Chapter 96 When the hero is shattered, the day the new god is born!!

The five old stars initially felt that Wren had brought Karp to carry out the so-called trial.

It’s just to show off their powerful combat power.

After all, Karp is a legendary powerhouse on the sea.

Even One Piece had to be avoided.

The world doesn’t know.

Roger avoided Karp.

It’s not because you can’t beat it.

Rather, the headquarters of the Navy on which Karp depends, the world government is troublesome! It’s really going to knock Karp down.

That’s where trouble begins.

Because I don’t know.

Therefore, Karp has always been an almost invincible existence in the hearts of the world.

Catching Karp is enough to prove it to the world.

Both in the Pirates.

Or in the Navy, their brothers are the strongest.

This world worships the strong!

The benefits of this are high.

As for the so-called trial.

They didn’t even think Karp had anything to judge.

Usually dirty and tiring, Karp saw that something was wrong and was in a bad mood.

Then don’t pick up.

Because Karp is just a lieutenant general.

Their orders are not true.

But first to the Warring States, and then to Karp.

There’s a lot of room to maneuver during this time.

The Marshal of the Warring States was often able to find the right excuse for Karp’s refusal.

This is also the reason why Karp has always been reluctant to become a general.

They are the world government, and it is impossible to make Karp carry out a mission every time.

And the one who fell went to communicate with a “lieutenant general”!

And Sakaski used to be with the pheasant, after coming out of the training camp.

The teacher who followed the task was Karp.

The yellow ape followed the Warring States.

Karp is the second teacher for him! Even if the two have different philosophies!

But do these things that discredit Karp.

It was something that the five old stars did not expect.

After all, in Sakaski it is not strong enough.

When in danger.

Karp did protect him.

But I didn’t expect the first crime.

It is to pursue Karp’s adoption of Ace and raise him! In fact, they have long wanted to pursue this matter.

Many things Karp did made the five old stars very disliked.

But he owes too much credit.

In the Navy, prestige is no worse than Zefa.

And because it has always been at the forefront.

The prestige on the sea is far beyond Zefa.

At the same time the world government aristocracy.

Several nobles were saved by Karp during the Valley of the Gods War.

Although not all the nobles of the world know how to be grateful.

But after all, there are a few one or two!

And I don’t know how to be grateful.

At a time of crisis.

Karp is also an existence that they have verbally praised.

If others casually punish Karp.

Isn’t that saying that the “dog” recognized by the world’s aristocracy is bad? Is it wrong?

Of course, the most important reason is:

Lord Im thought Karp was quite good.

I want to keep him, hoping that one day his strength can take the last step.

Break the last limits of humanity!

In the past, Karp was indeed the most promising person in the navy, even on the sea.

In the case of contemporaries are old, decaying decay, such a situation.

Karp was uncharacteristic.

Strength increases with age.

Not only has it not weakened, but it has become stronger and stronger.

So it’s usually not a serious mistake made by Karp himself.

It’s just joint and several liability.

The five old stars have always turned a blind eye.

And now the secret is being made public.

They knew at once that Sakas was going to extremes.

Don’t miss any old feelings.

To completely crush the heroes of the old times.

“It’s too late!”

A five-old star said in a deep voice.

Say the words.

It’s like spilled water.

Can’t get it back.

Now people all over the world know about it.

And now if you act…

Wren really wanted to kill Karp.

Their losses are too great.

Karp was sold.

The five old stars were identified.

The so-called trial is over.

Karp must be someone from their side.

Or wait for the Air Marshal and the Holy Guard to rush over.

It’s a little better to be hands-on.

“I hope the Holy Guard doesn’t let us down…”

“His assassination ability is the strongest in the world! The chances of success are great! ”

“These admirals of the navy, if they are interested, they can also be counted, if they are not interested, then kill a group of people!” If you don’t believe it, they are not afraid! ”

Under the urging, the five old stars.

Powerful combat power began to act.

It’s just that some are acting in secret.

The whole world fell into deep doubt because of the words of the red dog.

In particular, the navies present suffered the most severe impact.

They can’t even imagine it.

