Canopy: Xiaobei! You are finally here! Haha! Come to Huaguo Mountain! Let ’s eat Xiantao and drink immortal wine together, happy life! (Beautiful)

Chen Xiaobei: Goof! Are you teasing me? Countless calamities are coming, are you still so leisurely? Do n’t know how to write dead words?

Canopy: The sky is falling down, isn't there a tall one? As long as the monkey brother does not fall, Huaguoshan is the safest place!

Chen Xiaobei: Hanging goods! Who said that he would help me more after soaring? I haven't seen you in just a few days, you are so decadent! I think you are soaring for better laziness!

Canopy: Uh ... what ... who said I was going to be lazy? We are good brothers! As long as you say a word, the sword is up! The sea of ​​fire can go down! Frown, I won't call canopy!

Chen Xiaobei: It's still like a saying! That's it, I'm going to heaven to save people! Need you to show me the way!

Canopy: Hello? Uh ... weird ... why is there no signal? Xiaobei ... Hey!

Chen Xiaobei: Hanging goods! I knew I couldn't count on you! Don't say anything, no love!

Canopy: Don't don't ... just kidding! Why did she break up?

Chen Xiaobei: The matter of life is off, are you kidding me? (pissed off)

Canopy: No ... heaven! How dangerous! I don't want to go is also for you! If we fall into the hands of the enemy, we will all die!

Chen Xiaobei: I can see you through! (Disgusting) I originally planned that after the operation was successful, please drink Coca-Cola and eat fried chicken, and let you watch an island country movie! Forget it ... I'll go by myself!

Canopy: You wait! (Slow water) Didn't you lie to me?

Cola! fried chicken! Small movie! These are the three ultimate hobbies of Fat House!

Today's canopy is even more fat than a fat house. It is absolutely impossible to resist this temptation!

Chen Xiaobei: What did I lie to you? I have left my mobile phone in the human world, and I can send everything I want with a red envelope!

Canopy: Lying! Xiaobei! Your wife is so smart! Can actually think of leaving the phone in the human world!

Chen Xiaobei: One word! Go or not?

Canopy: Go! I go! I'll go back to Yitian to find you now!

Chen Xiaobei: Give you half a day, it's out of date!

Canopy: Success! I am going now!

Exiting the private chat, Chen Xiaobei shook his head helplessly.

It's really easy to change the nature of the country, and the nature is difficult to change. The canopy has always been greedy, timid and afraid of death, and has not changed today.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei has a way to deal with him.

"Thirty-two-day mark to enter the heavenly courts! Five elementary spirit base for battle! Escape for town elementary gods! Find someone to lead the way!"

Chen Xiaobei made a simple calculation: "As long as there is no accident, you can basically rescue the Chang'e Fairy safely! What I have to consider now is, will there be other variables at that time?"

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei's hole cards are enough to save people if everything goes well.

However, once the variable appears, an accident may occur, which may exceed the limit of the hole card.

At that time, there may be a fatal danger.

"In fact, the biggest variables are those gods who are on the banquet hall!"

Chen Xiaobeiwan calculated: "With their cultivation, they can kill Yaochi Xiangong in an instant, and they can also kill Nantianmen in an instant! In this way, my actions will always fail!"

"So, I have to find a way to do more preparation! It is best to make myself stronger! Only by being strong enough can it be possible to cope with more variables and accidents!"

Chen Xiaobei calculated: "First of all, I broke through the Jiuxingdi fairy realm and the heaven fairy realm, and I didn't devour anything by body! This is an operation that can make me stronger!"

"Secondly, after five days of action, if I can get enough high-level animal blood, my physical strength will soar! This is the second feasible operation!"

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while, and then shook his head, "But then again, in the face of those great gods who attended the banquet, my improvement is not enough for others to get their teeth stuck!"

"So, in the final analysis, I still have to find a way to get these people done! Only by getting them done, can I be absolutely safe!"

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei calculated it, and the problem returned to the root cause.

How can we get the gods at the party?

"Think back then, when Monkey Brother was making a puppet party, it seemed that all the gods were lethargic with a magical sleepy worm!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, "Unfortunately, Monkey Brother hasn't responded, and I can't ask him how to get the sleepy worm ..."

"Wait! I don't have to use sleepy worms! You can also use poison!"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes lighted up, and he was instantly excited: "I remember Jade said that at the banquet, everyone will try to drink as much as possible! As long as I can poison the wine ~ ~ everything is OK Is the water drained? "

With that in mind, Chen Xiaobei finally saw great hope.

If you want to use poison, the most powerful one is of course the Luo Clan, but he hasn't been moving, apparently he has no time.

In addition to Luo Yan, the second person that Chen Xiaobei can think of is the Styx Lord.

Continue to open the Three Realms red envelope group, Chen Xiaobei directly chatted to the Minghe.

Chen Xiaobei: Is my brother here? I have something to ask for your help!

Styx River: Yes! Little North Brother! You haven't contacted me for a long time! I thought you forgot me!

Chen Xiaobei: Brother joked, I didn't want to contact you, but I was too busy before!

Styx: Let's talk, what are you looking for today?

Chen Xiaobei: I want to ask my brother for a poison that can stun the Emperor Jade!

Styx: What! ? What are you doing with such a powerful poison! ? (Shock)

Chen Xiaobei: I can't elaborate on this matter, my brother told me, is there such a poison?

Styx River: Yes, yes! But why don't you poison the enemy directly? Cutting the grass and rooting is called kingship!

Chen Xiaobei: Uh ... because I use a lot of poisonous objects, there are enemies and my own, so I can't poison all of them! What's more, if they can't be poisoned immediately, they will most likely attract more terrifying enemies!

Styx: I see! Just coma, I have a sense of distraction here! Colorless and tasteless, it works quickly, and you are satisfied!

Chen Xiaobei: OK! Trouble brother, give me more!

Styx: Uh ... this poison is very high grade and very difficult to make, I think ...

Chen Xiaobei: Do you have any requirements? Speak it out! I will try my best to satisfy you!

Styx River: I want you to return to me the forty-eight blood **** sons!

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