Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 597: The nuclear explosion is right beside you and me

starry sky.

The blue earth can always bring an inexplicable shock to people.

But Hong Fei has seen it from this angle too many times, and even he has seen the four earths with his own eyes, and now he has no special emotions.

When you can crush it with one hand, it will inevitably seem a little false to talk about shock.

The launch of a nuclear bomb is not an alarmist nor a threat of lies, they do have such a system.

In fact, many more nuclear-armed countries have responded in a timely manner at this moment.

However, when nuclear bombs are successively launched all over the world, whether on land or in the ocean, no amount of preparation and response to the situation seems a little pale.

Hong Fei's eyes pierced through the atmosphere, and saw magnificent arcs of white smoke on the surface of the earth, flying towards various places with different purposes.

There is no need for calculation and guesswork. What Strange said before is not wrong. When human beings are determined to launch the largest nuclear strike, no one can survive alone.

The earth will certainly not explode, but mankind will certainly not survive.

With the time gem hanging on his palm, Hong Feiyun Danfeng looked at everything that happened on the planet lightly.

Strange saw the white arc in the sky in the Holy of Holies, turned his head and twisted Xiao Wang's collar.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Xiao Wang is not so sure at this time. The shadow that Teacher Hong left on them during Kama Taj’s time is really not small, and the biggest impression is that they are elusive. Thinking about it this way, it seems that even if the other party really wants to destroy human beings Isn't civilization impossible?

Sokovia, there are also nuclear bombs passing over the sky base.

People in New York, Washington, and more are seeing unusual changes.

The TV news didn't tell them what was going on, but everyone seemed to instinctively sense the mortal danger and the desperation that was hard to fight.

At this moment, I don't know how many people all over the world are looking up at the sky, looking at the magnificent scene that they may have never really seen with their own eyes in their past lives.


Frank raised his head and frowned tightly.

Inside the building, Xu Wenwu stood by the window with most of the staff who were already missing.

The one who had just been promoted by him to be the person in charge here was a soldier whose beard and hair had turned gray.

"It's over, we're still a step too late, this world... the history of mankind is over..."

Xu Wenwu raised his eyebrows, of course he didn't believe this statement.

If Hong Fei really wanted to destroy the human civilization on earth, he would at least take them away in advance, otherwise everything that happened this morning would be completely meaningless.

Therefore, he continued to carry his hands behind his back, looking completely unafraid.

The general who just took office muttered: "I remember that there is one item in the agreement, which is to destroy the Pentagon when necessary to prevent the leakage of confidential documents and information..."

Xu Wenwu sneered: "On that day, your documents and materials will probably only be turned out by those animals that have been deformed and mutated due to radiation."

"It's different. We alone have left hope and fire for the re-emergence of mankind, but everything here will not continue to survive without supervision and guards."

"Is it for fear that someone will find out in the future and find out about the dirty things you've done?"

The corner of the general's mouth twitched, as if crying and laughing: "What's the point of talking about this now? If I knew it would end today, then I should have tried my best to prevent those people from launching the law..."

"This kind of words can only comfort your corrupt and rotten heart. Even if you do it again, you people are still willing to give it a shot. It's not that you don't know how dangerous it is, but you are just for the benefits that you may bring after success. Deliberately ignoring the dangers that are fatal. In other words, you can always give up some things that normal people can't give up for the sake of enough interests, and you are also worthy of the essence of a capitalist country, and the driving force of capital is fully reflected in you. Besides, don't you think it's too late to say this now?"

Looking at the crisscrossing white lights, the general sighed in despair: "Yeah, it's too late. What about you? You have the strength to fight against the law, and even what you do today is enough for you to control most of the country from now on. The world, but now everything is about to disappear, do you have any regrets?"


Xu Wenwu actually thought about it for a second, and then his face was full of smiles: "I personally haven't regretted any of my decisions so far, as for him... I don't think he will at least regret today's actions. I regret, even if I want to regret it, I regret that I didn't clean up those people who might cause today's troubles before I left."

"Maybe, but now, it's too late..." The general's entire face seemed to be shaking.

As if to confirm his words, a bright trajectory in the sky penetrated the clouds, and then fell toward everyone in a parabola.

