Chapter 70 Alone Town Double Emperor! The generals are terrified! This is my eldest brother’s real strength!!!

The terrifying domineering, like a substantial tsunami of energy, set off a thousand feet high.

A blood-colored Wang Yang wave full of destruction slapped towards the two.

The boom, deafening, more violent than the thunder.

This will energy incarnates into a tsunami.

More turbulent and terrifying than the sea quake set off by Whitebeard!

Aunt Whitebeard only felt like she was in a flat boat in the middle of a storm.

The two changed color at the same time.

Overlord-colored domineering also gushed out.

But it was instantly devoured by this Wang Yang blood curtain.

Like a stone sinking into the sea.

The static blood outfit on Wren’s body began to change.

Everything is purified and re-kneaded together by the blood of countless strong people.

A torn bloody cloak was formed!

The bloody clothes were not silky, and there was a trace of incomparably terrifying.

Energy ripples that can easily break the atmosphere.

Moisture… Wren didn’t control it particularly well.

Wisps of blood qi energy rose like green smoke.

Everywhere they passed, the spatial barriers were torn out of pitch-black cracks! This scene made Whitebeard’s pupils shrink abruptly!

It was a space fragmentation that was even more terrifying than atmospheric shattering! When he was young, he was at his strongest and beyond his limits.

Attacks like this have been carried out before.

That blow shattered the entire island to pieces! Therefore, it scares countless strong people in the world.

Since then, he has been known as a man who can destroy the world!

And in a lifetime, he can hit no more than three times with such an attack! And now this man.

You can’t do such terrible damage before you really do it! And this hellish breath is the same overlord color domineering.

It makes them extremely uncomfortable!

Logically, the whole world.

Even if it is known as a redhead who exercises domineering to the extreme.

It is impossible to suppress them like this on the domineering spirit of the overlord color! What kind of courage does this guy have!

Why is the overlord domineering, more terrifying than anyone they have ever encountered!

Even if it was the former Captain Lokes.

It also does not have such a terrifying overlord-colored domineering!

“Abominable! Damn little ghost!! ”

Auntie can no longer withstand the deterrence of the overlord of Wren! That feeling that made her like an ant.

Let her own overlord color domineering description is false.

Very unpleasant!

They are all oppressed!

She couldn’t help it! Directly abandon the deterrence and shock on the spirit! Reach out and grab countless souls in the void.

Suddenly attached destructive energy to these souls! Then he blasted directly towards Wren!

Along the way, these souls with destructive energy instantly turned into ancient demons! Twisted and hideous, emitting a piercing strange cry, like a ghost and evil ghost is asking for a soul… Black sound ripples rippling in the mouth.

Wipe everything around you to ashes!

“Triple Seismic Wave!!”

Whitebeard bush cloud cut was trampled underfoot! I can’t pull it out!

He can only condense his right fist, open the fight, and hit the extreme earthquake punch he has so far! The atmosphere is shattered like a mirror!

The mighty, earthquake fluctuations that shattered everything rushed straight to Wren!

So close, Whitebeard punches out! Directly can quickly touch the Wren face door! The closer the distance, the stronger the vibration!

“How so!! They lost under the overlord color domineering competition! Two against one, how is it possible?! ”

There are top powerhouses, and they can see the essence of the matter just now!

In the overlord-colored domineering collision.

It’s consciousness, confidence, and qi in the competition!

Fang Cai Whitebeard, their overlord color domineering is suppressed! Auntie took the lead.

It shows that her overlord-colored domineering has been completely crushed! Hard resistance, the overlord color domineering makes her very uncomfortable, although Whitebeard is better than her! But it’s just a step slower.

It shows that the overlord color of the white-bearded is domineering and not as strong as him! Although the two are not a joint overlord-colored domineering! But basically at the same time!

These two terrifying domineering forces have a little bit in harmony, and they should have been stronger! It turned out to be lost!!

That’s the strongest man in the world and another emperor! Big brother of the red dog!

Is the attainment of domineering in the overlord color so high! It’s too scary!!

In the past, how could they believe that this kind of thing could happen! But now.


“Did you say… The strength of the eldest brother is really above the red dog and the four emperors!? ”

“He’s truly the number one in the world?!”

Many strong people have speculated.

“It’s still too early to say this, courageous will, does not represent absolute strength!”

But some people think it’s impossible! How could there be a monster above the four emperor generals in the world!

“This moment… It’s been a long time! Clear the world! Start now! ”

Wren looked up at the attack from the two!

Take it in stride and face this devastating attack.

Still unhurried, just arrogant and murderous! Finally! Finally waiting for this day!

At this moment, first sacrifice the world with the blood of the four emperors! To comfort the dead!

The navy watched Wren motionless.

All worried about him.

Even if there is a distance.

