Wren’s words were calm, but his eyes seemed to burn the whole hell.

An inadvertent breath.

Let the entire naval headquarters be clouded in an instant.

Although it was only for a moment, it made countless strong people feel depressed.

Whitebeard, who was also a member of the Rocks Pirates.

He was not involved in the attack on the island.

Just watching from afar, even for a moment.

With a startled glance, he looked at Wren and did not move.

However, he did not stop it….

So he will also die, but he will walk more decently than the other four emperors.

But that’s about it.

“What was that just now… Is the weather about to change? “Sengoku Qiqi felt creepy, and his body surface was chilling.

Although it was only for a moment, it made him feel a strong uneasiness in his heart.

“Big brother, this is the headquarters of the Navy…” Akainu was a little worried about Wren’s emotions.

The extreme of the big brother is not the extreme of violent walking.

Rather, the extreme of absolute sanity.

That kind of extremity scared the red dog.

Because he remembered the day he fled.

When the eldest brother carried him on his back and was killed from the pirates.

That look, like a god, indifferently looked down on all things.

Without any emotion.

At that moment… He was scared.

I was afraid that the eldest brother he knew would be gone forever.

That’s when he cried, and it was the last time he cried.

He already has nothing.

Only the big brother, if the big brother also ….

Fortunately, the cry called back his familiar big brother.

But that worry never went away from Sakaski’s mind.

Every time Akainu hears his colleagues talk about him, he fears that one day he will lose control.

It’s ridiculous.

They’ve never seen anyone really out of control.

But it’s worrying about it.

“I know… Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, you also become an uncle … It’s time to find me a brother and sister too. Wren looked at Sakaski’s eyes, full of love.

Born before this world.

He had nothing, but Sakaski and his new parents gave him a real sense of new life.

But the brutal experiment of the Loks Pirates.

Deprive him of everything.

He had promised a man to protect her.

But breaking his word, for decades, he exercised his body and Devil Fruit to the extreme.

It’s for revenge, but also to create a world where my brother no longer needs to run on the front lines.

“There should be quite a few excellent female admirals in the navy… How, didn’t fancy it? Wren smiled slightly.

A smile followed behind silently, but his heart was not calm.

Brother Wren’s unique overlord-colored domineering.

It seems to have been strengthened again.

It’s terrible!

But also full of anticipation, if the whole world can become their kingdom at the moment.

It’s worth all the fight!

He will fight for this sword until the last drop of blood is drained.

Listening to Wren’s forced marriage, the red dog rarely made a big red face.

“Haven’t we talked about this… The era of the sea thief will not end one day, where is my resting place. ”

“These two things do not conflict at all, and there is no necessary relationship, have you forgotten how old you are…”

“Big brother, you’re older than me…”

“You look too anxious, don’t look for it again, what if no one wants it in the future?”

“It’s big brother, your ability is too convenient, obviously older than me…” said Chi Inu.

It is inevitable that there will be some small grievances.

Everyone looked at the two of us, that kind of questioning eyes.

Makes the red dog very speechless.

They are brothers, the kind of dears!

That bunch of bastards….

However, such emotions naturally do not show on the face.

Only in the heart.

After all, at the headquarters of the Navy, he is a senior admiral, and he still needs majesty.

Listening to Wren’s words, the soldiers behind the red dog couldn’t help but be stunned.

Admiral is still afraid that he will not find a wife?

Even if Sakaski is ten years older, it will be fine.

The sea pays attention to the strong.

As long as General Sakaski has this intention.

Reveal a message, what kingdom princesses, island flowers and the like.

All will flock to it.

But this is a private matter for the two brothers.

Where is his part of interjecting as a soldier.

However, I realized a problem.

It seems that General Sakaski has not had any scandals over the years.

Not to mention marrying a wife and having children.

Sometimes they all put the admirals too high.

They rightfully believe that they deserve to pay for justice.

But it is rarely considered from the perspective of a normal person.

How many of these high-ranking generals sacrificed for the sake of justice!

The yellow ape green pheasant general, also did not marry.

But occasionally there is still some lace news.

Lieutenant General Karp was not married.

But I heard that the grandchildren have all of them.

And General Sakaski, however, seems to ….


The reason he also just knew.

But this sea, for hundreds of years, pirates have been rampant.

How could there really be an end to the day.

“You know I can make you look younger, but I never did, know why?” Wren asked, looking at Sakaski.

“Big brother, your ability has gone further?” Sakaski surprised.

“That’s not the point, you idiot…” Wren said angrily.

I asked you to find the reason, but you are talking to me about strength?

Cultivated into a pure martial artist?

Do you want to go back to the furnace and reinvent it?

Look at Wren’s twinkling eyes.

Sakaski immediately understood what Wren was thinking: “It’s going to be a big war, I have to recharge my strength… The question just now, I think the eldest brother must feel that I am mature, stronger? ”

“Strong? In addition to strength, you can’t have something else in your head … I want you to know when you look in the mirror that you are no longer small, no longer young, and you are going to me off alive…”

Wren finally couldn’t help but kick the red dog in the ass.

“Then you look for it, you are my eldest brother! You didn’t look for it, what am I in a hurry…”

“I know you studied under Zefa, but his situation is an accident after all, if you don’t worry about your family and let your brother and sister live in my country’s home, I will guarantee her safety… It cannot be affected by Zefa’s past. ”


“Hmph, I can’t take this as if I didn’t hear it, what’s wrong with Zefa-sensei?” But the red dog did not speak.

A coquettish voice suddenly sounded.

A navy with long legs with sea blue hair came from around the corner and happened to encounter Wren and the others.

(Ask for a monthly pass, break an egg!) Flowers, evaluation votes too. )

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