business.”

“In addition, I heard that Colonel Favors of Fort Wallace seems to have seized the supplies distributed by the Federation to the Indians?”

David’s expression did not show joy or anger, but he said flatly towards the other party.

After following Chen Xu for so long, it is naturally impossible to say that there is no growth at all.

Hearing David’s words, this Constan’s expression became a little strange.

At least in his opinion, apart from Charles, they had no reason to have anything to do with these Indians.

As if seeing Constan’s doubts, David took out a business card from his pocket.

Took the business card from David’s hand.

Constan’s heart was full of confusion at this time.

Now he has a whole bunch of questions in his head.

For example, how does this involve St. Denis?

And what does the tobacco factory have to do with the wasteland of Wapiti?

Growing tobacco in this place, crazy?

Of course, he wanted to think so, but Constan did not show it.

“We are only on the orders of Colonel Favors, and as for other things, we do not know.” Constan shook his head and said.

Truth, but not the truth either.

For ordinary soldiers, it is really not clear why Favors bullied those Indians like this.

But for Constan, as a sergeant, he was also able to guess some information.

He didn’t know what background the David in front of him had.

But one thing is certain, that is, this pot, in any case, he cannot carry it on his body.

“Your Excellency, what did you come to the Indian tribe for?” Charles next to him suddenly spoke, and there was a little smile.

The more people he saw around Chen Xu, his vision naturally broadened.

If it was before, an ordinary police officer might have made them a little nervous.

But now, they have even communicated with people at the mayor’s level.

Coupled with the change in status (BEFC), a sergeant is not too much for them.

“We just patrol on time … Well, patrol. Constan made a rather awkward excuse, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

After all, he couldn’t tell these people in front of him that he had listened to the order of Colonel Favors and came specifically to trouble the Indians to see if he could provoke them to fight with the military?

“Well, can the Indians’ supplies be distributed to them?” David spread out his hands and spoke.

Those supplies of the Federation?

Of course, there was no way to distribute it, but he knew very well that the supplies had already turned into beautiful knives and slipped into the pockets of the colonel and their soldiers.

Although the colonel’s side occupies the lion’s share.

“This… This is not something we can decide. Constan said with an awkward shake of his head.

“Well, after a while, we will send a batch of living materials over, so will those materials be seized by the military?” David said with a smile.

“Of course not, sir!” When Constance heard this, he quickly shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, Constan talked to David and Charles a little more, as if he wanted to find out more.

But for Charles and David, perhaps they don’t understand the so-called game of the upper echelons of the Federation.

But years of outlaw career, or let them clearly see through Constant’s ideas, is also just all kinds of.

After chatting for a couple of words, it was found that there was no useful information, and Constance also left the Indian tribe with the rest of the Fort Wallace garrison.

“At least in the short term, they won’t come to you guys for trouble.” After the people left, Charles came to Falling Rain and Flying Eagle, shook his head and continued: “Next, we will deliver you some necessary supplies for life, but the amount will not be very large.” ”

“Thank you, thank you… This…… This is important. “Falling rain is very solemn and grateful.

At the same time, his face was more of a complicated expression. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He thought that with Charles and David around, maybe the people in the army wouldn’t bother them too much this time.

But they didn’t expect that it would be so easy to block them, even if it was only temporary.

Although I understand that the other party, like those people, is also for the land under their feet.

But at least the other side has promised some favorable conditions, and from the current practice, it seems that this is exactly what it is.

Thinking of this, Falling Rain’s expression became a little serious.

Looking at the land under his feet and the struggling clansmen behind him, he made a decision.

That is to give up the land of Wapiti.

He didn’t know if the other party would fulfill their promise after getting the land.

But at least there is a glimmer of hope.

And have been holding this plot of land that is useless for them, the Indians.

How long will it last in the end?.

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