"Hoo, hoo"

The young red dragon is hiding in a grotto deep in the mountain forest. The entrance is covered by dense hanging branches.

Cassius was not sure whether he had escaped the pursuit of the half-elf paladin, so he had to flee deep into the forest of Boka Mountain.

Don't look back, don't stop.

I don't know how long it took, until he almost ran out of energy and came to this relatively hidden cave and felt a little more at ease.

When going out, the main thing is to be cautious.

"It should have been thrown away."

Cassius was breathless, his tone still uncertain.

The light curtain slowly unfolded again, and another three-dimensional trophy image appeared.

Obtained the achievement [Escaped Beast]

"The hunter is coming. Run away. Leave here and never come back."

Gain passive traits:


Agility +2

Stealth +2, Movement +4

(Note: Long-term training has enabled you to master how to escape. This is not a shame, but just a means of survival.)

Suddenly, the red dragon felt a non-existent, breeze-like force clinging to his body, rapidly transforming it visible to the naked eye.

And he naturally accepted this change happily.

It took several hours in the cave before the force subsided.

"Is this a spell?"

"No, I don't feel the movement of the elements."

"It's more like a psychic ability."

The red dragon observed himself in the puddle:

The muscles of the limbs and trunk are still tangled, but they are changing in a more beautiful and streamlined direction.

There is no longer the exaggerated appearance of the original red dragon's "muscles all over the body are swollen", and even the wing membrane has undergone some slight changes, allowing it to better cling to elements in the air and fly.

Compared to before, the current red dragon is lighter.

The achievement system, which seems to be its own unique feature, allows you to earn rewards by completing certain events. Passive abilities like Metal Scale and Fugitive are not weak even in the later stages of the game.

But what puzzled Cassius was his own template.

In the previous version of "Elzegai", player templates and monster templates were two completely different things.

Before Legend, player templates could gain experience (xp) through battles and missions to upgrade themselves. Therefore, in the later stages of the game, there was a situation where tens of thousands of level 12 or above power warriors were mass-produced to change the situation of the battle.

The monster template is native to this world, and can only increase its strength through its own exploration and age.

But the panel is still there, so everything is fine.

The translucent blue light curtain slowly unfolded.

Cassius discovered that his prefix had changed.

【Wealthy Young Red Dragon】

Name: Cassius Claudius Noricius

Template: NPC (there are still ten years, one day and four hours until the server is launched)

Category: Large dragon, lawful neutral

Ac: 20 (natural armor, metal scales)


Strength - 21

Agility - 12


Intelligence - 12

Perception - 11

Charm - 14

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth +6, Athletics +4, Perception +8, Hunting +2, Escape +4, Knowledge (future) +4

Damage Immunity: Fire

Senses: Blindsight 10 feet, darkvision 60 feet, passive perception 14 feet

Language: Draconic, Common Language

Actions: bite, claw, tail strike, flying, breath attack (fire)

Traits: Metal Scales, Fugitive

Combat Gear: Amulet of Magic Nullification, Ring of Dexterity Mage Action, Staff of the Scorcher, Amulet of Speak with the Dead, Lava Spitter, Ring of Blade Immunity, Amulet of Silent Steps, Mask of Moonkin Sense.

Challenge Level: 8 (3,600xp)

Evaluation: "Even when facing a young red dragon, never underestimate it, otherwise it will become a nightmare in your life. What's more, this is a wealthy young dragon with more than ten magic items. If you are not careful, you will will fall into his control."

Will the original prefix change?

How interesting.

The tawny feathers fell to the tip of the red dragon's nose. He couldn't help but exhale a breath of sulfur-smelling hot air, burning the feathers black and blowing them away.

"It's probably time for the master of the lair to come back."

Cassius thought so.

as expected.

Soon, an angry roar came from the cave door.

"Ho! Roar!"

A ferocious giant beast suddenly opened the branches - a dull ivory beak, and its strong limbs were also covered with eagle feathers.

The sturdy body, which is eight feet tall, is covered with thick dark feathers. Looking at the size alone, it is even several times larger than Cassius.

This is the owlbear, a brutal predator of the wilderness.

It may be a sample created by a mad mage in ancient times based on bears and owls. Now it has spread all over the continent, and the panel of the owlbear in front of him also appeared in front of Cassius.

[Based on your own strength, you can observe the following information]

[Adult male owlbear]

Category: Large beast, always neutral

Ac: 15


Strength - 20

Agility - 12

Physique - 19

Intelligence - 2

Perception - 12

Charm - 10

Proficiencies: Listen +4, Perception +8, Hunting +4

Senses: Smell sensitivity 14 feet, passive perception 16 feet, owlkin intuition 20 feet

Language: none

Actions: grapple, bite, slam, claw

Trait: Proficient in grappling

Challenge level: 3 (700xp)

Comment: "Owlbears are extremely ferocious predators and are generally considered ferocious, aggressive, and ill-tempered. They tend to attack any creature that moves without warning."

Cassius looked at the beast in front of him, just spread his wings, used magic items to cast animal communication in advance, and tested it:

"Submit to me, Owlbear."

However, this violent beast roared and beat the ground with both claws.

It got in from the hole and rushed towards the red dragon.

With only 2 points of intelligence, these beasts can only roughly estimate their size, and will never realize how terrifying the power contained in this young dragon's body.

What's more, the red dragon has not yet awakened the aura of momentum, so it is even more "unremarkable".

"Is it really just a beast?"

Cassius shook his head, not afraid of the charging beast, and just opened his mouth casually.

【Scorching Ray】

The fire element crystal of the staff in the body shone with red light, bursting out with hot magical energy to cast this second-ring spell.

Although the red dragon as the carrier is young and has not yet mastered the ability to cast spells, its natural affinity with the fire element also makes the spell more powerful when it is transmitted through the throat.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three blazing flame rays spurted out, hitting the owlbear's body.

For this hairy beast, the effect of the fire element was even more significant. The moment the flame rays came into contact with the owlbear, his hair was scorched in large areas, and then it burst into flames.


The giant beast howled in pain and rolled on the ground.

But this could not stop the blazing flames at all, nor could it stop the young dragon that immediately pounced on him and bit his body forcefully.

Even the "Lava Core" in Cassius' belly emits hot magical aura, causing additional fire damage.

Soon, the smell of burnt fur and the rich aroma of barbecue came from the cave.


"Just some firewood."

Cassius chewed the thick, slightly burnt bear meat, and the panel opened in front of him again.

[Kill an adult male owlbear and get 700xp]

[Level upgraded to level 1]

[Due to racial characteristics, it will be more difficult to upgrade your professional level, but you will also gain more powerful power]

Obtained the achievement [First Blood]

"Welcome to this colorful world."

Get player career panel

Several professional medals such as warriors, mages, warlocks, and monks are displayed on the panel, and under these professional categories, densely branched sub-professionals are derived.

Cassius was stunned at first, then ecstatic.

Only then did he remember that in the previous game, the player needed to complete the novice mission "Kill a Turkey" in an unknown space before the player career panel would be unlocked.

Dragons crave power.

But seeking the skills of humanoids is not a natural thing for them. They are proud and disdainful of non-dragon knowledge.

Generally speaking, dragons hate learning the abilities of "lower" species, so there is a lack of ways to improve in their inheritance. They are more about natural endowments of spells and endless greed for treasures.

Although players can easily find ways to become stronger, the basic panels are imported based on real-life data.

In the early days of the game, the player attributes could be said to be unsightly. There was even a "miracle" by an unnamed barbarian player who started with 8 intelligence.

But Cassius can easily combine the dragon's terrifying talents with the player's profession.

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