Chapter 92 Warring States Karp reappears! Empty coming! This blow ends the era of pirates!!

The Bay of the Navy Headquarters is a place of dogfighting.

And on the left and right are scattered naval warships.

The closer to the location within the bay.

The more intense the battle.

Because at the beginning of the battle.

Everyone broke through from here.

This is a real naval port.

The pirates want a mass landing.

There is only one way.

Other places are not unable to land.

Instead, the location where you can land is small.

The sea is full of reefs that have not been cleaned much.

Or all were laid traps by the Navy.

Its purpose is also to allow the Whitebeard Pirates to break through from the front.

They concentrate their fire on the front.

At this moment, at the outer edge of the bay, there are three warships posing in a defensive formation.

It will also be attacked by pirates.

But very little.

The three warships are hospital ships.

Originally, the field hospital was located in a military town.

Can fight with the strong.

The entire island has fallen apart.

There is no safe place on the island.

They can only transfer wounded soldiers to warships for treatment.

But now there is an endless stream of injured people.

They also have to deal with pirate attacks.

The number of people who can be saved is very limited.

“How is the Marshal of the Warring States? Haven’t woken up yet?! ”

A navy said anxiously.

Now the battle is gradually heating up and going crazy.

Although there was a presided over by Marshal Akainu.

But if the Marshal of the Warring States can recover.

They believed in the victory of this war.

It will definitely belong to the Navy.

After all, whether it is combat power or intelligence.

The Marshals of the Warring States are all top in the world!

“Not yet, deep coma, and you can’t rashly stimulate the brain of the Marshal of the Warring States, otherwise there may be a big problem!”

The doctor shook his head.

“Abominable!! What the hell did that Marko guy do to the Marshal of the Sengoku! Could it be that some targeted special weapon was used!? ”

“I don’t know! No, look at the instrument… The brain of the Marshal of the Warring States began to come alive! Quick, try to regain consciousness…”


Not far away, a mighty fleet approached.

The Air Marshal stood in the bow.

With the fleet of various departments of the world government, quickly approaching the headquarters of the Navy! Next to him was a man in the shape of a bodyguard in a black suit.

As well as the commander with a CP0 mask

“I want to thank you for your help this time, I didn’t expect the situation to become so serious!”

Marshal Kong looked at the two and said.

He should have arrived at the headquarters of the Navy long ago.

Available on this short route to the Navy headquarters! Many places are full of traps and underwater explosives, and his fleet is leading!

Without knowing it at first.

Gunpowder set on the bottom of the sea in an instant! Blew up a few ships!

This is clearly someone setting a trap in their path.

Suffered this loss.

The Air Marshal immediately changed course.

It turns out that there are also traps on another route! During this period, he also lost contact with the world government!

During this journey, the fleet led by him went extremely hard.

Even more hateful, their communication ships.

I don’t know if it was a spy or attacked in the chaos! The giant telephone bug room that boosted the signal and unified communication was destroyed!

Completely lost external contact!

In the cautious march.

Naturally, their speed is not much faster!

Or the Holy Guard of the Holy Land and the arrival of the commander of CP0.

Two top powerhouses lead the way in front.

Clearing all obstacles, he was able to arrive at the headquarters of the Navy at this time, but it was already later than expected!

And after the arrival of the two strong.

There are far fewer pitfalls and obstacles in their path.

The Air Marshal immediately understood.

Their situation is monitored in real time.

And from the mouths of the two.

The Air Marshal also learned the latest situation.

The moment of knowing.

Even if he is used to dealing with all kinds of things all year round! I couldn’t help but be stunned for a long time!

The four emperors’ aunt was killed, and the power of the naval headquarters was controlled by the red dog alone! And it is an independent government in the outside world!

The Navy Headquarters established a new law and declared war on pirates and the four emperors of the world! Ralph Drew’s great secret treasure was told to the world.

The order of the sea is completely collapsed!!

“What the hell are the Sakaski brothers fighting? Could it be that in order to eliminate the pirates, they gave everything away? ”

“What we are thinking, we don’t know, but this incident has seriously threatened the authority of the world government, such a thing must not happen again, the Sakaski brothers must die to follow suit!”

Chief CP0 said coldly.

Want to independently take power of the headquarters of the Navy.

This is the most taboo thing for world governments.

“How could Sakaski be so stupid…”

The air marshal did not understand.

To Sakaski, the admiral.

He is very optimistic!

He liked the means of pirates!

Originally planned to support him as a marshal of the Navy Headquarters after this war! Now he has become a marshal in advance!

