Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3647: Pinch to death

"Booming ..."

The giant sword was cut off, the horrifying air waves were bursting with explosions, countless violent winds rolled the shock waves that shocked, and even tens of thousands of sky soldiers in front of the sword were all dispersed into the formation.


This is simply terrifying!

You know, the cultivation of these heavenly soldiers are all in the late period of Xuanxian and even the peak of Xuanxian.

Under such a state of cultivation, he would be scattered by the aftermath of Sili Xin's sword energy.

It can be seen that even if it is also the peak Xuanxian, it is also divided into three, six, and nine.

And Si Lixin is obviously the best among the peak Xuanxian, crushing opponents at the same level, it is easy.

Si Lixin can crush even the top peaks and xuanxian, let alone a small star like Chen Xiaobei?

I also knew with my toes that Chen Xiaobei would be dead. Even his body and Yuanshen had been killed by the ashes, and no trace could be kept.

"Wow ..."

However, at the next moment, there was a scene that made everyone incredible, and even shocked the soul's deepest!

"Well !!!"

Just listening to the sound of the explosion, the celestial sword that was condensed by Xianyuan suddenly collapsed.

The raging fairy Yuan and the strong wind roared, and in the illusion, gradually showed a weird face!

That's Chen Xiaobei's face!

However, his eyes had turned red! On top of his head and body, a magical energy like black flame emanates!

At this moment, the whole of him was agitated, and earth-shaking changes took place, as if an eternal monarch ruled the world, cold! Bloodthirsty! Violent! ruthless!

At his feet, all sentient beings either kneel to submit! Either dead or not!


Suddenly, the sound of cold breath exploded one after another in the crowd.

"So ... what's going on ?! Chen Zhufeng is pitiful to be weak! How could it break the sword of the sky! I ... wouldn't I be dreaming?"

"Look! How could Chen Zhufeng's body emit such terrible magic? It was the most primitive and pure sacred spirit !!"

"Holy ... holy spirit !? Oh my god, has Chen Zhufeng been enchanted? And, there are still the most demon-like demons in the form of saints!

The crowd was completely stunned, and even if they racked their brains, they could not imagine what was going on?

However, what made them even dream of it was that!

"Well !!!"

With the sharp howling of the torn air, Chen Xiaobei struck back at a very fast speed, and suddenly rushed into front of Si Lixin.

This speed is so fast that even the surrounding peak Xuanxian cannot see clearly!

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"Well !!!"

And when everyone saw it clearly, one palm of Chen Xiaobei was already bent into claws, and it suddenly penetrated into the arrogant Dantian of Si Lixin!

The flesh is like paper paste, easily pierced by Chen Xiaobei's fingers!

The pinnacle of Xuanxian class, like an egg shell, was easily pinched by Chen Xiaobei!

Chen Xiaobei's palm was covered by Xianyuan, and he directly grasped Si Lixin's Yuanshen, just like holding a little chicken. With a little force on the palm, he could be wiped out!

"Help ... Help! Chen Zhufeng's combat power has reached the level of one star and god! As long as he has a thought, I will be pinched to death !!!"

Si Lixin's Yuanshen screamed hysterically, terrified by the fear of death, and his heart was cracked.

"Who said to kill me easily? And who said that my censorship was a waste sect? I all remember what you look like! I will use your life to prove it to the world!"

Chen Xiaobei pinched Si Lixin's Yuan Shen, blood red eyes, and swept everyone on the scene like red lightning.

"I was wrong ... it was all my mouth ... I never dare ... Please forgive me ..."

Si Lixin was really frightened and said in a low voice: "And, it wasn't me who said it alone! You ... you can never kill everyone, right?"

"If everyone said it, I would kill everyone!" Chen Xiaobei's eyes were red, his pupils were scary, his face was devoid of feelings, and he was decisive, and no doubt!

"Chen Zhufeng! Who do you think you are!"

At this moment, the disciples in the realm of the gods all stood up, threatening in anger.

"Even if Chen Zhufeng is enchanted, it is just a realm of star and god. Among us, we can choose any one of us to kill you!"

"I urge you to immediately release Si Lixin's Yuan Shen, and we can make you happy! Otherwise, we must let you endlessly torture, not to survive! Not to die!"

"Chen Zhufeng! Hurry up and let go! Don't **** shame your face! Otherwise, you will die very, very ugly!"

Obviously, although Chen Xiaobei lost Si Lixin in seconds.

However, in the eyes of the four generations of disciples, Chen Xiaobei's strength is still very, very weak.

Even the most powerful three talented gods are too lazy to speak, still standing calmly behind the crowd, with an attitude of controlling the overall situation, arrogant Chen Xiaobei.

"Chen ... Chen Zhufeng! Did you hear me! You let me go! Otherwise, my brothers will surely let you die ..."

Si Lixin has the support of many people, and a little bravery.

It's a pity that he can't speak anymore before he finishes!


Chen Xiaobei shook his back, as if pinching the ants, directly squeezing the primal spirit of Si Lixin.

"Chen Zhufeng !!! You dare to kill Si Lixin !!! You are so goofy !!!"

Seeing the scene in front of her, all the remaining disciples roared, and their anger was like Chen Xiaobei shrouded in the past.

"I burned a hundred million years of life before I got this power! It is too bad to kill only one Lixin!"

Chen Xiaobei was completely afraid of other men's threats, and then took another step forward.

"The Black Lotus Warrior's Magic Seal !!!"

Just hearing a roar, Chen Xiaobei's spirit was soaring, and a lifelike black lotus method appeared in his brain.

Obviously, the burning of 100 million years of life by Chen Xiaobei is the power of the marrow of extinction.

This power can reach the level of one star Tenjin!

And ~ ~ can be invincible at the same level!

At the beginning, as strong as Anhua almost died under this force!

A sibling Xin Li, of course, can only be killed!

And as Chen Xiaobei said, killing only one Si Lixin is really sorry for the 100 million years of life burned!

"Insult me ​​to the captors! Kill! None! Forgiveness!"

The next moment, when Chen Xiaobei changed his mind, the black lotus law phase of the annihilation of the world suddenly rolled down, and the goal was directed to the five generations of disciples.

These disciples are all peak Xuanxian and have no power to fight back.

I can imagine the end!

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