There is also a sense of suffocation at the moment.

Wren said, the purgatory robe condensed by the residual blood floated, enough to tear the energy of space above the condensation fist! Punch the evil black undead at Auntie! Burst directly!

But the real attack is the aunt hiding behind it!

Auntie’s remaining palm has already condensed purgatory-like soul power! Go straight to Wren Tianlingai.

But was Wren closed his fist and punched again! Arrived down!

Then the other hand, in the crowd’s terrifying eyes!

Condense into a fist and collide with Whitebeard’s Earthquake Fist at close contact!!


A pirate powerhouse was directly frightened to the point of bloodlessness! In this world, even if it is a strong person of the same level!

I almost didn’t dare to catch the earthquake power of Whitebeard up close! Destructive power is the most terrifying thing about Whitebeard!

The power to destroy the world!

It’s not just lip service! But this man went to pick it up!

More importantly, catch it!


There are clearly several confrontations!

But there was only an explosion that made the world feel that the sky had collapsed! It means that all their attacks broke out almost at the same time!

With this bang! The central point is the confrontation of three people.

A shockwave mixed with multiple strands of extinction energy.

Like a chaotic storm, it has the power to destroy the world and quickly blooms in the naval headquarters!


Seeing this, the red dog’s face changed drastically!

Take the lead in raising your hands and release the domineering block of Ryuzakura with all your might! If only this shockwave of doom was released!

The entire headquarters of the Navy will be razed to the ground! Except for the generals, and a very few alternate generals are strong.

Others, even if they are lieutenant general-level powerhouses.

Nor can I survive the aftermath!

Where the shock wave passed, black spatial cracks appeared in the air! A shockwave of all three!

No single general can resist!

All the pirate navies subconsciously stopped fighting! Start fleeing! Quickly get out of reach! But if you don’t block it, it’s useless to escape the entire island…

“Violent pheasant beak!!”

The green pheasant also blasted out a large-range attack move! A majestic ice wall was instantly condensed.

The ice is black and covers the supreme armed color domineering defense! Block the aftermath of running in that direction towards him.

The yellow ape also permeated the entire golden light divine realm!

The light particles condensed into one light curtain after another, also resisting this wave of attacks!

“Hell Brigade!”

The vine knotweed knife is drawn and put in front of you!

The entire heaven and earth in front of you have been exerted with a gravity field!

All the rushing energy was pressed into the bottomless abyss of Fang Cai by gravity!

“Good opportunity!”

Sou! Seeing this, Marko turned the whole person into an immortal bird, and the blue flame was dotted.

Burst out at unprecedented speed!

I want to save Fire Fist Ace! The timing is good.

Even intentionally control the sounds you make when you fly!

Went around the back of Fujitora, wanting to take advantage of the flaws in his eyes! After all, it is impossible to start it at all times.

That’s physically demanding!

“Little brother is a little underestimated.

What about it…”

Smile still calmly smiled.

The moment the voice sounded, the body suddenly turned back!

The cane knife is put into its sheath and held with a backhand.

Draw the knife and chop it at great speed!!

“Gravity knife.

Tiger!! ”

Roar!! Marco saw a purple gravity tiger rushing towards him at great speed! His face was full of shock!

Fuji Tora’s sight and smell is domineering.

More than he thought!

Rumble! Even in a hurry, he protected himself with the double amount of immortal birds! Or by this impact.

Directly to blast out at least half a naval headquarters far away


Ace roared sadly, breaking through Wren’s blood shackles in an instant!

But not completely conflicted, just a very small sound!

But it is enough to prove that he has an extremely terrifying bloodline talent in him


“It’s not so easy for people with abilities to die!”

“Abominable! Damn it! All blame me, all blame me!! ”

Ace hammered the execution table with great remorse.

Tears and blood together!

“It seems to be a good guy.”

If it’s good.


In the future, there may be a place for them! Everything will get better too! ”

Fuji Tiger looked at Ace and said comfortingly!

He has always been a gentle and peaceful person!

Only in the face of truly cruel and ruthless pirates.

It will be sharp and terrifying!

Looking at the bitter and sad Ace.

His heart was moved, and he knew about Ace’s life.

After all, he is a part of the plan, which has a certain weight.

Living in the shadow of his father since he was a child, he was One Piece.

Everyone in the world is hoping that he dies! There is no meaning in life and survival.

It’s not even clear if I deserve to live… However, maybe he is clear by now!

“In fact, it is not you and me who are wrong, but this incorrect era! It’s the world! ”

“You are not the Navy, what are you planning… Si knew that Fujitora could not have told himself this. ”

But he did not deny Fuji Tora’s words.

This is a time and world full of distortion, darkness, decay, and chaos!

In such a world, finding right and wrong is an absurd thing in itself!

