Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3614: Shoulder the world

"Wife! It's thundering! It's raining to collect clothes!"

When Chen Zhongfu heard the thunder, he shouted at the garden.

"You're going to die! Such a terrible thunder, I'm afraid that there are some ghosts acting as monsters, and Xiaobei has to clean them up!"

Zhang Cui'e snorted angrily.

"Mom, this is Tianjie! Xiaobei's Tianjie!"

Lobodhi sat in a chair beside him, stroking the lower abdomen with one hand, and Mei Mu stared at the sky.


Zhang Cui'e shouted excitedly: "Old man! Come on, come and see Xiaobei's Tianjie!"

"What festival? Is it going to be a festival again?" Chen Zhongfu walked out unhurriedly.

"Parents! This is God of Hell! Speaking, it is still scary!" Lobodti said horror, but his face showed a smile of amazing sentient beings.

Looking at the pair of simple and lovely old people in front of me, the Lobodice iceberg-like gas field has long since disappeared.

"This is also called horror? It's so ordinary." Both Zhang Cui'e and Chen Zhongfu shrugged and said calmly: "In our opinion, this is not enough to tickle Xiaobei!"

Luo Bodi looked a little bit, and smiled and nodded: "Yes, parents, everything is right!"

God! It should have been a super-death that was enough to chill countless people and killed countless people!

And Chen Zhongfu and Zhang Cui'e were originally just the most ordinary farmers on earth.

If it were before, the thunder of Tianjie could scare them to death alive, but at this moment, they do not look at Tianjie at all.

Of course, this is not because of how powerful they are.

It is because they are very clear that their son is extremely powerful! Excellent!

Strong enough to smooth all the difficulties they can imagine!

Excellent to make them proud and proud from the heart!

In their eyes, compared to their son, the scourge of the rumors is nothing but scum!

at the same time.

In various places of Bei Xuanzong's headquarters, Song Qingcheng, Lin Xiang and other confidantes were also staring at the sky.

Of course, their mood is very relaxed.

As if it wasn't about a calamity, but an insignificant drizzle.

Song Qingcheng even found a few anchors to live broadcast the disaster.

Through the live broadcast screen, the whole scene of the fairyland can be seen at the scene.

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xuanyuan, Yuxu, Gods, Tianji, Xuanyuan Tuanhai, Taiyitan, Lou Yuhong, and Zhao Yun in the four major halls all followed their livestreams.

Beiju Luzhou, Dragon God, Tianyin, Jiuyou, three big halls, Huo Yuanba, righteous Taoist, lonely buried fairy, are also watching live.

In Xiniu Hezhou, Tianlong, Sansheng, Wanfo, and the three big halls, Feng Qingyang, Wu Aofeng, and Ding Haishi also watched the live broadcast.

Nanzhanbuzhou is special. It is divided into Daqin branch and Dachu branch by a central axis. Xun Zheng is the master of Daqin branch and Xiang Yu is the master of Dachu branch.

At the same time, Bai Qi, Lu Bu, Diao Chan, Xiao Bai, and Sirius assisted the two branches.

Of course, at this moment, the people in the two big halls are gathered together and are closely watching the movement of the live broadcast.

"Boom ... Boom ..."

With two horrific explosions, Tianjie finally brewed.

However, since Chen Xiaobei was the throne of Double Nine Kings, Fu Tianxiner was blessed by immense public morality, and he never committed evil in this life.

Therefore, the power of this event is just the most common one star Tianxian explosion star Qinglei.

"Well !!!"

Chen Xiaobei took Fu Tianxiner's small hand and rushed straight up against the blue dragon-like thunderstorm that looked like a dragon.

No magic weapon was sacrificed, no abilities were used, and even a small amount of body protection did not condense.

Chen Xiaobei just rushed up in the simplest and roughest way.

"Hmm! Hmm ..."

I saw that the cyan thunderbolt, like a piece of paper, was scattered by Chen Xiaobei without any resistance at all.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei now has the physical strength in the middle of the four-star Tianxian, and the power of one-star Tianxian is not enough to even tickle Chen Xiaobei.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei held Fu Tianxiner in his arms, and the little girl did not even hurt half her hair.

Within a few seconds, Chen Xiaobei went straight from the beginning to the end, smashing all the blue thunderstorms.

This situation is completely one-sided and there is no suspense at all.

The law of the calamity is also very humane. Instead of continuing to waste energy to stimulate the robbery, it ended the calamity directly.

"Wow ..."

I saw a bright white light on the dim sky! The dark clouds dispersed, and a gap gradually opened in the depths of the sky.

From that crevice, there were colorful auras of light, and an extremely divine breath.

"Om ... um ..."

Then, two auras of light came down, covering Chen Xiaobei and Fu Tianxiner, and leading them to the gap.

As you get closer, the gap gets bigger.

Both Chen Xiaobei and Fu Tianxiner can clearly see the huge, white and jade gate of heaven.

The picture of this scene was also transmitted to every corner of the fairyland through live broadcast.

All the people who care about Chen Xiaobei cheered up, and all the people who admired Chen Xiaobei were also rejoicing. All the believers of Chen Xiaobei were extremely excited and bowed down to worship!

Almost everyone in Dixianjie can be said to be happy for Chen Xiaobeidu to take off!

Because, since Chen Xiaobei became the master of the fairyland, almost all people have lived a happier and happier life than before!

They were all grateful to Chen Xiaobei, and naturally, Chen Xiaobei's happy event became a happy event for everyone!

For a moment, the entire immortal world fell into a more lively atmosphere than the grand festival.

"Brother Xiaobei, you are so awesome! Tianjie just passed through so easily! We are about to go to heaven! So excited!"

Fu Tianxiner, like most people, is extremely happy, and his little face is full of joy.

"Girl! Calm down! Don't be careless!"

But at this time, Chen Xiaobei had a gaze and said calmly: "You may think that Tianjie is simple! But compared with the danger of heaven, Tianjie is nothing at all! The real difficulty is still behind ! "

"Hmm ..." Fu Tianxiner listened to Chen Xiaobei very much, nodded obediently, and converged with excitement.

At the same time, Fu Tianxiner also had more insights!

In the human world, everyone is happy to celebrate, but Chen Xiaobei wants to run non-stop to more dangerous places! Go hard, go hard!

From the perspective of Fu Tianxiner, Chen Xiaobei was carried on the shoulders of the whole world!

He is standing ~ ~ All human beings can enjoy peace and happiness in life! When he falls, the human world will probably be alive again, and the people will not talk about life!

No doubt this is very difficult and very hard work.

However, Chen Xiaobei never complained to others, no matter what difficulties he faced and what dangers he encountered, he always carried it on his shoulders and never complained.

This is the real man!

Really deserved master of the human world!

Although Fu Tianxiner has always worshiped Chen Xiaobei, at this moment, her worship of Chen Xiaobei has soared again and she has reached a whole new level!

Looking at the far heavenly gate, Fu Tianxiner made a silent decision.

She has to face all the difficulties afterwards with Chen Xiaobei, and no longer let Chen Xiaobei carry on alone!

"Heaven! We are here!"

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