But it’s very!

“Find the Marshal of the Warring States first!! Look at what the situation is, if you can have one more combat power, it will be more sure that there are no accidents in the battle! ”

“Our arrival will definitely put the Four Emperors on guard, I will go to say hello first, indicating that the goal this time is not externally, but the elimination of our internal affairs!” So as not to cause trouble! ”

Chief CP0 said.

The whole person soared into the air.

Fly towards the battlefield…

“Lieutenant General Karp!?”

The redhead saw the two people who appeared behind him.

When he recognized one of them, his face was full of shock.

Because you can know from the previous live broadcast.

The whole world knows it!

Lieutenant General Karp was arrested by an organization called Endless! How exactly was he caught!

They are not clear.

But that organization announced that it would publicly announce Karp at the headquarters of the Navy! If it was before.

Many of the strong people present must remember this.

But as more and more strong people join.

Many people have gradually put this matter behind them for the time being.

Some people who remember even feel that the so-called final organization does not dare to come.

Because the power of war is so terrible!

It is no longer a single one or two general-level powerhouses who can spread wilderness.

Or it’s the winner or loser.

But finally it came! And what shocked the redhead was.

Lieutenant General Karp appeared in front of him as a prisoner! This made Karp feel particularly powerful since he was a child.

There is even a little shade of Shanks.

I can’t calm down anymore.

While on the ship Roger.

When Karp hunted them down.

He was one of them.

Even now.

The redhead also doesn’t feel like he can win alone.

Maybe at most, just a draw with Karp.

Or maybe you can have a little advantage.

This should be the limit of his imagination.

After all, Karp left too much impression on his strength.

But now Lieutenant General Karp has become a prisoner!

Taken aside by a seemingly lazy middle-aged man!

Some are hard to accept!

And it appeared after Wren said that! Plus the moment this middle-aged man appeared.

Call Rayth Your Majesty.

Maybe it’s not loud.

But the redhead heard it clearly!

The leader of the Final Organization is Wren?! It was he who captured Lieutenant General Karp!!!

The redhead’s brain suddenly didn’t turn around! What is this operation!!

You control the navy and kill the four emperors and pirates.

Although extreme.

But the redhead is somewhat understandable.

Because you are the new Navy.

It is the official organization of this sea.

Lieutenant General Kokap is the hero of your organization, the backbone! You have to catch this!?

“Why?! Wouldn’t it be really crazy?! ”

“Lieutenant General Karp!!”

“Damn it, dare to treat our hero as a prisoner!”

“It’s really Lieutenant General Karp! Who is that, the person who ended up in the organization? They actually dared to come! Didn’t you take us seriously at all? ”

“No matter what means they use, if they dare to come now, they must see some of the power of the new navy!”

“Marshal Sakaski, give the order, as long as Lieutenant General Karp returns, then cooperate with us to fight!” All the four emperors must surely die! ”

Naval headquarters, on the battlefield, the navy was suddenly excited! But in the face of the resignation of the navy.

Sakaski did not respond, calm!

The yellow ape’s eyes froze, although the matter was still unclear.

But against Sakaski’s expression.

The word “thunder” written in the palm of his hand a moment before the Marshal of the Warring States fell into a coma.

The yellow ape knew that he should not hesitate anymore at this time!

Must shoot…

The whole world appears as a prisoner of Lieutenant General Karp.

It also fell into boiling heated discussions and horrors.

“Lieutenant General Karp, the legendary navy soldier was really arrested!?”

“Who was the man who caught him? How never seen before! ”

“How is this possible?! Vice Admiral Karp is a naval legend who has defeated countless sea pirates! How could it be defeated at the hands of a nobody! ”

“Does this still need to be said? Surely some despicable means were used! Otherwise, how could Karp be caught! ”


“What exactly is the existence of this final organization? No matter what means! The result is the most important, is it that in the life and death struggle, if you are secretly counted to die, is it not considered dead? ”

“A person dares to come to the naval headquarters, this is too daring!”

“They said before that they were going to try Lieutenant General Karp? Who to judge? I haven’t heard of this force before! ”

“Didn’t the Night King appear? Could it be that we guessed wrong! ”

“I didn’t expect someone to really come! It won’t be that you don’t know the situation on the battlefield now! ”

“A person, even if his strength is not weaker than that of the admiral, is too rampant, maybe a single blow from all the strong is enough to bombard it into slag!”

And at the same time at the headquarters of the Navy!

Many navies and pirates were shocked.

But because of another incident, it boiled over.

“The Great Fleet of the World Government is here!”

