Wren learns of Hancock’s arrival.

I didn’t go to greet me at the first time.

After all, in the eyes of others.

They don’t know each other….

A process of awareness is required.

This is already ready.

Outside the headquarters of the Navy.

The whole world is shrouded in the shadow of the coming war.

There are still three days left until the day of execution.

Businessmen have lost their desire to do business.

Many forces are also working hard to build a big screen.

The headquarters of the Navy will broadcast live to the world and publicize the news of the execution of Fire Fist.

It has long been widely known.

Since it is a world live broadcast.

People who have the ability to get giant phone bugs.

Nature creates a place to watch.

Among them, the Chambord Islands are the most prosperous.

You can watch the execution live not only here.

It is also close to the headquarters of the Navy.

You can get first-hand information.

Famous journalists from all over the world.

He has long been long and short, waiting for the arrival of war with an uneasy heart.

“It would be great if the execution would solve the problem…”

Among the four seas and great voyages.

Someone is praying, someone is languishing and waiting.

As a result of the war, the whole world will change.

No one is immune to implication.

Everyone is focused on this war.

“Is the Whitebeard Pirates really that powerful? Really dare to start a full-scale war with the headquarters of the Navy? ”

“If you don’t dare, the naval headquarters will not gather the world’s famous navies to stand in full swing.”

“Whitebeard is already very old, for the sake of a subordinate, do you have to make such a big move?”

“Of course, because his name is Whitebeard!” There are people of the older generation.

Experienced the era of Roger’s white beard.

Know what kind of people they are.

“Don’t compare him to ordinary old men, a few years ago, the first time I saw him, I gave up the idea of living…” There are today’s drunkards, former captains reminiscing about the horrors of that time.

The words quieted the entire tavern.

The lives of ordinary people are also seriously affected.

“Boss, open a shop, there is no alcohol, so we will also go to the execution table.”

“That’s it, open a store…”

“If the world still exists after the war, go home and spend time with your family.”

“God, what will the world become?” There are nuns praying devotionally.

“Whitebeard has been famous for a long time, even a three-year-old child knows how terrible that monster is.”

Folk ballads about the Whitebeard Pirates.

It is enough to stop the crying of children.

Everyone’s mood was extremely heavy.

Although the headquarters of the Navy looks like it has an advantage on the surface.

But the Whitebeard Pirates have been in the vicinity since Roger’s death.

Then he came to the entire pirate world.

Now to deal with Whitebeard.

More than the whole navy.

Even His Majesty the Seven Wuhai was forcibly summoned.

The Navy hasn’t made such a big move in decades.

The Four Emperors and other pirate forces also waited for the opportunity.

Someone targeted the empty Whitebeard territory.

But Whitebeard is still alive and coveted.

No one dared to easily invade the territory under his command.

What if Whitebeard comes back alive?

On the surface, Whitebeard’s power is no match for the naval headquarters.

But as long as they save Ace, they are victorious.

There is no need to fight with the Navy headquarters until the last soldier remains.

Whitebeard has done too many miracles in the past.

No one dares to underestimate it.

The naval headquarters, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai was also summoned by Vice Admiral Tsuru.

There were many meetings.

After Hancock, Hawkeye Mihawk.

This world’s number one swordsman has also arrived.

Five/The Great King and the Seven Wuhai gathered together.

However, the meeting for Nanabukai and the navy is separate.

The world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk.

Pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook.

Tenyasha Doflamingo.

Moonlight Moria!

Tyrant Bear!

Five people sat in the conference room.

The sense of oppression that emanated invisibly made the naval guards present deeply uneasy.

Many of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas have overlord-colored domineering!

Brother Min, Hawkeye, Female Emperor ….

It is enough to prove their qualifications and strength.

It also proves that they are all the best killed from countless pirates.

No one dares to underestimate their strength.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, who had just given them a brief assignment, had just walked out of the conference room.

I received an update from the New World.

“Report, the 7th surveillance ship, lost contact just now.”

“Is the Whitebeard Pirates getting moving… Any news on their route? ”

“No, we have been attacked by many pirates at various bases in the New World, and many surveillance ships have been sunk as soon as they are sent, and we have no information!” The navy in charge of the report had a solemn face.

“Keep sending out!”


Some losses must be borne by them.

Can’t figure out where the white beard comes from.

No one can rest easy.

Everyone knows the importance of intelligence in war.

“At this juncture, Blackbeard hasn’t even arrived…” Lieutenant General Tsuru frowned.

I vaguely felt a little uneasy.

The arrangement of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai is still very simple.

It is impossible to count on them to fight desperately.

You can only send as far forward as possible, and you can block some of the strong people with Whitebeard.


“Reinsan, where are you?” After the meeting.

Hancock got up and went to the window.

Looking out over the Navy headquarters.

Inside the naval headquarters, she did not dare to contact Wren easily.

As the day of execution approached, the naval headquarters was in a tight position, and the defense force was more than ten times stronger than before.

Countless powerful people gather here.

Walking on the road at the moment, throwing a brick at random, it is possible to hit an admiral.

It may even be a capable person.

There are many capable people, and there are people who can intercept radio waves if they are not complete.

And said okay, wait for him to come to her.

Her ship docked in coastal harbor.

Out of respect for allies.

The headquarters of the Navy did not search the accompanying ships of the Seven Warriors.

“It’s unbelievable that it’s as if it’s not affected by the war… How did the once desert island develop into such a prosperous one?! ”

In the top hotel in the Kingdom of Essaen.

Karp stands high and looks out over the city.

The hustle and bustle of people, its happy residents, the rich market, the spacious, clean and tidy streets, the magnificent buildings, the carefree children, the many strange products…

Standing here for a long time, he could not see a single violent clash.

Not a single pirate!

In this day and age, this is simply an impossible miracle!

“I… Dreaming? Karp dreamed as he looked at the prosperous scenery in front of him.

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