Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 357 Players' Siege War

Viscount Horace stood on the top of the castle tower, looking at the black dots in the distance, his legs began to tremble.

"Here they come."

"It's the army of the Burning Kingdom!"

"They are coming!"

Knight Mitra stood quietly by the side, holding the sword in his hand, with a firm expression - he was ready to die for the lord he was loyal to.

"Will we die?"

"Tempus is above"

The soldiers in the castle were also terrified. The army of the Burning Kingdom has now become a presence that can stop children from crying at night, and even a symbol of death. In the legend, they are simply invincible.

In the distance, magnificent and impassioned music sounded, as if foreshadowing the arrival of a terrible enemy.

These guys didn't know that this was a bored player carrying a speaker, humming a song, and playing the BGM of "Victory".

The air in the Belon Castle became dead silent, and everyone held their breath and waited quietly for the arrival of the enemy.

"Is it finally here?"

"What will the legendary dragon army look like?"

Mitra Knight muttered to himself, and he had imagined a breathtaking picture in his mind--

Countless ferocious dragon-like earth elves and ogres appeared on the horizon, emitting fierce war roars, shaking the earth and frightening the mountains.

This was not his pure imagination, but the words of the fleeing soldiers.

However, the next scene was far beyond their expectations, making them feel--

Somewhat inexplicable?

Only a hundred people appeared sparsely on the distant horizon.

They did not have any formation, but just rushed forward like a group of scattered headless flies.

"What on earth is this..."

"What is it?"

Observing the enemy in the distance carefully, the battle-hardened Mitra Knight was even more puzzled.

Generally speaking, sophisticated standard armor is an important criterion for measuring the combat effectiveness of an army, but the enemies in front of them were dressed in a variety of ways, and some even went into battle naked.

"Are you kidding? Can such a mess destroy the coalition forces?"

"The legendary Scourge - is that all?"

"What? It feels worse than the city's guards."

The soldiers on the tower also relaxed from their tension and even started chatting.

There are nearly 600 family soldiers stationed in the Belon Castle. According to the military practice of the North, it is difficult to capture such a solid castle without more than three times the force - unless the opponent can fight one hundred.

But looking at the players' lazy appearance, no one can associate them with the invincible "Dragon Legion".

The only thing to pay attention to may be the flying dragon in the sky.


"Attack the city!"

"Death, little thief in the North!"

At this moment, the music has reached its climax, and the players began to cheer and howl.

The soldiers on the walls and towers raised their bows and arrows and aimed at the players on the ground.

Mitra also stood at the forefront, staring coldly at these "rabble", and said loudly:

"Get out of here, outsiders!"

"This is the territory of the Lot family!"

"Even with the help of the dragon's followers, you rogues like you can't defeat the indestructible Belon Castle!"

Among the players, a player nicknamed [Gustav] stared at the knight on the tower and said angrily:

"This NPC is so arrogant, we are at the door and he still has to be stubborn here."

"You like to talk nonsense, right?"

"Damn it, shoot him for me!"

Gustav pushed the cannon beside him, calculated the angle, and began to load the shells - he was a member of the Mechanicus, and he was very familiar with these things.

A loud noise shook the wasteland.


The black shell drew a graceful arc in the air and went straight to the tower.

"I, the honorable knight Mitra, hereby advise you."

Mitra was still speaking generously just now. He only heard a piercing scream. The next moment, a huge shell fell a few meters away from him and then exploded suddenly.


The smoke and dust were raised.

The half of the tower collapsed, and there were broken stones everywhere. The whole castle seemed to be shaking.

The ground was also full of broken body parts and scorched corpses. Dozens of soldiers were killed.

But the knight Mitra saved his life. He was wearing full plate armor, and several people acted as his human shield, allowing him to survive the explosion.

"Cough, cough."

Mitra crawled out of the ruins. He looked at the mess around him, felt the severe pain all over his body, and his face was full of disbelief.

"This, what is this."

Mitra's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He finally realized that he was confused by appearances and understood why the army of the Burning Kingdom was "invincible".

"What is this?"

"How can it be so far away?"

"Oh Gods, the army of the Burning Kingdom is indeed invincible."

Just a test by the players made all the soldiers in the castle terrified. The castle they relied on to defend, and the sense of security in it was gone.


The magnificent BGM sounded again, this time it was "aLIEz" known as the "Nuclear Explosion Divine Song".


"Brothers, prepare to charge!"

"It's burning, it's burning!"

The players cheered and rushed to charge.

Gustav held a cigarette in his mouth, patted the hot barrel, and cursed angrily in a low voice: "Damn, it's fucking crooked."

"Don't let them get close!"

"Kill them!"

Mitra endured the severe pain all over her body and raised her sword, shouting loudly.

"Quick! Quick!"

"Fire the arrow!"

Facing these players rushing up with strange screams, the soldiers on the city walls and arrow towers hurriedly shot arrows and threw boulders condescendingly.

These methods can be said to have been unfavorable in previous defensive battles.

But this time it didn't work.

Most of the players participating in the siege battle were veterans of the internal beta test, and their strength basically reached the level of professionals above level five. Ordinary attacks could not do anything to them.

For example, the famous monk player [Dawei Tianlong]

He used the monk's high mobility to dodge back and forth in the rain of arrows pouring down from the city wall, and from time to time he also used his ability to deflect missiles to reflect the arrows back.

"Fly over the eaves and walk over the wall!"

Dawei Tianlong shouted loudly, and with just a tap of his toes, he easily climbed up the several-meter-high city wall.

"The poor monk is here to kill monsters again!"

Surrounded by more than a dozen elite soldiers, he did not panic at all. Instead, he laughed and punched countless people around him. Each punch was accompanied by a ray of energy, which was injected into the soldiers through the armor.

"Resonant Qi: Punch!"

Immediately afterwards, Dawei Tianlong shook his hands, detonating all his energy.

"Resonant Qi: Explosion!"


Just hearing a loud noise, the energy in the soldiers' bodies was suddenly detonated. Almost all of them bled from their orifices and turned into bloody corpses and fell backwards.

The ring-shaped smoke spread, and only Dawei Tianlong was left standing around. He even smiled and showed his white teeth.

"Haha, the poor monk is brushing hard again. It feels good."

Mitra looked at the players showing off their magical powers, and a strange thought suddenly came to his mind.

They are not fighting.

But playing. (End of chapter)

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