Lieutenant General Karp, who was regarded as a hero and an idol by them, actually took in the son of One Piece Roger!

Also raise him and exercise his strength! Anyone can do this!

Even other navies do it fine.

But only Karp can’t do it!

Because he is the idol of countless people in the Navy.

Be the hero of the sea!

This thing really did!

Those generals who have been enemies of pirates for many years must have a sense of betrayal in their hearts! Especially after Roger’s death.

World government on command.

Naval headquarters for people who have a relationship with Roger.

A big cleanup was carried out!

As a result, Karp disobeyed the order.

Secretly saved this bloodline.

“How is this possible?! Isn’t he an enemy with One Piece Roger!? How could he save his son? ”

“Lieutenant General Karp, tell us quickly, this is not true!”

Countless navies looked at Vice Admiral Karp.

Eager to get an answer.

Their heroes are unlikely to do this.

Many people in the world were also shocked! Some even find it funny…

“It’s really big news that the most evil bloodline in the world was raised by naval hero Karp… The loan shark took out a cigar and lit it. ”

What happened at the moment at the headquarters of the Navy.

And there are too many secrets to be solved.

He was a little unstable.

You need to light a cigarette to calm down.

“I said, when there was such a big movement, how did Fire Fist Ace survive, it turned out to be a traitor in the navy!”

Morguns to this time.

Only then did I gradually understand some of the things at the beginning.

“But the mistakes of the fathers, let the children and grandchildren bear it, this is a bit absurd!”

“There is nothing absurd or absurd, there has always been no fairness in this world, people cannot choose their origin worldly after all, people will only remember what brings fear and avoid making it appear again!” Is justice or not… People will care! In the end, the only thing that can make the world really shut up is strength! ”

“For example, this big brother of Sakaski in front of us! As long as there is strength! Guilty or not guilty, justice or not, who can take him! ”

Ace and Luffy both heard this, and their expressions were extremely complicated.

Ace, in particular, felt even more guilty.

At this moment, he understood the world that he originally thought was full of malice towards him.

As early as the beginning, there was a tenderness and kindness that he could not bear.

Some people, just let him survive.

It has already borne the infamy of the whole world! Merit, fame and career over the years.

will be ruined…


Tears of remorse kept flowing.

He doesn’t regret being a pirate.

Because he met his family.

But if you choose to become a navy in the first place.

Does Karp not have to suffer the cold eyes and doubts of the world today?

“What are you talking about… What did One Piece Roger do, what does it have to do with Ace! ”

Luffy was angry about this!

Everyone understands what he says… One who could become the apex of the pirates was left behind! The world is still afraid!

Even if Ace himself has no bad intentions.

Take 10,000 steps back and say that he will be a good person in the future.

But his bloodline talent is there.

Countless pirates who worshipped Roger at the beginning will also hold him in a high position.

Whitebeard is doing this…

Ace thought he wanted Whitebeard to become One Piece.

But Marko and others knew.

Dad wants to hone Ace.

Let him one day become the real sea theater king of this world.

Some identities are born involuntarily.

“That’s just a child, the child is innocent, there is a problem with this order itself, I don’t regret doing it, not now, not in the future.”

Face the skeptical gaze of the world and the navy.

Karp did not deny it.

Instead, he said from his heart.

It’s just that it’s tantamount to admitting it.

Although many navies can understand Vice Admiral Karp’s kindness, they cannot help but be disappointed.

Not disappointed by Karp’s kindness!

Rather, Karp was disappointed at some point.

Because One Piece Roger, thus betraying him… In fact, if, Ace becomes a navy!

So this one… Xu, not a stain yet! It is not a crime.

Maybe even beautiful talk.

But the real result is.

Fire Fist Ace didn’t just become a pirate.

And also the captain of the second team on the Whitebeard Pirates.

Now it is the trigger for this war.

Who else can say… Not criminals!

The results proved that the world’s prediction of Ace’s crime was correct.

Results matter!

At this moment, many people were silent.

Some expressed disappointment with Karp.

But some people also feel that Karp has done nothing wrong.

After all, at that time…

A child who has not yet grown up.

If you don’t know, these things would be what you are today.

