Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3654: Death is coming

Chen Xiaobei's heart tightened completely.

Originally I wanted to sit in the mountains and watch the tiger fight, and watch the anti-Northern Alliance and the Blackwater Xuan snake fight for it.

However, it never occurred to him that behind the Blackwater Mystic Snake, there was a buffalo blessing force. In less than half a minute, seven of the nine giants were destroyed!

In addition, the snake tail has been killed, in case the dragon purple shirt and the thoughtful Xian can't carry it, everything can be finished.

Between this flash of light and flint, even if Chen Xiaobei wanted to save people, he had no time to make a shot.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The head of the snake was restrained in the front, and the side attacked in the middle of the tail of the snake. This attack, no matter how you look at it, is more fierce.


The next moment, the snake's head suddenly avoided the Xiaotiantian mark, like a cannonball, directly bombarded Zhou Daoxian.

The snake tail was drawn from the side toward Long Zi shirt.

"Boom! Hey ..." Zhou Daoxian was too late to dodge, and the snake head was being installed on his chest, directly hitting him with blood on the spot.

Of course, after all, Zhou Daoxian is recognized as the strongest person on the planet, with a staggering 650,000 strength.

Although he was spitting blood on the spot, he was not as embarrassed as a few people just now. He could still stand after at least a dozen meters backward, that is, there is still a battle.

"Boom! Uh ..."

On the other side, Long Zi shirt used her purple full moon scimitar to block it. Although she blocked the tail of the snake, she was pumped out by the giant force.

Long Zi shirt was a little weaker than Zhou Daoxian, and his reluctance still stood firm.

Long Zi shirt pursed his lips. Although he did not vomit blood, he had actually suffered internal injuries and blood had flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Master !!!!"

In the far end, Liu Xuanxin screamed, extremely anxious, and even wanted to rush to the side of Long Zishan.

"Don't come! Escape! Escape the Emperor's Tomb immediately and never come back!" Long Zishan shouted loudly. As soon as he spoke, more blood was left.

Although Long Zishan could still stand, he was obviously not badly injured.

Moreover, what Long Zishan said was like saying goodbye to Liu Xuanxin. It can be seen that Long Zishan did not have the slightest idea of ​​winning, and could not even ensure that he could escape.

After all, as long as she turned and ran away, the blackwater snake would surely chase.

At the speed of the black water snake, I am afraid that no one can run out of the emperor's tomb, and will be completely wiped out in the process of escape.

"Mr. Dragon! There are your apprentices and old apprentices ..."

Zhou Daoxian said in a deep voice: "This is the critical moment of life and death. The old man hopes that the Dragon Sovereign can work with the old man to win some escape time for the juniors!"

"Okay! I'm willing to fight against Zhou Zongzhu!" Long Zishan's gaze was fixed, and he had made up his mind to continue to carry on and win the actual escape for Liu Xuanxin and others.

"Everyone obeys the order! Escape immediately from the imperial tomb!" Zhou Daoxian immediately gave orders.

Immediately afterwards, the people of the major forces acted one after another, taking the giants who were badly wounded, and fled to the rear desperately.


Seeing that the prey was about to run, the blackwater mystic snake actually gave out a furious roar.

Everyone was puzzled, but Chen Xiaobei knew that Heishui Xuanshe was saying, whoever wants to leave alive!


The next moment, a scene unexpected to everyone appeared.

The black water snake even gave up Zhou Daoxian and Long Zi shirt. The body was like a spring, and it suddenly ejected with force. The upper body rose into the air, like a black Changhong, directly hitting the stone wall on one side.

"Booming ..."

For a moment, the ground shook, as if the entire Laoshan was about to collapse.

The stone wall collapsed instantly, countless megaliths fell down, and in a blink of an eye, the passage where everyone escaped was completely blocked.

"It's over ... now we're all dead ..."

Suddenly, wailing rang through the space, and hundreds of good people were shrouded in despair.

There is no doubt that Zhou Daoxian and Long Ziyi lost, but it is only a matter of time. If everyone can't escape the imperial tomb, the rest will only be a dead end.

"Roar! Roar! Roar ..."

The black water mystic snake raised his head high and exclaimed with excitement.

Chen Xiaobei knows that Blackwater Hydra is mocking, stupid humans, weak humans, you all have to die! This is the end of your trespassing to my tomb! As long as my blackwater snake is on the earth, no one can enter the inside of the mausoleum!

Listening to the roar of the black water mysterious snake, including Long Zishan and Zhou Daoxian, hundreds of people at the scene were completely desperate.

However, you can't escape, you can't do anything except wait for death! Nothing is more painful in life!


The black water mysterious snake narrowed its eyes and glanced at the crowd. The roar meant, who should I kill? Bored for thousands of years, be sure to have fun this time.


Just then, Liu Xuanxin ran over and hugged Long Zi's arm tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Long Zishan frowned, his eyes full of anxiety.

"I can't escape anyway ... there is only a dead end. I want to die with Master!" Liu Xuanxin said, his eyes turned red.

"Silly girl ..." Long Zishan sighed, but was speechless. At this moment, there is absolutely no hope of escape, and it may be a good choice to die together.


Hei Xuanxun's gaze shifted, staring directly at Liu Xuanxin.

The roar means, eh? This chick has a special smell on her body, a bit like a monster? Something like Reiki? Is it ... she will be a special constitution in the legend?

"Animal! I want to touch my apprentice! Step on my body first!" Long Zishan noticed the black water mysterious snake's gaze, and immediately pulled Liu Xuanxin behind, roaring at the black water mysterious snake.


The blackwater mystic snake is full of disdain, and the roar is full of ridicule. Isn't it easy to die? I'll start with the two women! Kill your old woman first, then slowly taste the special constitution of that little girl!

"Master ..." Liu Xuanxin was stared at by the black water mysterious snake, and the whole man couldn't help but tremble slightly, his heart beating, and his fear was extremely extreme.

"Don't be afraid ... to die together ..." Long Zishan held Liu Xuanxin's small hand and firmly protected Liu Xuanxin behind him.


The black water snake is not a joke ~ ~ With a roar, it slumped down, opened its blood basin and opened its mouth, biting at Long Zi shirt and Liu Xuanxin.

This big mouth is very wide, directly covering Long Zishan and Liu Xuanxin, they can swallow them both at the same time!

"Destined ... this time is really destined ..." Long Zishan and Liu Xuan were desperate, closing their eyes in unison, waiting silently for the coming of death.


The blood basin of the Blackwater Mysterious Snake suddenly came down, accompanied by its bursts of smirks.

(End of this chapter)

(Sanqi Chinese et)

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