In the building, screams and curses full of various emotions burst out suddenly, and some people are using the phone to seize the last time to say goodbye to their loved ones.

After a few seconds, under the watchful eyes of many people, a small black spot visible to the naked eye slowly grew out of the front section of the white track, and the black spot grew bigger and bigger until it finally burst out suddenly.

Everyone involuntarily heard an earth-shattering explosion in their hearts, because they had already seen the violent light erupting in the vicinity, the clear air waves, and the legendary Mushroom Guyun that soared into the sky. .

Xu Wenwu turned his head and smiled: "Do you think you have already died once?"

His voice was not loud, on the contrary, it carried the gentle aura he was born with.

But at this moment, when it sounded in the ear of the general, it seemed like a thunderstorm suddenly broke out, causing him to tremble unconsciously.

" is this possible?!


He pointed to the scene of the nuclear explosion near Chi Chi outside the window, trembling and stammering, his soul had long since fallen into an ice cellar.

The shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion approached under his gaze, and he instinctively raised his hand to stop it, because it was inferred from common sense that the glass would definitely be shattered.

But the next moment he suddenly put down his arm, because if common sense is still feasible at the moment, then the so-called shock wave can't be seen at all with human eyesight, and even his eyes will be completely blinded at the moment of the nuclear explosion, and then he can't do anything at all. In a very short period of time, he will be melted into nothingness by the high temperature.

Xu Wenwu stared at the nuclear explosion scene outside, and said casually: "I remember what he said the most to us: nothing in the world is impossible. Although I don't know what method he used to achieve it. The magical picture we saw, but when I saw this scene actually happened, I was more able to understand his psychology when he said that sentence there."

The general still couldn't help but slumped on the ground. He also stared at the nuclear explosion that was still slowly going on outside. It seemed that his entire mental state had undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant.

Xu Wenwu didn't let him go so easily. He asked with a smile, "You are also a serving general. Do you think the nuclear explosion outside is real or fake?"

"it is true!"

Although he didn't know why all the effects after the nuclear explosion did not really come, he couldn't give a negative answer no matter what he saw or what he knew about the launch system of the nuclear bomb.

Xu Wenwu laughed again: "He really did what he said."

In the past, he and Hong Fei had an agreement that was not an agreement in their small talk, that is, Xu Wenwu would definitely let Xu Wenwu witness the whole process of the nuclear explosion.

Now, Hong Fei has completed this agreement, and the degree of completion is extremely high.

After all, who else can witness the entire process of its explosion from a distance of less than a thousand meters from the nuclear protection center?

Not only Xu In all parts of the world, people have personally witnessed this magical scene.

Even after the initial despair, some people staggered and crawled out of the center of the nuclear explosion with their hands and feet.

sky base.

Zhao Hailun, Mei, and Sif looked down from the sky, and the mushroom cloud that suddenly erupted quickly rose to the vicinity of the sky base, until it finally wrapped the entire base in the middle of the yellow and black mushrooms.

"It's so beautiful!" Sif sighed immersed in it.

Mei and Zhao Hailun looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

Zhao Hailun honored Sif very respectfully: "If I don't know what it is and what consequences it will bring, I think I will also think it is beautiful."

Sif shook his head: "I know what it is, the most proud weapon of mankind, and its lethality is indeed very powerful. Even in Asgard, not many people can successfully defend it."

Mei: "This is already very outrageous, isn't it? After all, people on earth have never thought about defending against a nuclear bomb attack. They can only avoid it in advance, and there is no 100% guarantee that there will be no other problems."

"That's different. Asgardians have far more bodies than Earth people, and the real gods are more powerful. Such weapons don't need their frontal defense, and they can't hit the Asa gods at all. However, this is enough to prove Earthlings are not weak."

May nodded as a matter of course: "Of course. Even on Earth, there is only one place that has really endured a frontal blow from a nuclear bomb, and their ending is indeed very tragic."

Zhao Hailun: "That's what they asked for."

May hugged her with a smile: "I know, I even think this is one of the few good things the U.S. government has done, even if there are more reasons why others don't know when they make this decision."

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