Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 651: Earth Scavenger

After Eternal achieved his goal, he left, and Hong Fei also turned back to Earth.

After defeating Thanos, the Super Energy Foundation released a large number of images to the world, declaring to the world another great and righteous victory of the Super Energy Foundation.

And those warships and alien corpses transported back from space also testify to the authenticity of this war.

As a result, there was a lively celebration all over the world, and some people even proposed to make this day a normalized festival.

But Hong Fei was not immersed in the joyous celebration. He was still thinking about eternity.

Eternity is an abstract life born at the moment of the big bang of the universe, it is a kind of figuration, a kind of aggregate, and it is also the physical incarnation of the universe.

In other words, the eternity of the universe is the universe itself.

From this perspective, when the universe is destroyed, the eternity that Hong Fei saw will also be destroyed.

If you think about it in this way, the appearance of eternity, whether it is a "public affair" to preserve the universe and all life, or a "private matter" that avoids its own extinction, can be justified.

But what is plausible and why may not be entirely true.

The biggest doubt is why Eternal seems to have high hopes for Hong Fei, and said that the multiverse does not necessarily need infinite.

What does he want?

Want to transform Marvel's infinite multiverse into DC's actual number of multiverses?

If nothing else, in order to achieve such a goal, an extremely staggering number of universes will inevitably disappear.

This contrasts with the reason for the appearance of eternity this time.

Isn't it a paradox?

So, what does eternity want to do? What does he want to do with Hong Fei?

Hong Fei couldn't understand for the time being.

There was no war because Eternal didn't want to fight, and Hong Fei didn't really want to fight.

If they are going all out now, then this universe will definitely not be able to withstand it. As Hong Fei's old home base, he certainly hopes that this place can continue to exist for a long time.

But this eternal appearance made Hong Fei feel that the universe was actually not safe enough.

The current situation is equivalent to Hong Fei putting his family business, relatives, friends, etc. into a stranger's home, hoping that the other party can protect everything he has without the constraints of a contract.

Just thinking about it makes me feel ridiculous.

Today, he and Eternal are reluctant to talk, but if there is a rift between the two in the future, who can guarantee Eternal will not use these things as a bargaining chip to pressure Hong Fei or even force him to do things?

Again: nothing in this world is impossible.

Thinking of this.

Hong Fei's line of sight penetrated the spatial dimension, and looked at the dimension of the dragon that was closely connected to and dependent on him.

People must rely on themselves.


The next day, Hong Fei stood on the sky base, watching the dragon flags flying all over the city below, and people rushed to the streets to participate in the grand parade celebration.

The Super Energy Foundation, led by Datou, was less ruthless and more lively than Xu Wenwu at that time.

He seems to hope that everyone can sincerely regard the Super Power Foundation as a savior-like existence, and he enjoys the worship of others, so he always likes to come up with something that the whole people can participate in.

There is nothing wrong with this, after all, in the process, people did have more fetters with the Super Energy Foundation.

Anyway, if he doesn't want to attend meetings and events by himself, it must be a good meeting and event.

Beside her, Mei leaned on the railing and stuck her head out for a while, but after a quick glance, she quickly retracted her body and patted her chest in shock.

"You can fly, why are you afraid of heights?" Hong Fei didn't understand.

"It's different. I'm standing now, but I'm not flying. Moreover, even if I'm flying, I don't dare to look down. I always feel that I will fall in the next second."

"Then I suggest you talk to Peter. He drags spider silk around the city every day. He doesn't even fly, but he's never afraid of heights."

Speaking of this, May suddenly said angrily: "He is too naughty, not as cute as he was when he was a child. He always finds various excuses to run out, and then pretends to be doing homework in the room all the time in front of me."

Hong Fei couldn't help laughing: "Then you didn't expose him?"

Mei pouted: "I can do that, but sometimes I really don't find evidence."

"he is very smart."

"He should focus more on his studies."

"His academic performance is already very good, and his achievements in the future will not be low. At least, I think he can set up a company that surpasses the current Stark Group in the future."

Although Mei felt that this was just Hong Fei's conjecture, it still made her happy: "If only this were the case, I would never have to worry about his life in the future."

"Not now."

"That won't work!"

After all, no matter how heroic Peter is, he is still a child in May's eyes, and in fact he is indeed a minor.

And, now it seems, Peter didn't reveal that he went to outer space with him to fight Thanos.

While watching, a rainbow bridge descended from the sky to Hong Fei's side, and Sol walked out after a while.