It does seem inappropriate to sentence him to death!

In the final analysis, there were also some problems with the World Government’s order at the time.

But whether it’s disappointment or approval.

The adoration of Karp at the moment.

It’s not as strong as it used to be.

Wren watched silently.

Watch for everything around you.

What Karp does.

Is it really a crime.

For Wren.

It doesn’t really matter.

Such a trial.

Purpose from the beginning.

There is only one.

That is to weaken Karp’s influence on the Navy!

“Crime two, your son, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long Before he defected out of the navy, you obviously noticed the abnormality, but did not make any reports, which indirectly led to the birth of the revolutionary army organization, making the whole sea more chaotic and wars everywhere!”

Akainu continued.

People’s hearts rushed!

“The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, turned out to be the biological son of Lieutenant General Karp? Is it because his hesitation and connivance, as well as selfishness, did not deal with it in time, which indirectly led to the birth of this organization? ”

People’s perceptions.

Once again, it suffered a strong shock.

What the revolutionary army is doing now is good.

It is only known to people in a certain area.

Most people around the world have declared war on the world government for many years! They all treated the revolutionary army as a different kind of Four Emperors.

Especially the leader, who is wanted as the most vicious criminal in the world! The degree of its evil, under the propaganda of the world government.

Almost equivalent to a living One Piece.

And their leader turned out to be the son of Karp.

This made many navy three views suffer a strong impact!

“In the same way, your grandson, Monchi D Luffy, also committed many crimes not long ago, although not crimes under the new law, but some far-reaching! These may be their personal ones… Because of your presence, many of your fellow navy are tied up when they hunt down.

The title of hero became an obstacle to the exercise of the law! ”

“This constitutes an umbrella crime! Do you have any objections to this? ”

Face the aggressive interrogation of the red dog.

This time, Karp had nothing to say.

Because these things are really real.

And he acquiesced.

From a selfish point of view.

He also didn’t want to see Luffy one day dead on the street.

And the words of the red dog coincided with Luffy the straw hat, who was active on the battlefield at the moment.

It’s so real and self-explanatory!

And this is also the last bit of value of Straw Hat Luffy! Prove this crime by facts.

This crime is imposed on ordinary people.

At best, it is bending the law for personal gain.

It is simply not enough to impose multiple sentences.

But whether it is the world, or the navy.

The expectations and admiration for Karp before were too high.

So much so that the slightest flaw will be released infinitely.

Not to mention that such flaws are not small.

Looking at Karp’s image in the navy, plummeting in front of the world.

Willis immediately sensed what the red dog was doing – to eliminate the influence of the old generation! The first thing he reacted to was to find the phone bug.

And disconnect the live stream of the phone bug.

But he had just taken a step.

Zefa’s breath has been mentioned to the extreme!

Definitely won’t let him succeed in doing anything.

At this time, you can’t act rashly.


“Crime three, because of the order of the world government, you and the Marshal of the Warring States, after weighing the options many times, sacrificed the interests of the navy, and even witnessed and even witnessed the birth of many dark industries, human slave auction business, underground arms trade, and even allowed His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas to legally plunder passing ships…”

“Vice Admiral Karp, as a naval hero, you failed to prevent the correction in time, is this a dereliction of duty?”

“Sacrificed the navy?!”

“Ignoring the human slave auction, is there such a thing now? Isn’t this explicitly prohibited by law? ”

“His Majesty’s prerogatives of the Seven Martial Seas? Did Lieutenant General Karp really not do his best to prevent these things? Is such a hero still a hero? ”

“Or did the prevention fail and make a compromise?!”

Either way, it’s disappointing.

And the next sentence of the red dog made people directly and completely froze: “Of course, I also know these things, some of which I have not been able to do, this crime, I and you, after this trial, I will resign as a marshal!” ”

“The hero of the navy will no longer exist, but the god of the new navy will continue to lead everyone forward!”

Red dog said this with fanaticism!

And the last sentence shocked the whole world! Isn’t the red dog trying to seize power?

How did he automatically give up the position of marshal at this time?! Really not for their own selfish desires!?

(Four sheets, about 18,000 words updated completed!) )

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