Mingo was carried down for treatment.

He didn’t say another word during this time.

But the dog that bites has never barked.

It’s just that Wren didn’t take it seriously.

It’s just that it happened, which is unpleasant.

If you can kill, you can’t kill.

There will be opportunities in the future.

The most urgent task is to ensure that the coming war is to be achieved.

Xiao Ji will not encounter anything unexpected.

But unlikely, something.

It has already changed.

The news of the underground world, Wren often pays attention to at all times.

And Whitebeard is a springboard.

As soon as he fell, when all the pirates thought that the mountain that pressed them above was gone.

When you want to go on the rapids.

Everyone will know what despair is.

And in the meantime.

It would be better to have the power of a world government or navy at its disposal.

Just now, Xiao Lu’s hand also had this reason.

Sengoku looked at Wren.

It’s not good to say much.

Just now, Wren has made the nature of the matter clear.

It’s just the encounter between the navy family and His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

The Navy was not directly involved.

The five old stars want to ask about the crime, or Brother Ming wants to settle the account after the fall.

What does it have to do with their naval headquarters?

The identity of the family does not reflect a problem with the security of the Navy.

After all, the families of the Navy, appeared at the headquarters of the Navy.

What’s the problem?

Probably not.

The only thing that is.

That is, Mingo’s strength will be questioned.

The people above are more realistic than they are.

And Sengoku looks unhappy on the surface.

The heart is happy.

And just received a generous gift, and didn’t even say a word to blame Wren.

Karp was more direct and gave a silent thumbs up.

Then it seems that the impact is not good.

With his other hand, he pressed his thumb down.

This kind of thing, the Warring States is still very easy to handle.

Of course, if there are human lives.

Then the nature is different.

As for injuries and the like.

This could not be more common.

This can also be regarded as a strong sense of justice for the previous ones.

The export against Mingo, and then the killed navy recovered a debt.

“Each returned to his post, the news has been notified to the world, although the execution is a week later, but who can guarantee that Whitebeard will not suddenly go crazy and kill himself at the headquarters of the Navy?”

Marshal of the Warring States said solemnly.

Such a thing is not impossible.

Something similar has happened before.

He believed Whitebeard knew what the battle meant.

If he dares to come, he must also be mentally prepared.

The dying counterattack of the strongest man in the world.

No one dares to underestimate it.

Even if they have a huge advantage in combat power.

Hearing the words of the Warring States, everyone dispersed.

Return to their respective posts.

“Rear Admiral Ain, you take Wren to familiarize yourself with the naval headquarters…” The Marshal of the Warring States saw that Ain was closest to Wren.

So he opened his mouth and ordered.

In this battle, although the elite that could be mobilized were mobilized.

But that was mobilized while maintaining basic defenses elsewhere as well.

For example, Zefa will not participate this time.

Instead, he united with the Air Marshal and held the throat of the New World to the first half.

Keep an eye on the other four emperors and guard against accidents.

On the sea, there is not only one white beard.

Some alternate generals will also temporarily take over the affairs managed by the generals.

There are some who are destined to not participate in this battle.

However, the defenses in other places are definitely much weaker than usual.

Ain came this time to be in charge of evacuation work.

Once the day of execution comes.

The people in the naval headquarters and the township had to be evacuated.

“Me?” Ain was stunned for a moment.

“How? Any questions? “Sengoku is puzzled.

“No, no…” Ain couldn’t find a valid reason.

“I’m hungry… Your Excellency Major General, take me to dinner. “When everyone leaves.

Wren returned to politeness, with a harmless smile.

But I saw the scene just now.

Wren’s danger has risen to the extreme in Ain’s heart.

It is said that he is the most cunning and vicious pirate.

Ain thought it was fine.

But the eldest brother of General Akainu.

She never dreamed of this.

No wonder he didn’t use honorifics for General Sakaski before.

How could a normal person use honorifics for his own younger brother.

I misunderstood this.

But he had a bad opinion of Zefa-sensei.

It does exist.

And he doesn’t seem to be able to get justice for Zefa-sensei.

Ain was unwilling to lead the way ahead.

But just a few steps, suddenly his eyes became firm again.

“I’m going to challenge you.”

“It’s really good, few people can overcome their fears in such a short time.” Wren praised.

Ain bit his lip.

Being praised by him, I was not happy at all.

“I accept your challenge… And then…… You lose. Wren nodded.

“What do you say? I haven’t…” Ain put his hands on his weapon.

She knew she was no match for him.

But if you don’t shoot, you can’t get through the inner level.

She vaguely judged.

The blind guard shot.

It seems to avoid getting worse.

That is, this man who didn’t make much of a move.

Probably stronger than his guards.

It’s just a guess, though.

She is also not good to pray to the Warring States.

Hearing Wren flutter and agree.

She was about to pull out the knife immediately.

It turned out that the knife could not be drawn.

Blood seeped out of her skin from her palms.

Blood-colored chains formed and wrapped their hands around the knife.

“I, I lost…” Ain had a hard time accepting such a thing.

I have seen the end of Brother Min.

She was careful enough.

The sight is also open.

Vigilance is elevated to the highest.

But before he knew it, he was manipulated with his hands and weapons.

If he wants to do it.

I am simply powerless to resist.

His strength, how could it be so terrifying.

Even if it is a hands-to-hand practice with Zefa-sensei.

She won’t be so unbearable!

This guy, it’s terrible!

“Wait for the banquet, I’m afraid it won’t be calm…” reminded with a smile.

“It’s okay, I didn’t think about calming down this time…”

“You can also eat some, at the banquet, I’m afraid you really don’t have time to eat, I see that some navy look at you quite hot…”

“Navy, if it was before, I didn’t think about it, but now the world is different.” A smile smiled indifferently.

“Although I don’t like Zefa’s character, he is undoubtedly competent compared to most navies, so if possible, I hope you can introduce us…” Wren looked at Ain again.

Ain was stunned, this guy, seriously?

(Flowers now 2613!) Much worse! )

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