Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3653: Final hole card

"Ji Jiuxuan ..."

Zijin Dragon's brows were slightly wrinkled and he had never heard of the name.

It seems that this person should be a personal disciple who was received by the Lantern Taoist after the last countless robbery.

The Randeng Taoist is the deputy leader of exegesis, the pinnacle of the supreme leader!

It is not surprising to be able to cultivate a character like Ji Jiuxuan!

Coincidentally, Shang Hengzhen, who had just been wiped out directly, was actually an apprentice to the Lantern Taoist!

If this battle is passed on, no matter the success or failure, Chen Xiaobei's name will resound through the Three Realms and shock all beings!

Even Ji Jiuxuan couldn't help praising: "Chen Zhufeng, although you killed my personal disciple, but I must admit that you are very good and you can come to this point, you can already be called a hero!"

"So, are you going to let me go?" Chen Xiaobei asked indifferently.

This answer is obviously negative. The reason why Chen Xiaobei asked consciously was to delay as much time as possible.

At the same time, the yin and yang life and death ring urged full force to release vitality and replenish immortal and spiritual power.

Especially mental power, in addition to supplementation, Chen Xiaobei even wants to make his mental power more, the more the better.

"It's impossible to let you go! But as long as you give up resistance, I can make you die happier!"

Ji Jiuxuan lived high and said very arrogantly: "Otherwise, if you kill three thousand disciples and destroy the heavens, you will suffer the most extreme torture by these two crimes. To this world! "

"Oh, there are so many people who say such things, who can really do it?" Chen Xiaobei's state of mind strengthened a little bit during the war, and he was able to be at ease in the face of Ji Jiuxuan, not to be surprised or afraid.


Ji Jiuxuan narrowed her eyes and sneered with interest: "You mean, you have the ability to defeat me?"

"My character, you should have heard that, even if I can't defeat you, I won't give in to you!" Chen Xiaobei's tone was quite calm, but he could reveal a domineering overwhelming.

Not afraid of death, what else can make him afraid at this time?

"That being the case, there is nothing to say!"

Ji Jiuxuan's complexion gradually became colder, and there was a strong killing intention in his eyes, cruel and bloodthirsty!

"Wow ..."

In a hurry, the green and gold mixed Yuan Shenghui suddenly condensed. Behind Ji Jiuxuan, he transformed a 90,000-foot Changhong into the sky from the depths of the sky, and the power and horror were incredible, such as the fall of thousands of stars, enough to destroy a whole bit surface!

"Booming ..."

This extremely horrifying force is crushing towards the Zijin Dragon!

The power gap between the two sides has reached the triple small realm, and it is a triple small realm at the quasi-holy level!

This gap is so big that it is no longer an order of magnitude!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Zijin Dragon is hit, it will die in an instant, and the one-piece body will have the gods, and all will die out and die out completely!

"Swallow the world !!!"

However, Chen Xiaobei had already made plans to fight hard.

I saw that the Purple Dragon suddenly opened its mouth and tried its best to devour the terrifying power from the blue-gold Changhong.

Because this power is too horrible, Zijin Dragon's physique can no longer bear it.

Therefore, when it was half consumed, the body of Zijin Dragon began to show serious damage.

The dragon scales were blown up by pieces, and they suddenly fell to the ground, cutting countless palaces to flat ground.

The skin cracked and cracked, and the hot dragon's blood fell, and a purple-gold dragon-witch fire was ignited on the ground, and the fire spread, which was about to burn the entire heavenly continent.

After Qingjin Changhong was completely forcibly swallowed, the dragon's horns and claws of the Zijin Dragon appeared cracks.

It can be seen that the internal organs, tendons, and bones of the dragon have all been severely damaged.

Of course, the battle has progressed to this point, Chen Xiaobei has long ignored these injuries, and the side effects of Wuji Shengmodan will be more terrifying and fatal than these injuries!

"Inverse Cangtian !!!"

The next moment, the Zijin Battle Dragon issued a frantic and furious roar!

"Booming !!!!!!"

The dragon opened its mouth wide and suddenly sprayed a purple-golden power covering the sky.

This might is mainly the power of Qingjin Changhong, but also the power of Zijin Dragon itself.

The combination of the two forces, in terms of destructive power, has exceeded the strength of Ji Jiuxuan himself.

"Huh! What's the point of dying and struggling?"

Faced with a more powerful force than himself, Ji Jiuxuan has no fear, and even thinks that he can eat Chen Xiaobei.

do not forget!

Ji Jiuxuan is a disciple of the Lantern Taoist!

How could it be defeated simply by swallowing the world and against the sky?

I also know with my toes that Ji Jiuxuan has a hole card, and once the hole card is out, he can directly counter the power of against the sky!

Therefore, he was very confident in his heart, without any fear at all!

"Pangu! Space spirit!"


Ji Jiuxuan is absolutely unexpected, and Chen Xiaobei also has other hole cards!

"Wow ..."

In an instant ~ ~ Chen Xiaobei burned a huge amount of mental energy, and the Pangu time energy gift presented by Zhu Jiuyin was motivated to the extreme!

"not good!!!"

Ji Jiuxuan is shrouded in time, and the time around him is still!

Even if he has more cards, he will never come up! Even if you want to defend, you cannot consolidate the body protection Shenghui!

Suddenly, the power of Niangtiantian has exploded!

Ji Jiuxuan can only wait to die, nothing can be done!

"Booming ..."

The terrible power of the horror was suddenly smashed, and Ji Jiuxuan's physical body, Fa body, and Yuanshen were seriously wounded in an instant!

After all, Ji Jiuxuan's strength is one-star pinnacle, and the power against the sky is not enough to kill him!

However, all this has long been expected by Chen Xiaobei.

Another hole card was played.

"Pangu! Space spirit!"

Just listen, Zijin Dragon roared again.

Ji Jiuxuan, who was supposed to be bombarded and flew hundreds of millions of miles, was imprisoned in a cage of space.

"Please sword !!!"

The next moment, the Zijin Dragon burned all the mental power and inspired the strongest blow!

With the words, the whole space suddenly turned into darkness.

On top of the dragon's head, an extremely dark sword air rose up.

Suddenly, an extremely horrifying murderous shroud instantly.

Stronger than Ji Jiuxuan, the heart can't help clenching, her pupils shrink, and she feels like being pushed into an endless battlefield!

The blood is like the sea, the bones are sky-high! It's scary to the deepest soul!

"This ... this is ..."

Ji Jiuxuan's eyes were wider than that of bull's eyes, because the injuries were very serious, and blood was flowing from the eye sockets and nose and mouth.

Blood-stained, he mourned in a near-collapsed state: "Yanxian Sword !!!"

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