Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3624: List of ancient cents

Jiang Ziya: Yes! And after Xiao Nazhang ’s Yuan Ying escaped, she met a Taiyi real person who taught one of the twelve golden immortals. He used purple gold jasper lotus to reshape Xiao Nazhang ’s body!

Jiang Ziya: Later, Xiao Nazhe became a real disciple of Tai Yi! With the help of Taiyi, this lotus finally reached the state of sanctification of the flesh! What a great opportunity!

Chen Xiaobei: I know this legend! You mean, this is Li Jing's calculation behind his back?

Jiang Ziya: That's right! Li Jing seems to be loyal to hermeneutics and heaven. In fact, he knows the truth best. He completely used the matter of Nazha to make trouble in the sea, used the topic to play, and laid out the subsequent super opportunity!

Chen Xiaobei: Real Niu Criticism ... I still knew for the first time that Li Jing was so powerful!

Jiang Ziya: The last countless calamity, I am the army behind the army, Li Jing is the marshal of the army!

Jiang Ziya: After the measurement, Li Jing is even more expensive as the King of Tota! Ranked second only to the Jade Emperor in Ling Xiao Bao Dian! He's not great, that's strange!

Chen Xiaobei: What happened later? Xiao Nazhe brought a cute skill to perform the Three Realms mission! What is Li Jing's calculation?

Jiang Ziya: Li Jing's calculation is Xiaobei you!

Chen Xiaobei: Me? how do I say this? (doubt)

Jiang Ziya: When the Three Realms Red Packet Group was first established, Xiao Nezha had a great relationship with you! If Li Jing doesn't take action, the senior educators will probably figure out where to go! Even calculate the entire Li family!

Jiang Ziya: So, Li Jing offered to let the little Nezha perform the Three Realms mission! On the surface, he was sacrificing his son to protect himself! But in fact, he deliberately asked Xiao Nazhe to establish a better relationship with Xiao Bei!

Chen Xiaobei: What good is this for Li Jing? I did n’t bring any chance to Xiao Nezha ...

Jiang Ziya: Xiaobei yourself is an infinite opportunity! Think about it, because of your relationship with Nezha, the Li family is in trouble, can you stand by and watch?

Chen Xiaobei: If Xiao Nazhe is in trouble, I will be like Chang'e Fairy, to save him at all costs!

Jiang Ziya: In addition, if this time the countless calamity defeats the teachings, Xiaobei, will you kill the Li family?

Chen Xiaobei: No ... there are children who are there, I will let them go!

Jiang Ziya: That's right! Li Jing's calculation is the future! Although it doesn't look good right now! However, when the problem does arise, his calculations may protect the entire family!

Chen Xiaobei: Sure enough, it's a trick! Elaboration wins, the Li family continues to sit firmly today! If the teaching fails, the Li family can also switch to my company! Everywhere you go, you wo n’t die!

Jiang Ziya: Right! This approach is actually very similar to the idea of ​​Tai Shang Laojun! Is the most secure!

Chen Xiaobei: As you say so, I'm relieved! Li Jing definitely won't hurt Xiao Nezha, maybe he will also give Xiao Nezha some benefits!

Jiang Ziya: Of course! No accident, Xiao Nazhe can take back the lotus lotus body! As for whether you can be reinstated, it depends on the meaning of the senior management!

Chen Xiaobei: OK, let's talk about other people!

Jiang Ziya: The canopy ran to Huaguoshan and went to Sun Wukong, but Sun Wukong seemed to be away, and the whole canopy ate and slept in Huaguoshan. At this moment, I was afraid that he was sleeping again!

Chen Xiaobei: This nerd ... (Helpless)

Jiang Ziya: Xiaobei, don't abandon the canopy first. If you want to save the Chang'e fairy, the canopy may be a big help!

Chen Xiaobei: Well, he is very familiar with heaven, if I let him lead the way, I can save a lot of trouble.

Jiang Ziya: More than just being familiar! The canopy often peeks at the fairy bathing! He knows all the hidden corners, passages, and corners of the heavenly court! Whether hiding or retreating, he has a way!

Chen Xiaobei: Lying on the grass! Unexpectedly, Brother Er has this special skill! Then let him come to me! Within five days, I will act!

Jiang Ziya: Well, when he sees the group news, he will contact Xiaobei!

Chen Xiaobei: What about you? what are you doing recently?

Jiang Ziya: I'm with Shen Gongbao! The two of us are going to sneak into the teachings and steal the "Guxian Directory"!

Chen Xiaobei: "List of Ancient Immortals"! ? What it is! ?

Jiang Ziya: At the Winter Solstice Conference, the members of the Elaboration Church selected the ancient fairy! The above records which people have chosen which ancient immortals!

Jiang Ziya: Xiaobei, haven't you always wanted to liberate all censored ancient immortals? With that directory, you can directly find the contract master who intercepted the ancient immortals, and killed them to liberate the ancient immortals you want to liberate!

Chen Xiaobei: That's great! If I could get that list, I would n’t be far off for the revival of teaching.

Jiang Ziya: That's right! Shen Gongbao and I will definitely find a way to steal the directory!

Chen Xiaobei: However, sneaking into educating ~ ~ is like going deep into a tiger's lair in Longtan, I'm afraid it will be fatal!

Jiang Ziya: Rest assured! Both Shen Gongbao and I have been the spokespersons of Yuanshi Tianzun, and our familiarity with interpretation is just like Tianpeng's familiarity with heaven! It should be smooth!

Chen Xiaobei: Remember! Safety first! I would rather not have that directory than I would like you to be fine! As for Shen Gongbao, he is just my loyal dog. When necessary, you can abandon him!

Jiang Ziya: Understand, I know what to do!

Chen Xiaobei: Also, Tu Xingsun has secretly formed an alliance with me. If you can't solve the problem, you can ask him for help!

Jiang Ziya: What! ? Tu Xingsun and Beige have formed an alliance with you! ? Why didn't you say it earlier! ?

Chen Xiaobei: Uh ... you didn't ask me ...

Jiang Ziya: Great! With Tu Xingsun, this matter is much simpler! As long as we determine the location of the directory and sneak in from the ground, we can successfully get out and get out!

Chen Xiaobei: In this case, please contact Tu Xingsun as soon as possible!

Jiang Ziya: Understand! I'll do it now!

Chen Xiaobei: Patriarch of King Kong Dunshan, what are you two guys doing? Everyone is too busy to have a group chat, just the two of you! If you are right, you have been spying!

Demonic King Kong: Hey, Beiming Yingming! Nothing big for us two ...

Ancestor of Dunshan: Who said we were okay? North Brother! I have worshiped Chongming Sect, and the demon King Kong has also worshiped the Qing Buddha Sect! This is a big force in the sky!

Chen Xiaobei: But you are still idle!

Demonic King Kong: Yeah ... our rookies are not seen in heaven, and most of the time, they do nothing ...

Chen Xiaobei: Take your time! There will be a time for you to show your strength!

Ding——Jade Emperor sent you a private chat!

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