Just stepped forward into the hall of the living room Sakaski.

At a glance, I saw Wren sitting in the hall, drinking fine tea.

Wren’s body has a lot of women’s aroma.

Sakaski is unsociable.

So he, as the eldest brother, must understand.

The world cannot tolerate an unreasonable madman.

So many female admirals, really have to refuse them all.

Not even giving the opportunity to communicate.

The situation is also not stated,

That’s what will be troublesome later.

I really want someone to come to the door every day to “raise a kiss”.

That Wren can’t live a normal life.

Not to mention that there are things to do.

There is communication, and naturally contact with women cannot be avoided.

Now Wren has escaped this hell.

But Sakaski is the initiator.

It is getting more and more skinny, and family law must be enforced.

Today you dare to call someone to ask for a kiss, a blind date.

Will you dare to arrange a good woman to her bed tomorrow?

It’s not good to know the law and break the law.

Sakaski saw his eldest brother’s kind smile.

There was a sudden burst in his heart, and he subconsciously retreated half a step back.

Just halfway curious and followed for a while.

Big brother won’t really be angry.

“Big brother, is there something wrong?” Sakaski subconsciously took off his hat and stroked his flat head.

Subconsciously feel a chill behind you.

“You can run for five seconds first!” Wren shook the tea in his hand.

Smiling at Sakaski.

“What is there to say… I just happened to meet…” Sakaski’s face changed.

I didn’t do anything excessive.

Why does this require the use of family law?


“No, big brother, you listen to me!” Sakaski panicked a little.

This should be seen by outsiders.

Must have dropped his jaw.

Even if it is facing the four emperors at the same time.

This expression is not necessarily visible on his face.


“Fragrant woman? I know…… Big brother, you have to believe me, I introduce the female admiral, that’s for your good, our family is the biggest, but you can’t stop it, it’s definitely not against you arranging a blind date for me…”


“You’re listening to me… Hey…… So many scents… I understood, those people were not called by me, I asked five or six, the others must have come by themselves, but big brother, you are so good, it is normal to have many people…”


“Can I still quibble?”


Sou…… And the last second.

Sakaski no longer tried to explain.

Throw your legs and break the window and escape.

For a second, Wren chased after him.

One boulder after another was lifted by Wren and thrown directly towards Sakaski!

Knock knock… As soon as one escapes and one chase, the entire naval headquarters “earthquakes” are frequent!

“Groove!! Domestic violence scene?! “There are admirals who saw Wren punch Sakaski directly out!

Flew half of the naval headquarters!

It looks like a thief.

What others don’t know, they think it’s the enemy fighting.

But neither was capable.

Just with physical abilities.

But it’s also quite amazing.

“Big brother, this is the headquarters of the Navy, so many people are watching, I am also a senior admiral… Can you save some face? ”

“What happened to the Admiral? The admiral is not my brother? Again…… I don’t care what they think at all. ”


Sakaski was silent and helpless, not daring to fight back.

You can only escape.

It’s not about strength.

And rebellion against family law?

That’s not a self-defeating destination.

Let’s wait until the eldest brother is angry.

“That’s a red dog?!” Moriah felt compelled to put Wren on the list not to be provoked.

“What’s going on? General Sakaski doesn’t seem to dare to resist yet! ”

“Don’t pay attention to so much, this is someone else’s family affair, there was a lieutenant general who tried to stop it just now, and now he is still in a coma!”


“It’s hilarious… It seems that there was such a thing at the headquarters of the Navy before, Karp … Follow…… Dragons…”

The Warring States are still picking up lights and fighting at night.

Looking at the playful Wren and the red dog.

I remembered a lot of past events.

Over the years, in order for more justice to be implemented.

The headquarters of the Navy compromised quite a bit with the world government.

The dragon guy would have been an excellent admiral.

At that time, Karp also often enforced family law against rebellious dragons at the naval base.

But it’s rare to see that kind of thing anymore.

The atmosphere is getting heavier.

Even if the headquarters of the Navy is strong.

But over the years, there have been not many people who have left the navy.

Many became pirates.

The world has many temptations.

People’s ideas are not the same all the time.

Karp doesn’t know what’s going on now… Shouldn’t do stupid things.

But I don’t know if I arrived in the kingdom of Aisane.

“Even if it’s a general, it’s still not a big deal!”

“But what did Sakaski do?”

“I heard that I introduced many female generals to my eldest brother, and I heard that the giant lieutenant general is going to bring his parents over to see this future son-in-law!”

“I’m going, so fast?”

“Rumors, just rumors, don’t talk nonsense.”

“My eldest sister is pretty good… Wren, will he become my brother-in-law? ”

“Bah, don’t be faceless, my sister is younger!”

“It’s nice to be young…” Lieutenant General Tsuru smiled slightly.

“I didn’t expect to see the day when the admiral was chased and beaten…” Dusty also looked at him stunned.

It’s hard to imagine what you’re seeing.

Admiral, it turns out that he has not always been on top.

“Hmph, don’t be fooled by the surface, that Sakaski guy… Just a madman! “Smogg’s personality is somewhat similar to that of the red dog.

But more stubborn, the strength is much worse.

Otherwise, even if you don’t know how to be flexible, it’s not just this rank.

“It’s so good feelings… Sakaski, does your justice really come from your brother… I hope nothing will change…” The yellow ape always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The green pheasant glanced silently.

“A nice man indeed…” She approached Wren for another purpose, and Wren approached her too.

But that is a hint from the Marshal of the Warring States.

Not a real task.

It’s just a matter of how she handles and understands.

What she hoped was that Wren wouldn’t be their enemy.

And establish a certain relationship.

She also knew that Wren touched her.

It is to get some intelligence from the upper echelons of the Navy.

As long as it is not particularly classified intelligence.

She will answer Wren’s questions.

Although some departments are different.

But Akainu really wants to learn some other intelligence across departments.

It’s not difficult….

After all, they are not young children who have not experienced darkness and reality.

There are trade-offs that adults should have.

But that didn’t stop her from thinking Wren was a good man.

It is also really good and heartwarming.

Few men in her life have there been such perfections.

But there is always something I can’t see.

“People who don’t pursue, the eyes are not like this… What are you after…” Gion looked at the sky, slightly distracted.

This night, someone is destined to be unable to calm down.

For the rest of the day, Wren stayed at Navy headquarters.

Wandering around the headquarters during the day, dealing with Gion Ain, and occasionally meeting with the Marshal of the Warring States to deepen their friendship…

And one evening, a news came out that shocked the strong man of the naval headquarters.

“Marshal of the Warring States fell ill!!”

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