Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3637: Presence of gods

I have to say that the abilities of Fu Tianxiner and the six-eared macaque are indeed irreplaceable, and they can really help.

However, Chen Xiaobei is very clear that this matter is extremely dangerous and must not be brought with them.

If it fails, everyone has to die!

Even if it succeeds in the end, I'm afraid it will pay a small price!

Chen Xiaobei will never let them go on this adventure together!

Especially Fu Tianxiner, if she had something to do, how could Chen Xiaobei explain to her son-in-law?

"I don't agree! You must all stay in Qingdi Xianhu!"

Chen Xiaobei's gaze fixed, and the whole man sent out an unquestionable domineering, saying that it was useless to persuade anyone!

"But ..." Fu Tianxiner was anxious and wanted to continue to fight.

"Forget it, girl Xiner, don't say it!" Six-eared macaque interrupted Fu Tianxiner, and Shen Sheng said, "It is absolutely impossible to change what Peking decides! We all listen to him. select!"

Fu Tianxiner heard the words, and although he was anxious, he had nothing to say.

In fact, she also knows Chen Xiaobei's personality very well, and once things are identified, they will never change.

If she persists, Chen Xiaobei may even seal her up and wait for all the dust to settle before she comes out.

"Second Brother! I'll leave it here for you! No matter what happened before or after, this time, you must not let me down!"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the canopy seriously.

"Go on!"

The canopy tightened its teeth and said solemnly: "Unless I am dead, I will definitely help you keep Xumi Space and Qingdi Xianhu!"

"it is good!"

Chen Xiaobei focused his head and then left directly.


Back to reality.

Chen Xiaobei left Xu Mi space in the stone gap just now.

Use super Ruyi monkey hair to transform into a small flying worm, and then cover your whole body with your natural purple gas.

Following the route that was cleared a few days ago, he took the lead to the Royal Dining Room.

Today is the day of the feast.

Hundreds of palace ladies were busy nonstop.

They had to arrange all the wine and dishes before the guests at the banquet arrived.

There are three hundred and sixty-five gods in heaven, plus dozens of gods, plus some important deputy priests and admirals under their command. The total number exceeds 1,000.

Therefore, the layout of the banquet hall alone will take a long time.

In this process, Chen Xiaobei has been staring in secret, confirming that those poisonous imperial wines are all poured into the jug on the average. Finally, a pot of poisonous wine was placed on each table.

This also means that the first step of Chen Xiaobei's plan has been successful.

With the banquet set up, everything is ready in the banquet hall.

Immediately afterwards, some deputy priests with lower status and power began to come, and the deputy came to the scene.

These people Chen Xiaobei hardly knew.

But the camel is bigger than a horse!

Don't look at the lower status of these people, but this is in heaven! If they go to the next few days, they will all be giants who cover the sky with their hands!

Needless to say, the ghostly eyes of the Jiuxing Tianxian class do not see any of their cultivation.

Even the gloomy battle eyes of Xuanxian level are invisible.

Do not! Even the golden warrior eyes of Jinxian level may not be pierced.

It is conceivable how horrible these people are.

And throughout the management of the heavenly courts, they are just the lower layers.

How horrible everyone else is!


At the beginning some Jehovah arrived.

Chen Xiaobei didn't dare to know all three hundred and sixty-five true gods, but he could still recognize some of their characteristics.

Before the Winter Solstice Conference, the original 365 orthodox gods were all ancient gods who were famous in the "Fengshen List".

Among those, 317 were disciples of disciples.

They were sealed by the Yuanshen and controlled their hearts, and had to serve the heavenly courts with 100% loyalty.


The Winter Solstice Conference gave them a chance to be reborn!

Therefore, the original three hundred and sixty-five true gods have all been born again.

And the three hundred and sixty-five orthodox gods that appeared at this moment were all selected after the clarification.

Most of them are disciples.

Of course, for the so-called openness and justice, a small number of them are from human religion, demon religion, and Western religion.

In fact, if there is no one who teaches and demons, Chen Xiaobei really wants to kill them all in one go!

Further back.

Entering the banquet hall belonged to the core high-level inside the heaven.

These people are not only powerful but also of high status, and some even have military power in their hands.

For example, Barefoot Taixian, Taibai Venus, Thunder God Mother Fengpo, the Four Heavenly Masters, the Eight Ming Kings, etc. etc ...

Among them, there is also a very beautiful fairy, whose face, body, and temperament are so beautiful that she is a nine-day goddess!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei didn't know her at the moment, and she didn't even want to appreciate the beauty.

Instead, I saw some familiar figures in the crowd.

There is a little old man with red hair and white hair in his hands.

The sky with a big eyeball and the sky with a big ear will sit together. It is the clairvoyant eye and the tailwind ear.

There is also a super cute little boy with a meatball head and a red bellyband, which is Xiao Nazhe.

By the side of Xiao Nazhe, there are two young men who are very similar to him. They are his two elder brothers, Jin Ju and Mu Ju.

As for their father, King Tota Li Jing, it didn't seem to have appeared.

"Strange ... Why didn't Li Jing come? Don't mess with me, please!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and her heart was a little frizzy.

After chatting with Jiang Ziya, Chen Xiaobei knew that Li Jing was a very powerful and very good at calculation.

In addition, Li Jingxiu is super strong and has a high status, and his men have more control over 100,000 soldiers.

If he does not come, Chen Xiaobei will never know.

But soon, his doubts were dispelled.

"The Jade Emperor! The queen mother and daughter are here! The immortals greet!"

As an immortal official shouted, all the gods and immortals in the banquet hall all stood up, bowed their heads, and looked respectfully at the door.

I saw ~ ~ The two heavenly Supremes shrouded in colorful halo and exhaling the divine aura, flew in side by side.

They have divine brilliance on their bodies and auspicious clouds under their feet, giving a feeling of transcendence and supremacy.

That's right!

These two people are the Emperor Jade and the Queen Mother.

At the same time, behind the queen mother, there are seven extremely beautiful fairies. They are wearing colorful fairy clusters.

On the other side, behind the Jade Emperor, followed by a middle-aged man wearing red gold armor and holding an exquisite pagoda! His aura is extremely arrogant, and even makes people feel that his cultivation is above the Jade Emperor!

That's right!

This person is King Tota, Li Jing!

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