Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 76 The struggle of steamed buns

Bato City Central Square.

Players come and go in an endless stream, making it very lively.

"Collect a set of standard iron equipment!"

"Come on, Warlock Dad, let's form a group of twenty people and go fight snowmen in the mountains. We don't want wild warlocks."

"Put an instrument away."

"We charge market prices for all kinds of potions, especially healing potions. We charge you whatever you want."

The team, nicknamed the "Black Slave Four" by many players, reunited again. They were still wearing novice suits, without any changes. After all, the money they saved through hard work on missions was used to repay the loan.

Singo asked enthusiastically: "How much has your camp contributed? I am now 7985."

Xia Ye Qiuyu said: "I am 6389."

The born warrior touched his bald head: "7071."

Steamed Bun's expression has changed from helpless to dull: "I only have 5789."

"Xin Gou, we have been doing hard work in Gouba for eighteen days. Now the title of 'Black Slave Four' has become famous in the player forum. When will these days end?"

Steamed Bun stroked the rough cloth on his body, missing his leather armor more and more. It might not be handsome, but it could bring him a rare sense of security.

The born warrior patted Mantou on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Therefore, when heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first work hard on his will, work his muscles and bones, and starve his body. The road to becoming a professional player is not so easy."

Mantou looked at Singo, who was still very excited even after eighteen days of slave labor, and secretly thought that this guy is really a monster, and the cheerful natural warrior beside him should not be underestimated either.

Xia Ye Qiuyu straightened her hair, which had become a little messy due to mining: "Do you have any clues about the tiefling's mission?"

Steamed Bun shook his head and said, "I'm so exhausted these days that I don't have the heart to care about so much."

The born warrior quickly took out his bald head and said: "I asked those tieflings, but they all kept silent, and some even attacked me directly. Fortunately, I am a barbarian with thick skin and thick flesh. , otherwise you will lose one blood directly.”

Singo smiled mysteriously and said, "I have completed the mission."

"A few days ago, I bribed a poor tiefling and got information out of his mouth, but even this took a lot of effort. They seemed unwilling to mention the past, but then I Got it.”

"These tieflings originally came from a city called 'Northwind Castle', ruled by Duke Brad Luckman of the Luckman family."

After Singo finished telling this tragic and bloody history, the words "Mission Completed" were displayed on everyone's panels, and 500 camp contributions were added to the books.

After nearly a month of playing the game, most of the players have a sense of identity and belonging to the city of Baator, and a support group for Metro Rush even appeared in the player forum.

Xia Ye Qiuyu sighed: "Medralash is really not easy."

The born warrior also said angrily: "Kill these damn vampires to death."

Only Steamed Bun seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked with eyes wide open: "Where did you get the money? Didn't you use the gold coins to buy invitations?"

Singo's expression did not change, and he said calmly: "When I went to get a loan, I found that there was still enough equipment, so I just handed over the equipment of myself, Qiu Yu, and Zhan Kuang as collateral. I will sell your equipment. The money operation is done, the money will be recorded in my account, and I will replenish you next time.”

"Beast, Xin Gou, you would rather sell it than give me the equipment back, right?"

The suppressed anger of Mantou after working as a slave for eighteen days finally broke out. He rushed forward and wanted to steal Singo's novice suit, hoping to make him the second "Brother Shengguang" and completely ruin his reputation.

However, he was easily dodged by Singo, who was quite skilled in movement, and almost hit the giant dragon stone sculpture in the center of the square.

"Calm down, even if you strip me naked——"

"The equipment can't be returned."

While Singo was dodging, he also showed off his sharp tongue skills.

However, the steamed bun lying on the ground suddenly discovered that there was a line of small words written on the base of the statue that was difficult to detect——

[Dedicated to the master of the Ember Nest, the powerful and noble red dragon, the eternal monarch of Baator City—Lord Cassius Claudius Noricius]

"Holy crap, come and take a look at this, I found important information!"

Four people quickly gathered around, and Singo lay on the ground without any concern for his image, sticking his butt out and browsing carefully.


"This name is somewhat familiar."

The born warrior touched his bald head.

After being a slave laborer for eighteen days, even his brain was no longer very clear.

Xia Ye Qiuyu couldn't help but raise her forehead and reminded her kindly: "Remember that handsome, important NPC? The name above his head is [Mysterious Dragon Vein Warlock - Cassius]."

Singo added: "And he has the characteristics of a red dragon, scales, dragon horns, and golden eyes."

Steamed Bun suddenly realized: "Doesn't that mean that the mysterious NPC is the leader of our camp, the human incarnation of the red dragon boss who has never appeared?"

"I'm afraid so."

Singo nodded in agreement.

Steamed Bun couldn't help but sigh: "Then we have caught a big fish - no, my favorability with the big boss is already -10, Xin Gou, please give me back my favorability!"

Singo ignored him, but turned to the other two people and said: "Have you noticed the recent movements of the big guilds? The guild leader of [Kingdom], 'Overlord', has begun to send people to seize the task of building the city wall. , that civil engineering guy was hired with a lot of money to run away with a bucket, and the entire area was contracted by them. "

"There are also people from [Jiange] who have even begun to mine the mines themselves. This intention is a bit too obvious."

Steamed Bun said in astonishment: "What do you mean?"

"They should have discovered the role of camp contribution?"

"I'm afraid so."

Singo crossed his arms and said with wisdom: "But the mission information can already be disclosed. Now each of us has 7,000 camp contributions and has purchased [mysterious invitations] in advance. Even those big guilds can't catch up with us. schedule."

"At this time, we need to let all players contribute to the camp, grab their tasks, and delay the progress of those guilds. Instead, we can take the opportunity to make more money and take over the money-making tasks that we could not get before."

"Steamed buns, you can go straight to the video after finishing today. I will post the strategy on the forum. Let's go straight to the game tonight."


Steamed Bun's tone suddenly became more high-spirited: "Humph, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty! I want those who mock my black slaves to know what it means to seize opportunities everywhere!"

But when he was editing the video tonight, he wiped the back of his head which was getting sparser, and suddenly felt something was not right.

"Damn it, I'm still working for Xin Gou even though I'm already playing games—"

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