Mei greeted Sol from the side, then stepped back, leaving space for Hong Fei and Sol.

Sol stepped forward and said in the first sentence, "The outside world is really messed up."

Hong Fei smiled and looked at the lively scene below, and suddenly had more feelings.

Yes, Thanos snapped his fingers after all.

The Nine Realms are not affected, but the Nine Realms are only a drop in the ocean. In more known and even unknown places, ordinary life has disappeared forever.

This is a given and never-changeable fact of the current universe, except that people in those places can think of traveling through time and space to borrow gems to restore it all.

The Nine Realms, Asgard, Two Earths, and other places were not affected, and the heroes probably wouldn't want to have such a way.

Of course, this is not absolute. For example, if a certain Virgin is still alive, she will probably come back to Earth and ask everyone to help.

Fortunately, she was already dead.

"The universe is huge." Hong Fei said suddenly.

Sol looked over.

He continued: "It's not easy to protect an area from being affected. I have my own goals, and those alien beings I don't know are not enough for me to give up my goals for their lives and deaths."

Thor was stunned, and immediately smiled and said: "Of course, I know that no one can ask you to do anything, and I fully understand your approach, as if I can kill the enemy for Asgard, when they and Asgard When their interests conflict, they are the enemy in my eyes, and the best way to deal with the enemy is to kill him."

Hong Fei nodded lightly: "But after the news from the universe enters the earth, there will still be people in this world who will criticize it."

Sol was aggressive: "Then kill them!"

"That's to sit back and watch their thoughts?"


Sol frowned.

Hong Fei laughed again: "Hahaha, just kidding. Don't worry, in fact, I don't care what they say at all, as long as they are not afraid of trouble, then what they say is their freedom, and what they say, Probably not qualified to reach my ears. By the way, have you seen Loki?"

When it comes to Loki, Thorton forgets everything else.

"I've seen it, when Thanos snapped his fingers, he was leading the crooked army on Saka to fight the rebellion. Probably when the battle was fierce, ordinary life suddenly disappeared. , Loki was frightened enough, if I hadn't asked Heimdall to inform him as soon as possible, I'm afraid he would have run away by now."

Thor is also making fun of Loki.

Finally got a territory of his own, and as a cosmic traffic artery that is bound to grow and grow in the future, Loki could not give up on Saka star.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, he said that he had to be sure that Hong Fei would not find him before he could leave without saying goodbye. Although Loki was cunning and cunning, he acted very cautiously at the same time.

"It's fine. He has to rely on you to help him a lot. When Saka star is calm, I will let the big head draw two heroes from the earth and a large number of humans to help."

"No problem, I've sent Loki's elite army of Asgard, and he'll be able to get everything done soon." Speaking of which, Thor paused for a while before he hesitated.

Seeing this, Hong Fei smiled and said, "Sol, we have known each other for many years, can't we just say something directly?"

Sol smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said: "It's not a big deal, it's just... Well, I feel like you always seem to know what's going to happen in the future, now that we've just solved the big trouble of Thanos, what's next? enemy?"

Sol's eyes were a little excited, even impatient.

In the battle of Thanos, although he successfully removed one of the opponent's arms, he was far from the real kill.

In other words, he didn't have enough fun.

As a soldier who has fought in the Nine Realms all the year round, it is difficult for Sol to calm down like Odin in a short period of time. What's more, as he gradually absorbs and melts the power of inheritance, he can also clearly perceive his own strength. promote.

For example, after playing a game to upgrade or change to new equipment, you can't help but challenge powerful monsters or bosses to verify your strength.

Sol felt the same way.

Hong Fei thought about it carefully.

After Thanos, there are enough bosses to trigger a large number of hero battles, but they are either solved by a few people, or they have not really appeared, even Hong Fei is not clear.

Today, Hong Fei should also set off again.

But this time he won't leave suddenly and passively, so before leaving, he has to clean up some things hidden on the earth, so as not to cause some superhuman floods on the earth that is completely different from what he knows. unintended consequences.

He's going to be a scavenger of the earth.

Sol just happens to be a helper.

However, some opponents may not be able to let Thor fulfill his desire to fight happily.'s not that easy?

Hong Fei smiled: "Yes, it's very strong, I'm afraid you won't dare."

Sol was full of arrogance and arrogantly laughed: "Haha, don't make trouble, there are no enemies and opponents in this world that I dare not challenge, tell me! No matter who it is, I will let him know how powerful the Tomahawk is. !"


Hong Fei pointed to himself.

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There was no superfluous expression on everyone's face, as if they were very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.


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