Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3632: Go to Taoyuan

"Heaven is the existence above the thirty-two heavens! It represents absolute nobility and absolute authority!"

Tian Peng said: "In addition to the Jade Emperor and the gods, there are also millions of the most elite heaven soldiers! Just pick one, all in the late Xuanxian and even the peak of Xuanxian! On the next eighteenth heaven, it is a party Giant! "

"Well, I know that the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven are the most powerful army in heaven!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "The reason why they stay in heaven and not go elsewhere is because the aura in heaven is more abundant than here?"


Tianpeng said: "The aura of heaven is the most powerful place except Daluo Tian and Sanqing Tian! All heavenly soldiers have the talent to become gods! As long as they are given enough aura and time, they will have a chance sooner or later Breakthrough! At least than elsewhere, the odds are greater! "

"Pose of God !?"

Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but booing: "It is indeed heaven! Any soldier is so arrogant! In comparison, a soldier like Gan Turang is just a slacker, a younger brother!"

"is not that right?"

Tianpeng shrugged and said, "Yizhongtian was originally the place with the weakest overall strength. The heavenly soldiers there were all black people. Compared with the top elite of Tianting, it is truly a heaven and a ground!"

Hearing that, Chen Xiaobei could not help but frowned, and said, "Heaven is so horrible, how can we get in?"

"Then you ask the right person!"

Tengpeng grinned and said, "In the past, I peeked at the fairy bathing, leaving many secret passages for escape! As long as I lead the way, you can get in and out freely!"

"You're really personal ..." A line of black lines came out of Chen Xiaobei's head.

"However, there is one thing we must first figure out!"

Tian Peng said seriously: "Someone will surely inspire the realm of the gods when patrolling the sky. I am now incapable of comparing with the past! We can't interfere with the realm of the gods, we can be easily found!"

"Oh, don't worry about this!" Chen Xiaobei grinned, and said, "I have a special way to deal with the field of Yuanshen! Make sure they don't perceive our existence!"

"Okay! With your words, I can rest assured!" Teng Peng nodded, and still trusted Chen Xiaobei.

"In this case, let's stop talking nonsense! Go exploring the road now!" Chen Xiaobei couldn't wait to say.

"No! Go now?" The canopy looked for a moment.

"Yes! The sooner the better!"

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said: "Think about it. Once tonight, there are only four days left! You can only take me to know the terrain as soon as possible, and you can stay away from it on the day of action!"

"What do you mean ... on the day of the action, don't you take me?" The canopy looked for a moment, his expression became complicated.

"I said it! I will guarantee your safety!" Chen Xiaobei said seriously: "My strength is too weak to control the situation at all, so the safest way is to keep you out of the action!"

"This ..." Tian Peng heard the words, and was instantly speechless, deeply moved.

"And, it's not just you! On the day of the operation, I will give you both Xu Mi Space and Qingdi Xianhu to take away!"

Chen Xiaobei said very firmly: "If everything goes well, naturally the best result! If it fails, I don't want anyone to bury me!"

"Xiaobei ..." There was a sourness in the canopy's heart, and even his eyes were slightly reddish.

In his opinion, Chen Xiaobei's remarks were like a tragic farewell! If Chen Xiaobei can't come back, it will really become farewell!

"Okay! Get up! No mother-in-law!"

Chen Xiaobei patted the canopy of the canopy, and said, "Hurry up! The more familiar I am with the topography of the heavens, the less danger there is when I act! It's all up to you! Don't drop me the chain! "

"do not worry!"

The canopy was settled and he patted his chest and said, "In the next few days, I will evacuate all the horns that can be evacuated and hide in the heavens, and they will take you all over!"

"Let's go now!" Chen Xiaobei flew into the sky with a change of heart.

Canopy hurried to keep up.


The entrance to the main entrance of Tianting is Nantianmen.

According to Jade Emperor, after rescue, Chen Xiaobei was evacuated from Nantianmen.

According to the instructions of the Taoist Taoists, Nantianmen will probably be a dead end when evacuating.

And at the moment.

The canopy did not take Chen Xiaobei through the South Tianmen, nor did they even take any of the north-south gates.

They reached the bottom of the floating continent.

Originally, this entire continent was a very solid god-level rock, and even the immortal magpies could not penetrate.

However, under the leadership of the canopy, they directly drilled into a stone gap, and then, all the way up, passed through the tunnel-like long winding road, and directly reached the ground floor of the heaven.

"Xiaobei! Next, we may be found in the field of Yuanshen, it is time for you to perform!" Tian Peng said.

"The Book of Merit"! I want to exchange one hundred and super Ruyi monkey hair! "

Chen Xiaobei moved and immediately acted.

Ding-merit reward, successful redemption, deduction of 100 million points of the three realms of merit!

Ding——The current value of the Three Realms is 20,843.4 billion points (charm value: 20,848,340 million, luck value: 20,048,340 million)!

Obviously, many gods in heaven are proficient in the art of change, so Super Ruyi Monkey Hair is not expensive.

Moreover, the number of similar magic weapons also increases, so for one million three realms of merit, you can redeem one, which should not be too cheap.


Chen Xiaobei took fifty Super Ruyi monkey hairs to the canopy, and then said, "Become the smallest form, the smaller the better!"

The canopy nodded and turned into a small flying insect smaller than an ant.

Then, Chen Xiaobei became a flying insect of the same size.

"Wow ..."

Yan Lingshi's destiny purple qi emanated, covering Chen Xiaobei and the canopy at the same time.

Previously, Chen Xiaobei took his own life to gamble, and it was determined that the nine-star heavenly **** Fuxi Orb could not perceive the existence of this prestige purple gas.

In other words, no one below the level of Jiuxing Tianshen can perceive this purple qi!

In this way, ~ ~ Two little flying insects shrouded in the purple of natural life can naturally escape the patrol field of the patrol sky.


Chen Xiaobei and Canopy continued to fly upwards.

Before long, the two flew out of a rockery in a garden.

"This is the back garden of Marshal Tianpeng Mansion! I used to escape from the cave of this rockery!"

Teng Peng said with great confidence: "Xiao Bei! Let's say! Where do you want to go now? I can take you there right away!"

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and said, "Go to Tao Taoyuan first!"

"What !? Taoyuan !?" The canopy looked surprised, his face surprised.

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