Ain, who was originally going to shoot.

Interrupted by this rampant banter.

The voice came from the air.

At the same time there was a hurried whining siren from the headquarters of the Navy.

“There are intruders!”

“Sky! Prepare for war! ”

“This guy Tenyasha, every time he comes, he can’t be peaceful…”

The Marshal of the Warring States saw His Majesty the Seven Warriors Sea to Flamengo walking from the sky.

His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai summoning order had just been issued, not long ago.

Brother Ming was the first to come.

Did you come to see the excitement?

Most likely, it is.

Anywhere there is a contradiction and liveliness.

There will always be a shadow of this guy.

Brother Ming is doing many dark things behind his back.

Their naval headquarters did not have evidence.

But every time intelligence officers sent to Dressrosa, they always lost contact for no apparent reason.

Explain that there is something wrong with this kingdom.

But he is not only His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

It is also the original world aristocratic Draco.

Hold the handle of the world government in your hands.

Even if the Warring States don’t like it, there is no way to do it at all.

“Cancel the alarm, it’s His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, send someone to contact.”

Sengoku picked up the phone bug on his desk.

Departments were notified.

Then he picked up the information in his hand.

Very little information is available about Wren.

But only for some places that are more likely to go in and out than the usual red dogs.

With his IQ, it is not difficult to find some catty.

“Two years ago, three years ago, five years ago … When red dogs pass through this sea, they will choose to stop on this island, and there is clearly a better and faster route…”

Previously, they would not have deliberately looked at the routes of the admirals.

The rights of the general himself are very large.

For example, the general has an opinion about the marshal of the navy.

It can be played directly to the world government.

They are very free, this kind of yaw that only appears after a while.

In the past, no one would have noticed.

But now that Wren has appeared, Sengoku wants to get as much as possible.

to see if you can get him into the Navy.

Vice Admiral is the highest rank he can give.

If it is a general, it must be approved by the world government.

However, Sengoku believes that Wren may have unusual means.

Probably, as the red dog said, it is very cruel.

But to say that he has the combat power of a general.

Sengoku felt unlikely.

Because of the general-level combat power, there is not much to look at the whole world.

“It used to be a desert island, but in recent years there have been rumors of a new kingdom being established… However, because it is too inconspicuous and is a new kingdom, he is not even qualified to join the world government, does it have anything to do with him? …… Send someone to take a look. ”

The Marshal of the Warring States found the closest naval base to the sea area.

An intelligence-gathering mission was issued.

“His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas… Hmph…” the red dog snorted coldly when he heard this.

This kind of existence is something that many hawkish dovish navies do not like.

Even if they do have a very important role.


Pink feather coat, cropped pants, blonde hair, wearing sunglasses.

Like a flamingo, at this moment, stepping on the invisible line that hooks the building, step by step down.

The insolent aura was at a glance, ravaging the entire naval headquarters.

Many navies are dissatisfied.

But His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai System is directly linked to the world government.

They have no right to eviction.

Not to mention that Doflamingo still came in response to the summoning order.

He had an insolent smile on his lips.

Looking at Ain and Wren is like watching a caged beast.

Enthusiastic and condescending.

He was fearless, with frivolous steps, empty-eyed.

There was an incomparably burning destructive frenzy in the depths of his eyes.

He is the one who is excited about this coming war.

Since it is impossible to return to the peak of the world nobility.

Then it doesn’t matter if you destroy the whole world.

His volley of shadows crossed over Wren’s head.

Shadows obscured Wren.

Feeling the person coming, Wren’s face immediately became gloomy.

In this life, Wren hates people who experiment on people the most….

And Mingo did more than one experiment.

Selling children, doing giantization experiments, experimenting with artificial devil fruits on people…

In addition, trafficking in arms, chemical and biological weapons, human trade…

But everything that is touched by bad words is not left behind at all.

Some of these experiments are derived from the Rocks Pirates.

In Wren’s eyes, it became particularly eye-catching.

“Block the sun.” Wren said lightly, and did not raise his head.

But when Brother Ming heard this, he frowned.

Ain is no stranger to him, and he is somewhat impressed.

But Wren is a stranger and not a high-ranking general.

If yes, he would remember.

Ain, on the other hand, glanced at Wren with some surprise.

Although she also dislikes His Majesty Qiwu Hai.

But in terms of strength and importance, position.

More valued than her, a major general.

And they are all lawless maniacs, often killing people when they don’t agree with each other and are in an unhappy mood.

Even Mingo killed several navies at the headquarters of the Navy that offended him verbally.

The result is still nothing.

Such a contemptuous attitude of this man.

Most likely it will cause Brother Ming’s killing intent.

However, Wren’s words fell.

A smile behind him silently pulled out the knife by a third of the degree.

The void buzzed, and a purple gravity circle appeared.

The gravity circle covers the full range.

It was like a giant mountain suppressed.

Brother Ming’s face changed drastically in an instant, only for a moment.

He felt a huge sense of oppression.

At this distance, even if he reacted hastily.

But gravity still brought him down.

With a bang, it fell in front of Wren.

His strength is extraordinary, and he is suddenly oppressed by gravity.

But it was not knocked to the ground.

Instead, at the moment of the first shot, adjust your feet and land straight on the ground.

But the street instantly cracked into countless cracks.

His face also became very gloomy.

If it weren’t for his extremely fast reaction.

I am afraid that I will be directly pressed by this invisible pressure to kneel on my legs

This guy! So overbearing!

Where did such a rampant navy come from!

Did the people around him make the move?

Ain was also stunned for a moment.

What is this situation?

“Oh, I thought who it was, it turned out to be a wild dog that was excluded by the nobles of the world and no one wanted…” Wren looked at Brother Ming with indifferent eyes.

The opening is King Fried!

Brother Ming, who was originally jealous.

When I hear these words like a blade straight into the heart!

The forehead is bruised, the anger is raging, and the blood is gushing!

With a boom, an overlord-colored domineering aura full of world-destroying madness erupted instantly.

Ain’s face changed slightly, just resisting the coercion.

It was hard for her to move anymore.

He didn’t say much, but he directly poked the anti-scale in Brother Ming’s heart.

and the past you least want to recall.

This made his usual online sanity instantly filled with anger.

“Stinky little ghost, knowing too much is not a good thing…” Mingge was sure that this was not some big man in the navy.

That kind of ant that dares to easily offend himself.

Kill it casually, and seek your own death!

Saying that, Brother Ming pulled out the five-color thread with the five fingers in his hand and grabbed it directly towards Wren.

One blow is enough to make someone else’s head hit the ground.

“It’s really a wild dog, but in this range, don’t you scout more… Have you been on top for too long…”

Wren is domineering in the overlord color and has no effect.

Still staring at Brother Ming indifferently.

When Brother Ming heard this, an unprecedented strong sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart.

But the attack is out, which is so easy to take back.

“Have you ever seen your own blood dancing?”


Poof! In Brother Ming’s puzzled, stunned eyes.

The flesh and blood of his shoulders were torn apart, and his bones were broken.

A stream of blood shot out like a fountain…

What’s going on!? Himself was attacked?!

(Flowers 1526, there are still more than four hours, is there any hope of breaking through 2000!) Ask for support! I want to burst more! )

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