Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3626: Contact Zhenyuan

The Promise Nine Tower is a special magic weapon obtained by Chen Xiaobei in the early days.

This magic weapon contains the most precious treasure of the Promise of Magic.

The tower has a total of nine floors. The higher Chen Xiaobei's strength is needed to open up the higher floors and get better things.

At the moment, there are eighth and ninth floors of the Wuji Nine Towers that are not open.

Chen Xiaobei has broken through the realm of heaven, and can open both layers of space at the same time.

According to the Winter Witch, in the last two floors, there are the most powerful and precious elixir of the Promise Witch Kingdom.

"Wow ..."

When Chen Xiaobei changed his mind, he directly released an immortal Yuan and shrouded it on the Promise Nine Tower.

The requirement to open the ninth heavy space is that Chen Xiaobei survived the disaster and became a fairy.

Therefore, when Xianyuan descended, the eighth and ninth double spaces opened at the same time and appeared in front of Chen Xiaobei.

Sure enough, as the Winter Witch said, Chen Xiaobei took out two pills.

The eighth layer of elixir, called the Promise God Magic Essence, can temporarily increase the combat power of a small realm!

And the ninth layer of elixir, called the Promise Holy Magic Dan, can temporarily increase the combat effectiveness of a major realm!

In terms of efficacy, these two elixir drugs are very powerful!

After all, in Tianxian Realm, the gap between a small realm is extremely huge!

If in the battlefield, you can temporarily increase your strength, then the leapfrog battle will become very simple!


Although the benefits of this elixir are great, the side effects are equally great.

The price of taking Promise Magic Dan is that the bones and bones are broken and Yuanshen is seriously injured. It takes a long time to adjust and recover.

And the price of taking Promise Saint Motan is even more horrible, the bones are broken, the yuans are dried up, whether you can survive depends on luck! Moreover, even if he survived, the damage of Yuanshen could not be recovered in a lifetime!

It can be seen that although these two elixir drugs have extraordinary effects, they can cause damage to one thousand by 800 or even 1,000. They can only be used when they are forced to die.

Especially the Promise Holy Demon King. After using it, even if he kills the enemy, he may die and die. Even if he survives, the Yuan God cannot recover completely, which is equal to a lifetime 'disability'!

Such a price can be described as very huge. If it is not a matter of life and death, this method of fighting will never be used.

"Stow away first ... I wish I could not use these two elixir ..."

Chen Xiaobei was also helpless. He finally opened the Wuji Nine-story Pagoda, but got two elixir like this.

Could it be that his luck has declined? What you get is no longer what you need most?

"No matter what, the action must continue!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down and took out the heaven and earth melting furnace and the five materials given by Lord Yan.

Then remove the Ghost War Eye and place it in the furnace with the material.

The real fire in the furnace is not yet extinguished, and it can be quickly melted, so that the ghostly eyes and materials can be transformed.

"Xianer! Help me speed up!"

Chen Xiaobei must race against time.

After all, refining is different from refining, and it requires a lot of transformation, fusion, smelting, strengthening, upgrading, and other processes, which are very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Moreover, the more advanced the refiner, the more time-consuming it is.

Without the help of Fu Tianxiner, waiting for the upgrade of the ghostly war eyes, I am afraid that this countless calamity is over.

"Wow ..."

This time, Fu Tianxiner did not forcibly improve the effect of the god-level sunlight treasure box, but only accelerated according to normal abilities.

In less than a second, decades have passed in the field of sunlight.

"Finally succeeded!"

Chen Xiaobei took a sigh of relief, withdrew the Yuan Yuan injected into the furnace, and took out the upgraded ghostly war eyes!

At the same time, Fu Tianxiner also stopped accelerating.

"Nine-star Tianxian-level ghost war eyes! This allows me to see the situation of anyone under Xuanxian, and it can also provide a nine-star Tianxian-level protector, beautiful!"

Chen Xiaobei was in a good mood and immediately wore the ghostly war eyes.

Ding——Repair: One-star true immortal, Life: 200 million years, Physical fitness: 500 trillion, Fighting power: 1 trillion, Primal attack: Holy class!

"Lying grass ... lying on the grass !!!"

Chen Xiaobei was taken aback by surprise, but unexpectedly, Du Jie Fei Sheng actually brought such a huge change!

"Life span has increased by 100 million years! Physical strength and combat effectiveness have become megabytes! This increase is too great!"

Chen Xiaobei was very excited and very surprised.

I never expected that there would be such a huge improvement.

However, it is not surprising to think about it. The more difficult a breakthrough is, the greater the improvement will be. This is common sense.

In addition, there is a gap between the earth fairy and the heaven fairy, which is different in every aspect. This is the essence of the gap.

Of course, according to common sense, the average person soars and can only increase their life expectancy by 10 million years.

It is only because Chen Xiaobei has a nine-level life ring aura ~ ~, so the final improvement effect has increased tenfold.

"The other is physical strength. The physical strength of the one-star Celestial Immortal was only one trillion, and the physical strength of the four-star Celestial Immortal reached five hundred trillion! Very much, the gap is really huge! I want to fight beyond the level, but It's very difficult! "

Chen Xiaobei settled down and calmed himself down from the joy of ascension.

"Now, I have a five-element celestial celestial body, a nine-star celestial chaos blood sword, a nine-star celestial ghost warrior eye, a four-star celestial dragon peak, and more than 258 billion yuan. Inferior jade! "

Chen Xiaobei silently calculated: "This is all my hole cards! According to the Jade Emperor, in the palace where the Chang'e fairy is detained, there may be mid-xuanxian fairies!"

"The best result is that I leveled these fairies with the Five Elements Lingji, and then evacuated directly with the mysterious god-level return bracelet! Rushing out of Nantianmen, no one can catch me anymore!

Obviously, when Chen Xiaobei talked to Jade Emperor just now, he did not disclose his hole cards.

Especially for the Five Elements Lingji, there is no mention at all.

This is Chen Xiaobei's trump card!

"That is to say, as long as I find a way to get the mysterious Guiyuan bracelet, the problem can be solved!"

Chen Xiaobei thought about it and opened the Three Realms Red Envelope Group again.

This time, Chen Xiaobei did not ask Yan Wang, but directly contacted Zhenyuan Daxian.

You know, the King of Kings is just a god-level realm, I'm afraid I can't touch the magical power of the god-level.

The Zhenyuan Daxian is a quasi-holy realm, and it is the top existence of the quasi-holy stage and even the quasi-holy peak.

Today, the Master of Heaven is detained and his son-in-law is under the eyes of Daozu.

Zhenyuan Daxian is the only top-level power that Chen Xiaobei can trust.

Chen Xiaobei: Is my brother here? I need you urgently!

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