Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 323 Battle of Okagralar (5)

Andre suddenly charged forward and slashed with his sword.


Gold and iron collided, making a crisp sound.

Trischka's arm holding the sword to block trembled slightly, and he said in a serious tone: "As the beloved son of the Duke, how can you betray him!"

"Even if you want to transform Northland, you can't do it this way!"

Andre knocked the opponent's sword away with all his strength, then stepped forward and stabbed in, as agile as a gust of wind.


He cracked the opponent's blocked sword with a "snap" again, and raised his own sword high.

"Can't you see?"

"Beidi is rotten from head to toe to the core! It can't be saved!"

Andre shouted sharply.

There were clear sword sounds, and Andre's sword slashed at Trishka's armor like a violent storm, leaving the opponent tired of dealing with it and leaving shocking wounds all over his body.

"That's not how it should be done!"

Trischka gritted his teeth, barely resisted Andre's fierce attack, and couldn't help but retort.

Andre was silent, he just clenched his left hand.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of Holy Oath Magic appeared on his body, and he was blessed with various attribute enhancements such as [Power of the Ox], [Elegance of the Cat], and Tenacity of the Bear. His strength became stronger and his movements became more agile. Even the body is stronger.

He raised his sword again and slashed down mercilessly.


Trischka still raised his sword to block, but this time he was shocked to the point of numbness. The force of this slash was far beyond Trischka's expectations, and actually caused him to fall to the ground, and the long sword was released from his hand. And fly.

The [Glory Knight's Sword] was stuck in the blood-stained snow, shining brightly in the sunlight.


Trischka got up on his hands and knees, trying to get his weapon back.

He knew that if a knight lost the blade in his hand, his end would be extremely miserable.

But how could Andre easily let him get his wish? He rushed forward easily in just a few steps, blocking Trishka's path with his sword.

Immediately afterwards, there was an even faster and swifter storm of sword blades.

If Trischka was tired of coping before, now he can only be said to be tired of running for his life.

He relied on instinct and reflex-like fighting skills to avoid the fatal slashes time and time again. If he relaxed even a little, he would be destined to die.

Andre raised his silver sword and slashed across his neck.

Trischka quickly leaned down to avoid it, letting the sword blade pass by his scalp in dangerous and dangerous ways.

It's been pure muscle memory because it all happened so fast.

However, halfway through the swing of the sword, Andre relied on his strength to control the movement of the sword, changing the horizontal slash into a vertical slash.

At the same time, the light in his hand holding the sword flickered, and this magical energy was rapidly transmitted to the sword of the silver sword - it was a [demonized weapon]!


The next moment, the silver sword with dazzling light chopped off Trishka's shoulder armor and cut deeply into his shoulder.

Trischka knelt on him. He ignored the blood dripping from his shoulders, raised his head with difficulty, and asked in a low voice: "Why on earth, Andrei?"

"You would rather succumb to an evil dragon than trust your father. You don't want to trust the Principality of Bosque that gave birth to you and raised you!"

His tone gradually changed from low to angry, even heartbreaking.

But Andre looked calm and said calmly:

"Haven't you noticed yet, Trischka?"

"My father and the northern aristocracy represented by the Principality of Bosque are the biggest cancer hanging over the heads of the people of the North. They are blood-sucking leeches attached to everyone's back."

"For thousands of years, the nobles have been greedily sucking the blood of the people without stopping for a moment. As long as they exist, the so-called reform and progress will not be possible at all. After all, who will oppose themselves and deny their own existence? Woolen cloth?"

Andre continued to exert more force, making the wound caused by the sword a little deeper.

"And you?"

He chuckled coldly.

"Oh, the noble Count Trischka, a rising political star among the upper class in the North."

"You don't even realize it yourself. You are no longer the high-spirited young man you once were. You have become part of the aristocratic class in the North. In order to maintain your status, you will use all means - even if it means separating your wife and children. , the family was destroyed.”

"This so-called 'grain collection' should be your work, right?"

"I have seen it many times in the Kingdom Daily. I have to say that my father really values ​​you. He actually entrusts you with such an important matter that affects the survival of the nobles of the North and squeezes the hard work of the people.

"Compared with those completely rotten, superior guys, the only difference between you - is that you still have some unrealistic illusions, dreaming that the progress of the North can coexist with the rule of the nobles."

"But when fantasy is ruthlessly shattered by reality, you are no different from them."

Trischka trembled under the severe pain and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.


"But how can the evil dragon be better than us? Are nobles more greedy than dragons?"

"Everything you see now is his pretense. He just wants to use this to seize the North!"

"Once our northern nobles are eliminated, the evil dragon will reveal his true face, and his greed will devour everything here! Including the 'people' you care about and protect!"

Trishka retorted with blood on his mouth and a ferocious expression on his face.

Andre drew his shining silver sword.


With a howling wind, Trischka's head was cut off neatly, and the headless body wearing broken armor also fell forward.

Until the head fell to the ground and rolled several times, the blood-stained handsome face was still full of disbelief.

He never thought that Andre would kill him so easily.

Show no mercy.

Andre looked down at the dead head and whispered: "Trischka, I don't know what that dragon is, but he is at least a more competent ruler than the nobles of the North."

He clenched the silver sword in his hand again: "If one day in the future, Long really shows his so-called 'true face', I will also fight to the death and chop off his head."

Andre's tone was decisive, without any hesitation in his eyes.

In the distance, the born warrior touched his bald head, his face full of annoyance.

"Niang Xipi! Is there still justice? I spent extra experience to redeem it for a quick resurrection, but I was killed by an NPC."

"No, I have to make up for it, otherwise it will be a huge loss!"

Thinking of this, the natural warrior turned his head and looked at the soldiers and officers of the coalition with extremely aggressive eyes, as if he were seeing a group of walking contributions and gold coins.

The coalition soldiers suddenly felt like the hairs on their bodies stood on end, as if they were being targeted by a ferocious beast.


"Ah! There's a monster!"

"Damn, what is this!"

"Don't come over here!"

The violent roars of the barbarians, the horrified screams of the coalition soldiers, and the sounds of flesh and bones being crushed intertwined to compose a bloody new chapter.

There’s still 6k left, so numb

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