Jade Emperor: What! ? You are going to take off! ? So fast? Some time ago, I calculated that your cultivation is still a major state!

Chen Xiaobei: What? Even you are calculating my situation?

Jade Emperor: What's so strange about this? Your identity is extremely special, and you still have many top treasures in your hand! Almost all forces in the heavens are calculating your every move!

Jade Emperor: Especially your hostile forces have already begun to plan, after you rise, how to layout to kill you, how to take everything you have!

Chen Xiaobei: Oh, this is great news for me!

Jade Emperor: What! ? good news! ? Are you kidding me? As soon as you soar, there will be countless forces waiting to deal with you! By that time, you ca n’t even know how to die with the strength of a star!

Chen Xiaobei: They want to deal with me, provided that they can accurately calculate my ascension time and whereabouts! Otherwise, heaven is huge, where do they go to find me?

Jade Emperor: Isn't it easy to calculate your business?

Chen Xiaobei: Is it simple?

Jade Emperor: This ... this this this ... how is this possible! ? Why can't I figure out what your cultivation is? I just calculated some time ago, why isn't it working now? This is impossible ...

Chen Xiaobei: I'm not afraid to tell you, starting today, even the heavenly saints cannot figure out my situation!

Chen Xiaobei: All the forces in the heavens, just like you, thought that they were just eight stars and immortals! I never thought I would soar ahead of time! Isn't that the best news for me?

Jade Emperor: This ... this is too incredible! I really can't figure out anything about you ... how did this happen?

Chen Xiaobei: This is my secret! you do not need to know! Just keep in mind that within three days, I will soar! Within ten days, I must rescue the Chang'e fairy! Otherwise, you and Xu Fu will be buried with her!

Jade Emperor: I ... I see ...

After speaking, Chen Xiaobei put away the mobile phone, and a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, the secret Chen Xiaobei just said is exactly the humanitarian mark just obtained.

With the cover of the humane mark, Chen Xiaobei can move freely in the realm of heaven, without being calculated by the enemy, and many things will become easier.

"It's going to take off soon, and I have to think about it again, what else is missing ..."

Chen Xiaobei settled down and calculated silently.

"First of all, Mengchen is still in a fissure, but don't worry, she is accepting a legacy from the Lan's Supreme Ancestor!"

"Lan's is extremely powerful in heaven. This inheritance may also be one of the largest in the Three Realms. The time consumed will naturally be extremely long!"

"Moreover, the Chaos Blood Sword is in my hand and can enter the too-virtual universe at any time! Maybe next time you enter, you will see an extremely powerful dream!"

Chen Xiaobei paused and continued to calculate.

"In addition, Muchen Ye and Ling Taiji are also in the Taixu universe. Although life and death are unknown, after all, they are ancient super geniuses. If they can survive, maybe they can stand on their feet and even achieve great improvements!"

"In the future, when I return to the too-virtual universe, the two of them will be my two dark chess pieces! As long as I use it properly, at the critical moment, they can even play the same role as Anwar!"

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei is a very clever person. Celestial forces can insert dark chess in the virtual universe, and Chen Xiaobei can do the same!

"As for the Dixian Realm, it has long been controlled by my newly established Bei Xuanzong Ten Branches. Among them, the seven main hall owners, my personal disciples, and the remaining three can be trusted!"

"In this way, the earth fairy world will be able to stay away from the war for a long time, and the people's lives will become more and more happy! In the near future, the entire earth fairy world will win a true peace!

Don't forget, although Chen Xiaobei has won the merit reward of the unification of the earth fairy world! However, after the immortal realm reaches the heyday of the peace, Chen Xiaobei can get another great success in the world!

It can even become a prosperous emperor, and understand the true meaning of the emperor's rule like Song Qingcheng!

"Finally, I'm soaring this time, some people around me are going to stay, others are going to robbery with me!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down and calculated: "It is said that one person gets the word, the chicken dog rises to heaven! According to the laws of heaven, my loyal dogs, spirit beasts, spirit demon, ghost slaves ... can be taken to heaven! There is no heavenly realm, and it will not be rejected by heaven! "

"In addition, the girl Xiner has reached the half-step Tianxian realm, and can cross with me and go to heaven! As long as she stays by my side, the humane mark can shelter her from being calculated, so that she can Freedom grows fast! "

These are the people Chen Xiaobei will bring to heaven.

There are other important people who need to stay in the fairy land temporarily.

Xiang Yu, Zheng Zheng, Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Diao Chan, Xiao Bai, Sirius ...

Although they are very powerful, they are not familiar with the situation in the heavens, and hurriedly soared. Not only can they not help Chen Xiaobei, they may be counted by the enemy and drag Chen Xiaobei.

Lin Xiang and other confidantes are also in a similar situation. After soaring, there will be danger, but it will be safer to stay.

The seven major disciples should manage the earth and immortal world, and they cannot leave easily.

Luo Boti and Song Qingcheng are considered Chen Xiaobei's wives, and they should have taken them up.

However, Luo Bodi was pregnant, and Song Qingcheng had to help manage the fairyland. Considering their safety, Chen Xiaobei decided not to take them this time.

Finally, the ninth Chen Zhongfu and Zhang Cui'e. These two veterans have already gotten the ascension of elixir and can soar at any time, but it is clear that it is not the best time yet.

In fact, ~ www.readwn.com ~ All the above mentioned people are not not soaring, but they are not suitable for immediate soaring.

After Chen Xiaobei has a firm foothold in the heavens and has the ability to protect everyone, he will naturally let everyone reunite in the heavens.

In addition, Chen Xiaobei gave Luo Boti a flying ascension elixir. As long as the time is right, even a newborn baby can directly soar and reunite as soon as possible.

After calculating everything, Chen Xiaobei was ready to set off.

And in his hands, there is only one last flying elixir.

Previously, Lobodhi had explored in the realm of the Primordial Spirit, and this time he was pregnant with only one child.

Therefore, this soaring elixir is basically useless.

"It's better to sell it! Hey!" Chen Xiaobei immediately took out his mobile phone.

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