“Reinforcements from the Navy Headquarters are coming!!”

“Great!! Brothers, our reinforcements are coming! ”

Many navies made excited noises.

But more navies, but still relatively calm.

Because they know.

The presence of a world government is not necessarily a good thing.

Every bitter and bloody battle is fought by their navy.

After the arrival of the rest of the World Government.

Often the soldiers pick up peaches without bloodshed.

Plus the speech of Marshal Sakaski before.

It has invisibly changed the minds of many people.

For the forces sent by these world governments.

They weren’t particularly looking forward to it.

And certainly not annoying.

Especially now that the battle is not over.

Their arrival can indeed provide some support.

On the other hand, the faces of the pirates became more difficult to see.

Only redheads are pretty easy!

Because he has a relatively good understanding of the Five Old Stars and the World Government.

But all the commotion on the battlefield.

Soon attracted by the two terrifying auras again!

“Whitebeard!! Hit your strongest attack!! I send you on your road decently! ”

Wren walked towards Whitebeard step by step.

Blackbeard wants to deprive Whitebeard of his seismic abilities? Think too much!

I’ll drain his blood later.

Rumble!! Wren alone broke out of overlord color domineering! The sound of the entire battlefield.

Feel the terrifying aura of Wren’s complete recovery to the peak! Everyone couldn’t help but tremble!

The whitebeard, who faced the blackbeard, had to turn around! If you can!

He still wanted to get rid of Blackbeard first.

Otherwise, the existence of this guy.

It will definitely pose a threat to Marko in the future.

In particular, he also controls the ability of the Dark Fruit.

And his current strength.

If you don’t pay attention to it, even a strong person of their level will be secretly calculated.

And control one more ability, under his existing strength base.

I am afraid that I will soon become a hegemon at sea, and this scourge remains.

At that time, Marko, they are expected to be difficult to deal with.

But Whitebeard understands better that it is not Blackbeard who really makes him most helpless on this battlefield! It’s Wren!

Sakaski’s big brother!

“It’s time for a showdown!!”

Whitebeard has nothing to fear! Even if it’s death! You also have to inflict as much damage as possible on Wren.

Otherwise, with his character, it is very likely that Marko and they will not survive today.

There is a possibility that he will be killed completely.

Blackbeard’s thing is the future at best.

But Wren is an urgent need of the moment.

If you can spell him out!

That couldn’t be better!

“Whitebeard, slowly…”

But redheads can’t let that happen! The Pirate Age will collapse!

After moving his mouth, he wanted to do it again.

But a green light curtain suddenly blocked in front of him! Midori stopped him!

“Lao Tzu has never escaped any battle! Red-haired imp… You wouldn’t want me to be a deserter, would you! ”

Whitebeard smiles!

Until now, the only regret is that I couldn’t save Ace!

Hearing this, the red-haired figure paused.

He knows Whitebeard, but the strong challenge! He never ran away!

None of the wounds on his body were hit from the back! It means that he fights, never runs away, never turns his back on the enemy! Bang! Whitebeard also burst out with full power at this moment! Vowing to inflict maximum damage on Wren!

Or, hit the road together!!

Play with the power beyond the limit!

Every bit of potential in the body is squeezed clean! Hold on tight! Six seismic waves are surging! Whitebeard bursts out to the limit!

That force was raised again.

He only had this blow!

After one blow, the inside of the body will be completely shattered!! But this blow must be hit!!

Bloody prison clothes! Crimson Blood Axe! Blood flames boiling! Wren took a deep breath! Power climbs to the extreme.

As he said, send a white beard on the road decently! At this moment, the breath of the two erupted!

Let the powerhouses of the entire naval headquarters stop the attack in hand! Just breath! Just shook the entire headquarters of the Navy!

The entire sky is covered with black space cracks!!

“Whitebeard!! Bye!! ”

“Goodbye? I’m afraid it’s a farewell! ”

Whitebeard opened his mouth slightly! What words were said!

Marko saw the shape of his father’s mouth, and his face changed slightly! Then grief filled my heart… Shake…

“Sixfold Heavenly Earthquake Cong Yun Che!”

“Crimson God Guillotine!”

The world only saw that two extremely fast flashes of light were shooting at each other!

Even the great general powerhouse almost failed to capture the speed of the ultimate blow of the two! Faster than the light of the yellow ape!

Faster!! Where two flashes passed!

The space exploded, leaving a trace of space shattering!!

Subsequently… A head under the watchful eye of the world! Throw it high!! (Four updates of 18,000 completed!) )

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