"Hmm ..."

With a strange noise, the blood moon sword master's neck was pinched and broken, his head was separated from the body, and the blood plasma splattered like a fountain.

Because Yuanying can't get out of it, Yuanying will die at the same time as physical death.

In other words, the Lord of the Blood Moon Sword was completely killed by Galo!

After all, the sword of the Blood Moon Sword is only Jiuxing Dixian, which is not as good as the one-star Jinxian Anhua.

Under the power of the demise of the world, the Lord of the Blood Moon Sword is fragile like an ant, and cannot support it for long.

"Wow ..."

The next moment, it seemed as if the sacred priesthood ceremony had been completed.

The magical energy that surfaced around Gallo was completely integrated into her body.

Then, her eyes turned into a weird dark red, and the whole person's aura became extremely sinister, just like the most bloodthirsty and ruthless demon, no longer half popular!

However, although he looked more like a demon, Gal's consciousness was back again.

"Yun Fanqing! Don't pull me, you will soon become a true holy demon!"

Gallo glanced at Yun Fanqing with a cold, bitter tone and horror.

"No ... I don't want to be enchanted ... You **** all the magic from me ... I really don't want to be enchanted ... Please ... Please, please ..."

Yun Fanqing adhered to the last consciousness and tried his best to suppress the magic in his body.

"I don't want to swallow the power of the Holy Spirit alone! I can't do that!"

Gallo said indifferently: "I and you have absorbed half a drop of the marrow of extinction! Our life and death have been linked together! It is like Manjushahua who is twins and can never be separated again!"


Yun Fanqing looked for a moment, and still shook his head to refuse: "No matter what you say ... I would rather die than be enchanted!"

There is no doubt that Yun Fan has a good nature and has protected the human world from his childhood!

She had long been ready to sacrifice herself for the human world.

Therefore, her insistence on kindness is not weaker than Chen Xiaobei!

"Wow ..."

With this in mind, Yun Fanqing directly gathered a true yuan to blast towards his own dandy.

Like Chen Xiaobei, she also needs to use her life as the price to completely cut off the terrible magic.

"Hmm ..."

However, Gallo will never let her do it!

I saw that Garo's finger was a bounce, and a dark magic was emitted from his fingertips. With a strange and powerful force, he easily destroyed the true element of Yun Fanqing.

"Looks like I need to help you!"

As soon as Gallo's gaze was fixed, he didn't know what special power to motivate, and actually raised his hand from the void and pulled out a special blood-red light!

This blood light is not aura, not a true element, not a spirit body, and even has no substance at all, but nothingness exists!

"This ... what is this !? What are you doing to me !?"

Yun Fanqing was frightened, his face paled instantly, and a very strong, unpredictable hunch erupted in his heart.

"This is the source of the iniquity of the Lord of the Blood Moon Sword IX!"

Gallo gave a cold sneer: "It will help you to complete the final baptism and become the most noble, noblest, and greatest extinct demon of the demons !!!"

"Hmm ..."

After speaking, Galo injected that red light directly into Yun Fanqing's brows.

"no, do not want……"

Yun Fanqing desperately wanted to refuse.

But at this moment, like Chen Xiaobei, she is in a half-human and half-magic state, and cannot completely control her body.

It has been very hard to suppress the magic, and there is no way to stop the empty blood light from pouring into his body.

"Uh ..."

With a scream of sorrow, Yun Fanqing has reached the limit, and can no longer suppress the magical nature of the demise of the world.

You know, the Lord of the Blood Moon Sword once inspired a battle that swept the whole earth immortal world, causing extremely tragic death and injury and disaster.

Therefore, the sin of the Lord of the Blood Moon Sword has long made him the nineth devil who is intolerable.

The source of his iniquity is like pouring oil on the fire, which greatly helped to increase the magic of the marrow of the world.

It completely broke Yun Fanqing's last line of defense.

"Wow ..."

Along with all the dark magical energy around, it melted into Yun Fanqing's body.

Her aura has also undergone tremendous changes.

Gloomy, cold, bloodthirsty, ruthless, and even more terrifying than Gal.

"Congratulations! Finally succeeded!"

Gallo grinned, and the dark red eyes revealed the look of great expectation: "Unlike me, you are a real Buddha and demons! I really look forward to seeing your performance after soaring!"

"Then let's rise now!" Yun Fanqing's eyes opened, and it was already a weird dark red.

"Okay!" Gal smiled indifferently.

"His ... His ..."

Immediately afterwards, Galo and Yun Fanqing took a deep breath, each of them absorbing half of the annihilated black lotus!

In the next moment, the true elements in their bodies changed extremely strangely, and they broke through the small realm directly and smoothly, and both reached the half-step fairyland realm.

At the same time, Gallo took out the soaring elixir that Mo Luo had bought, and divided it into two.

Gallo and Yun Fanqing each took half of the flying elixir.

Although it is said that half of the ascension of elixir can not save them from Tianjie, it can greatly weaken the power of Tianjie

At this moment, they all have the blessing of the power of the marrow!

It's easy to get through the robbery!


Too imperial city.

Chen Xiaobei and Fu Tianxiner were sitting in the living room of Gan Turang's house.

Gan Turang, while serving tea and water, explained the general situation of the heavens to Chen Xiaobei.

In summary, the thirty-sixth heaven of the heavens, the lower the level, the more free, the higher the upper level, the more constrained by heaven and hermeneutics.

Of course, this is not surprising ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since the last immeasurable plunder, Yuanshi Tianzun has been the agent of Heaven, and the executors are in charge of the power of the Three Realms.

After so many years, the power of interpretation in the heavenly world is naturally like the sun and the sky, and it is the well-deserved first saintly religion! The most powerful! The most powerful branches! The background is also the strongest!

However, Chen Xiaobei does not yet want to conflict with the teaching.

After soaring, the first thing to do is to rescue the Chang'e Fairy safely.

"Gantulang, don't introduce anything else!"

Chen Xiaobei went straight to the subject and asked, "You tell me first, how can I go to heaven!"

"Go to heaven !?"

Gandulang looked for a moment, shook his head and said, "It is absolutely impossible for the Lord! The reason that the heavens are divided into thirty-six heavens is to distinguish the gods according to their strengths and weaknesses! It is impossible to go to a higher level! "

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