“Whether it’s people, or whatever… Wrong things always need to be corrected! ”

“You guys… Want to change… World?! ”

Ace was shocked, and for a moment seemed to forget that regret and sadness changed the world?! What a crazy idea!

It is more difficult to change than to destroy, than to conquer! And destroy, conquer the whole world…

Even the Four Emperors may not be able to do it.

Change is even more fanciful.

But Ace didn’t feel that Fujitora was lying to him.

Who would cheat a dying person.

And in the words, even a strong man like him is full of longing!

“Do you feel the need for change?”

Fuji Tiger looked at the chaotic war below, even if he couldn’t see anything.

But feel it more clearly than anyone else! That’s the result of a mistake!

Ace looked at the battlefield below! Out of whim.

Such a life, the death of so many acquaintances.

Naturally not what he wanted!

From this point alone… The world needs to change!

“For this, we need your death Not to be precise, the outcome we seek is not death… It’s the end! It is the will, not the life, that ends.

Xu, you can do your part in this. ”

“Do you want me to die obediently, or kill myself?”

“Don’t necessarily want to make the world a little better?”

Can good people stop living a life of fear?

It’s just a loss…

At this point in the joke, I set my eyes on the battlefield again.

What to Ace.

After all, it is just a momentary feeling.

For those who are deeply struggling.

He always couldn’t help but pull it, even if it was sometimes just on a mental level…

Wren, Whitebeard, Auntie!

Three strong blows are even more terrifying than when Fang Cai Chi Dog fights!

Because Fang Cai’s blow from Whitebeard did not collide with the red dog at all.

Directly stepped into the ground by Wren domineeringly.

And the power that Wren burst out of is extremely terrifying! Beyond the red dog, more than any single Four Emperors!

Everyone looked at the extinction, mixed with countless shockwaves that cut the space! Even if it’s an audience outside the war!

Held your breath at that moment!!

If there are no four strong generals to intercept it, the aftermath of the diversion impact may be afraid of the entire island, no…

In the entire vast sea, dozens of islands will be affected by this shockwave of destruction.

It will be more terrifying than any natural disaster storm in history!

Because powerful energy, enough to change the climate, enough to form energy storms… It may even permanently change the climate of the entire sea!

Now the sky is crackling, thunder, wind, air, magnetic field, gravity… Everything is messed up!

Everyone is shocked to watch!

I just feel that the Creator God is reshaping the world!

Especially the people close to the naval headquarters, on other islands.

At this moment, see the shock wave of destruction disintegrate, resist, divert…

They all showed the expression of prostration for the rest of their lives after the disaster.

Especially the journalists of the Chambord Islands! There is also no shortage of strong people inside!

They knew that if the aftermath of this blow collision was not stopped!

Energy ripples out, there will be a shock wave of destruction hitting Chambord, there will also be a tsunami, and the storm will sweep together!

There is a high probability that they will be completely destroyed!

“How’s it going…”

There was a reporter who wet his pants.

Holding the pen, he asked tremblingly.

Still very dedicated!

This is not bad, just now several people were scared unconscious!

They were in Chambord, and they could clearly feel the breath of that world-destroying energy! If you really want to storm over, you will definitely die.

“I don’t know, I can’t see clearly!”

Someone replied.

The battlefield is filled with smoke, and the energy has not been exhausted!

The powerhouse of the entertainment empire held his breath and did not communicate! Frightened by the combined blow of these three powers!

That’s all an all-out attack! Not an ordinary attack!

After all, we all know that the enemy is strong!

Disheveled!! Suddenly, a figure was swept out from the gunsmoke energy! Blood sprayed backwards!

“Oh my God! It’s Whitebeard!! The strongest man in the world! An earthquake man who has the power to destroy the world! ”

As soon as the words fell, another figure flew upside down!

It’s Auntie, the rest of her palm is deformed.

There are cracked wounds on the body bleeding!

“It’s Auntie!!! Have they all lost? ”

“Impossible! When pigs fly! That’s a double attack of two emperors! ”

The loan shark king was frightened and turned pale! Such combat power is outrageous!

“What about Wren, is he dead…”

Before the words were finished, Wren’s figure rushed out! Follow Auntie!

A big foot fell from above!

With a loud bang, it directly stepped on the whole person of Auntie into the ground!

The bones on Auntie’s body exploded, blood splashed, multiple mouthfuls of blood spewed out of her mouth, she wailed in pain, roared the whole world in anger, and suddenly fell into death-like silence!

The great generals and powerhouses, at this moment, were shocked and speechless.

The only exception was Akainu, who looked proud: “This is the real strength of my eldest brother!!” ”

(Five thousand words!) The number of chapters is not as many as before, but each one is the amount of two or three before! Ask for support! )

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